Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 264 Azu, it's time to pay!

Chapter 264 Azu, it's time to pay!
"Say, are you looking forward to it in your heart?"

"Are you acting in your true colors?"

Touching the collar on his neck, Tang Yi remembered the bomb collar from before.

Suddenly, she had a vague guess, and then planned to trick Su Ye.

Just as Su Ye took out the rope, when he heard this, his expression remained unchanged and he replied: "No, it's just acting."

"I can't think of any other way, and she's coming over soon, so just feel wronged."

While talking, Su Ye took her pair of slender hands, and then wrapped the rope around it.

"When the embassy settles down, I will have a showdown with Chanel. At that time, I will persuade her to accept you."

"Don't worry, I won't like the third person again, I swear"

Before he finished speaking, Su Ye felt a softness and his mouth was blocked.

When Tang Yi heard him say that there would be a showdown when he got to the embassy, ​​she was moved in an instant.

If possible, no one would be willing to be a third party all the time.

At the same time, Lin Yuner's uneasy urging sounded in Su Ye's ears.

Leaning back slightly, he looked at Tang Yi and said, "She is leaving, let's hurry up, wait for you to act more realistically, you should scream, you should cry, don't let her see through you."

"Don't worry, Miss Ben wanted to be an actress in the past, and she even taught herself books like actor's self-cultivation."

"Unfortunately, Dad won't allow me to go."

Seeing her being arrogant at first, then regretting later, Su Ye was a little relieved, and picked up the iron chain.

After a while.

Su Ye led her around in a decent manner.

"Very good, you acted very well with your pitiful demeanor."

He continued: "I'll go outside to make preparations first, and you wait for me inside."

When he came outside the RV, he pressed his wings, and Su Ye, who was dressed in a black robe, quickly disappeared into the night.

Regarding how to capture Jiang Yubing, the plan discussed by Su Ye and Chu Wei is to use thermal imaging detection equipment to confirm the trace.

Lin Yun'er was able to send her with a third-level strength to install and position, so she must have great confidence in her professional ability.

As long as the thermal imaging can detect her trace, then it will be easy to talk about the subsequent capture.

After all, Su Ye was a whole rank higher than her.

A few minutes later, above the RV, Su Ye focused on the thermal imaging display screen in his hand.

"You can open the live broadcast room."

"Oh, yes, almost forgot."

By the way, Su Ye suddenly remembered, what should I do with that scene that is not suitable for children! ?

You can't close the live broadcast room, after all, you have to let the psychological experts from the main world observe.

It would be great if there is a mosaic, and I don’t know if this function will appear in the future.

Su Ye watched the various functions of the live broadcast room for a while, and then closed the live broadcast interface with some regret.

As for the words of tiger and wolf on the barrage.
He felt that he would have to see how to block the perspective later, and he couldn't take advantage of them.

"I'm quite worried about whether you can act well."

Hearing Chu Wei's questioning, Su Ye suddenly looked a little embarrassed, "I can only say do my best."

Area B1.

A dormitory building with faint neon lights.

Room 302.

I saw Tang Chenxuan moved out a little listlessly, and when he looked closely, his legs were a little weak.

I knew it was only one.

The women in Bangguo really know how to play.

Just as he was feeling emotional, a figure emerged from the stairs and walked down, and then came to Tang Chenxuan's side.

Looking at Uncle Chen with a refreshed face, Tang Chenxuan's eyes showed admiration.

They are both men, and they both called two. Why is he so good?
Chen Dongkui patted him on the shoulder and handed him a cigarette, "Boy, thank you, I haven't felt so comfortable for a long time."

"I don't smoke, thank you!"

Hearing this, Chen Dongkui was stunned for a moment, "It's the end of the day, and you don't even smoke, day after day, why bother, enjoy it for a while, boy!"

"I heard that smoking can cause bad breath, sorry."

"Okay then!" Chen Dongkui didn't care, he looked ahead and coughed a few times, as if he wanted to say something.

After being silent for a while, he pretended to be calm and said: "Boy, do you have colorful eggs or crystal nuclei on your body? I'll settle the bill and I'll pay you back later."

When the other party's words came to his ears, Tang Chenxuan froze for an instant.

Then, he came to his senses and looked at Chen Dongkui with an incredulous expression on his face, " don't even have crystal nuclei and colorful eggs?"

Uncle Chen is a fourth-order superpower user.

Still following a local tyrant like my brother-in-law.

actually actually
Seeing Tang Chenxuan's appearance, Chen Dongkui suddenly had a vague premonition, and looked at him with a slight frown, "Don't tell me, you didn't either!?"

"That... that I used up the last few crystal nuclei I bought Okamoto in the morning."

"I thought you had..."

Tang Chenxuan rubbed his head, feeling very embarrassed, after all, he brought his uncle here.

at this time.

"Guanxi, why haven't you brought it for so long, we have to continue to serve the next customer!"

Hearing the shout upstairs, Chen Dongkui's expression changed instantly.

"Azu, it's time to pay the bill!"

At the same time, in Room 302 behind Tang Chenxuan, two female college students in school uniforms came out.

Parking lot in area C3.

Jiang Yubing quietly observed the very conspicuous armored car in the dark.

as an agent.

She is very patient.

5 minutes passed.

10 minutes passed.

10 minutes passed.

When the moonlight was suddenly covered by clouds and her vision dimmed, her figure gradually merged into the ground and walked towards the RV.

Above the RV, Su Ye was wearing advanced night vision goggles and holding a thermal imaging detection monitor, and his figure began to descend rapidly.

Looking at the approaching black shadow on the ground, a short staff of starlight appeared in his hand, and then output the magic power in his body.

'Thunder net'!
In an instant, the two skills were released one after another, but after landing, he frowned.

The shadow was gone and didn't hit her.

After looking at the thermal image, Su Ye sneered, did he move 50 meters to the west?
Flapping his wings and flying at a low altitude, he quickly saw a staggering figure.

After a while, Su Ye returned to the RV with Jiang Yubing.

Glancing at Jiang Yubing who was struggling in his hand, Su Ye said something deliberately, then opened the door of the master bedroom and walked in.

"It's great to have another toy tonight!"

When Jiang Yubing heard this, the next second she saw a girl crawling on the ground in the room.

Look at the collar on the girl's neck.

Looking at the girl's exposed scars all over her body.

In an instant, her heart went cold!
It's over, it's in the hands of the pervert!

Su Ye tied her to a stool, checked her repeatedly, and saw that there were no loopholes, so he got up and came to Tang Yi to perform the card angle operation.

"So you can see it?"

"This live broadcast camera seems to be able to understand your wishes, and Tang Yi has not been released from the field of vision."

"That's good, it must be intelligent, but I don't know how intelligent it is."

(End of this chapter)

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