Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 266 Entering China without Regrets in This Life and Being a Xia Countryman in the Next Life!

Chapter 266 Entering China without Regrets in This Life and Being a Xia Countryman in the Next Life!

Area B.

"We came here in a hurry. Really, listen to my explanation. I'll go back and get the crystal core. After I get it from the captain, how about giving you double?"

"Axi, don't you lie to me?"

"Otherwise, we women will let you go if we save ourselves."

"No, in this way, let's leave one person here, and one person will go to get the crystal core or colorful eggs. You also know that we made so much in the morning, so we won't rely on it."

"Our captain will not ignore us, don't worry."

"Okay, I'll wait for you here, which one of you will go?"

"Uncle Chen, let me go, I have the power of the wind, so go faster."

"Go and come back, you kid!!"

Tang Chenxuan heaved a sigh of relief, smiled at the debt collector again and again, then quickly turned around and rushed towards the RV.

the other side.

Tang Yi already understood the plot.

Glancing at the boot that was stepping on her right hand, she looked at Jiang Yubing pitifully.

Do your best to play your part.

Although what Su Ye said was cruel, she was not unacceptable.

After all, she is no longer the Tang Yi she was before the apocalypse broke out.

Been strengthened by colorful eggs, and experienced so many things with Su Ye.

Her heart has also become stronger, and it is okay to bear this pain.

Of course, it's better not to go to the last step, or the whole body's bones will be crushed, which will be really painful.

On the opposite side, facing the pitiful appearance of a compatriot girl, Jiang Yubing felt a bone-piercing cold that rose from his back and went straight to the back of his head.

As if she was falling into an endless abyss, she couldn't accept this cruel fact.




However, Su Ye acted according to the plan, and he did what he said, and saw that the other party was still silent after he counted three seconds.

He immediately stepped on it hard, crushing Tang Yi's entire right hand.


Hearing the heart-piercing screams from the girl's face of pain, Jiang Yubing's eyes froze for a moment, and then he let out an extreme cry.

"No no. Don't"

"Do you agree?" Su Ye put his foot on Tang Yi's left hand.

"I, I..." Jiang Yubing's breath fluctuated violently, but his heart was as painful as if he had been stabbed by a needle.

One side is faith.

On one side are compatriots.





in the live room.

"It's so cruel, I can't accept it, so I don't want to watch it."

"I feel that Brother Huohua at this moment is so strange."

"Mothers, go to sleep. It's all about acting. Besides, there is a healing potion. Tang Yi will be fine. Besides, Brother Huohua will control the speed and not really crush her."

"That's right, is there anyone who hasn't reacted?"

"A secret agent and an assassin, as long as she can withstand this test, Brother Huohua can rest assured of her, and the soul imprinting team will be formed."

"That's right, how hard it is to find an assassin who can be 100% assured!"

"Nurse, ADC, top laner, assassin, all-around main output brother Huohua, you can see that these five people are just right."

"No one thinks that Tang Chenxuan is reliable!! No way!?"


room scene.

Jiang Yubing finally made a decision.

The next moment, I saw her yelling at Tang Yi quickly.

"Bite your tongue and kill yourself, I beg you, quickly bite your tongue and kill yourself, we have no choice."

"Do you want me to betray the motherland!?"

"Even if I compromise temporarily, it's useless. They have the means to completely control me."

"As Xia people, how can we violate our inner moral principles and betray the country?"

"I beg you, quickly bite your tongue and kill yourself, we are heroes, we are martyrs, only in this way, we will not be ashamed of those heroic souls who sacrificed their lives for the motherland"

Seeing Jiang Yubing's appearance and hearing her words, Su Ye's eyes flashed, and he winked at Tang Yi quietly, telling her to stick out her tongue quickly.

However, in order not to reveal any flaws, Su Ye was very cooperative in his reaction after hearing what the other party said.

I saw him stepping on Tang Yi's left forearm with an angry face.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!."

Jiang Yubing watched the girl stick out her tongue after screaming in pain, and a gleam of relief flashed in her eyes.

"I will enter Huaxia without regret in this life, and I will be a native of Xia in my next life!"

She yelled, and then she looked determined, and stuck out her tongue.

this moment.

this time.

this moment.

In the main world, no one is unmoved, and no one shows admiration for her.

"This is the best agent. Can our agents be like her?" Wang Wang asked the FBI director.

He shook his head slowly and hesitantly, and replied with some trepidation: "Just one or two maybe, can you not compromise under such circumstances!?"

"FUCK! How did you become the chief of the bureau? You were fired!" Wang Wang ran away in an instant.

Neon Country.

"I remembered a story my grandfather told me. At that time, he caught a Xia Guo spy, and the other party also bit his tongue decisively and committed suicide."

A middle-aged man in military uniform looked at the screen in the live broadcast room and expressed emotion to the people around him.

"The cohesion of this nation and the culture that has been passed down for 5000 years, I think if the United States continues to target it like this, it will be pilled sooner or later."

And in the live broadcast room, the screen was full of 'Enter China without regrets in this life, and be a native of Xia in the next life!' ' and 'Salute! 'Keep drifting by.

on site.

Just after Jiang Yubing was about to bite down hard.

Su Ye teleported to her and pinched her mouth so that she couldn't use any force.

He looked at her with admiration, and smiled, "Congratulations, you passed my test."

Jiang Yubing was about to shake his head and try to shake off his hand, but when he heard this sentence, he froze for an instant.


What a test! ?
Behind, Tang Yi, who was lying on the ground, also heaved a sigh of relief.

It's finally over!

Enduring the pain, she took out the healing potion and drank it quickly.

Su Ye looked at her, and was not in a hurry to untie her. After all, her mood fluctuated very much now, and she might start to untie her.

"Let me introduce myself first. I am an SSS-level super agent of the Xia Kingdom. I am directly under the orders of the Great Elder. I came here to perform a mission last year and encountered a biochemical crisis, so I stayed here."

This sudden reversal made Jiang Yubing's face full of astonishment.

"That's why I can know your identity information and related intelligence."

"You don't think that a small place like Bangguo will have such a powerful ability to send people to lurk among the high-level intelligence agencies of our country?"

Jiang Yubing frowned, and first looked behind him, the girl.

Tang Yi just drank the healing potion at this moment, but it will take time to recover, so he is sitting against the corner to rest.

Seeing her gaze, Su Ye smiled slightly: "She is Tang Yi, the daughter of our embassy chief Tang Guohao."

"I rescued her when I passed by the Xiushan community before, and I was about to send her to the embassy."

"As for the scene just now, it was a scene I asked her to cooperate with me."

"What is the purpose, you must have realized it?"

at the same time.

Tang Chenxuan rushed into the RV in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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