Chapter 265 Test!

The moonlight was like flowing water, quietly pouring on Hoshino Chana from the window.

Looking at the sparse night starry sky, her eyes were red and she tossed and turned, but her thoughts were complicated.

Hoshino Kanna finally thought of the meaning of the words Tang Yi cried out that day when Oni-chan was seriously injured and was dying.

Although do not understand.

But it is nothing more than the content of words expressing meaning.

In that case, I'm not sure I can save Oni-chan.

That's why she spoke out the love she had hidden in her heart.

But obviously I was the first to know Oni-chan!

Obviously I confessed to Oni-chan first.


Why do you want to grab Oni sauce from me?
Sister Tang, you are too much!
She didn't know how to deal with and deal with this relationship that had changed.

If she didn't even think about it before the apocalypse broke out, she would just say two words: Break up!

but now.

She can't do without Oni sauce.

But at this moment, she faintly heard some strange voices.

'Ahhh..don't want me..'

This is?

It seems to be Sister Tang's voice..
Doubt, curiosity, puzzlement. Under.

Hoshino Kana lifted the quilt, then put on her slippers, walked quietly to the door, and put her ears on them.

When the cry that gradually became clear came, her heart was shocked, and her face turned red all of a sudden.

Oni sauce you
Sister Tang..she..she..actually
how can she
Immediately afterwards, two hot tears slid down her pretty face and dripped down.

How can they do this.
Oni sauce, is this how you comfort Sister Tang?

Turning around, leaning against the door and slowly sitting down.

Hoshino Kana put her knees together, put her hands on them, and then buried her head in tears.

next door.

"It can be determined. The conclusion submitted by the psychologist team is that there is a 67% probability that she has not been instigated."

Su Ye breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the voice next to his ear.

On the ground, Tang Yi, who was covered in 'scars', was trembling non-stop, and murmured weakly, "(in Chinese) please stop torturing me..."

With this acting skills, Tang Guohao missed a daughter who could win an Oscar.

At this time, Su Ye was beside him with a hideous face.

Jiang Yubing, who was tied up tightly and had his mouth sealed with tape, was looking at this scene with blemishes and kept humming.

"It's your turn, my little one."

Su Ye came to her with a smirk, and tore off the tape on her mouth.



"You have to die!"

When the girl yelled begging for mercy in Chinese, Jiang Yubing suddenly felt ill.

She was actually a girl from Xia Kingdom.

It also fell into the hands of this pervert.

Su Ye saw that she was very emotional, but unexpectedly threw away the whip in his hand.

He looked at Jiang Yubing quietly and didn't speak for a while.

"If you want to torture me, come here and satisfy your animal-like perversion."

"Even if I die, I will turn into a ghost and demand your life."

"However, don't worry, I will never scream. Do you really want to hear a woman's scream? You are disappointed."

She, Jiang Yubing, has received relevant anti-torture training.

Basically, she can adapt to most torture methods.

Seeing that she had calmed down a little, Su Ye said, "I know you, and I have been eyeing you for a long time."

"Jiang Yubing, codenamed Bingyu, am I right?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yubing's pupils shrank involuntarily for an instant, and then he tried his best to control his expression not to show any signs.

"What are you talking about, I don't understand."

She denies it.

"If it wasn't for the doomsday outbreak, I would have arrested you in real time."

"You are in 2019 to steal information about the 'Satan' anti-missile system."

"Am i right?!"

Su Ye looked at her with a calm face, his eyes seemed a little deep.

What Chu Wei said about revealing his identity was not directly revealing his identity.

Instead, a fictional one is used to carry out the next temptation.

That is to test her against her.

To find out her loyalty.


Jiang Yubing was already stupefied by fright, looking at Su Ye with a dull expression on his face.

How did he know?
No, no!
Since he knew that I came here in 19 years, why did he allow me to perform tasks for four or five years?
Could it be that.
With a judgment, in an instant, Jiang Yubing's whole body seemed to have lost his soul, and two tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

I'm sorry country!

I harmed the motherland
Seeing her appearance, a gleam of light flashed in the depths of Su Ye's eyes.

But the test still has to go on.

He said calmly, "Now, I'll give you a chance."

"Otherwise, I will kill her, and let her be tortured and humiliated before she dies."

"How dare you, you bastard!"

"Axi, you bastard, you will die badly"

After hearing these words, Jiang Yubing suddenly went crazy and struggled, but Su Ye's binding technique was so powerful that she couldn't move.

Su Ye got up and came in front of Tang Yi, stepped on her right hand, turned to look at Jiang Yubing, "I'll count to three seconds, if you don't agree, I'll crush her hand."

"Then the left hand, then the left forearm, the left forearm, the right forearm, the right forearm."

"Until you crush all her bones, then give her a healing potion, and repeat the process until you agree."

Listening to the words ringing in his ears, Jiang Yubing looked at the girl on the ground in a daze, his lips were trembling.

in the live room.

"Damn it, brother Huohua is amazing. It would be fine if there was no healing potion. With this thing, you can operate it repeatedly. Who can resist not agreeing."

"I will not disclose my identity, but I can tell you that you often have to face psychological torture and choose."

"They will all meet, some even meet several times, some compromise, some would rather die than submit"

"They are the most loyal hidden fighters to the country. Faced with such a scene, it is undoubtedly a knife in their hearts, and it is the kind that cannot be healed."

"I'm so conflicted. I hope she can agree, and I hope she won't."

"Yes, but no matter whether she agrees or not, she is right. It is a forced and helpless choice."

"Hail to us covert warriors."

"Salute, great warrior, you have worked hard!"

(End of this chapter)

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