Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 267 Doomsday Emotional Drama

Chapter 267 Doomsday Emotional Drama

After Jiang Yubing calmed down, he began to meditate on what the other party said.

Although what the other party said is reasonable and well-founded, it cannot be ruled out that the other party continued to routinely use this method after seeing that he was uncompromising.

After a while, she looked at Su Ye with all her thoughts and said, "You still need to produce more convincing evidence."

"For example, your code name!?"

"Some of the situation and organizational structure of our country's intelligence agencies, etc."

She stared at Su Ye intently, observing the other's facial expression.

Su Ye was already prepared for her reaction.

"My code name: Spark!"

"As for our intelligence agencies"

When he said the second sentence, he turned off the live broadcast room and the sound, and turned it on after he finished speaking.

Immediately afterwards, seeing the shocked expression on the other party's face, Su Ye smiled lightly and said, "Having said so much, can you prove my identity?"

Under everyone's gaze, Jiang Yubing's expression gradually eased until he was completely relaxed.

"I believe you."

"Untie me!"

At the same time, the judgment of the psychologist also sounded in Su Ye's ears, and the other party really believed it.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and stepped forward to untie her.

In the rear, Tang Yi had almost recovered, so he dragged a chain and wanted to untie her with Su Ye.

At the same time, I would like to express my apologies to the spy comrade of the motherland.

After all, the scene just now was really tormenting.

Meanwhile, outside the door.

Tang Chenxuan rushed to the room where Hoshino Kannai and Tang Yi lived, and then tapped on the door very lightly.

It's not easy, my brother-in-law lives opposite, if there is too much movement, it will increase the risk of exposure.

In the room, behind the door.

Hoshino Kana, who was crying silently, suddenly felt the slight shake of the door being slapped.

Someone is knocking on the door! ?

But why knock so lightly! ?
She stood up and opened the door to the left somewhat strangely.

"Where... um... where is my cousin?" Tang Chenxuan froze for a moment when he saw Chanel appearing, then hissed and asked, looking behind her.

Immediately afterwards, he noticed Chanel's eyes that were red and swollen from crying, and her face covered with tears, "What's wrong with you?"

He was a little curious, looking at the tearful eyes, how sad it was to cry!

What happened?

Dumped by brother-in-law?
Before he could think about it, Hoshino Kanna said coldly: "Your cousin is opposite."

"Reproduce offspring with your brother-in-law, hum!"

Upon hearing this, Tang Chenxuan immediately understood.

What the hell!

Well done, brother-in-law!

Although I don't know what happened between her brother-in-law and her, but it is absolutely inseparable from my cousin.

Tsk tsk tsk, I just had the idea to help you, but before I even made a move, you, cousin, took the position smoothly!
As expected of my uncle's daughter, this scheming family has a deep family history.

This should be placed in ancient times, it is definitely at the level of Zhen Huan.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Chenxuan became excited.

Does this mean I have a chance?
Go back and discuss it with your cousin, let her eat brother-in-law to death.

There are two sisters and one brother, you must be tall, rich and handsome, I will marry Bai Fumei, and we will reach the pinnacle of life together, it is perfect!

But put these aside for the time being, the most urgent thing is to wipe the butt clean first.

"Well, Miss Chanel, do you have colorful eggs or crystal nuclei on your body?"

"I need it urgently. Can you lend me five second-level colorful eggs or fifty green crystal cores? I will return them to you when I get them from my cousin."

"No!" Hoshino Kanna shook her head, her watch was full of weaponry potions, and Tang Chenxuan said there were none of them.

"The money is with your brother-in-law, you can ask him for it!"

She gestured to the door behind him with her eyes.

Tang Chenxuan was about to ask again, but he swallowed the words again.

Because he thought of something, she was just squeezed away from her brother-in-law by her cousin's tricks, so she must not be pleasing to him.

So even if there is, I probably won't lend it to myself.

Without wasting any more words, he turned around and looked at the door with hesitation.

What are my cousin and brother-in-law doing there?
What a coincidence!
But there is no way.

Uncle Chen was still waiting there.

Coupled with the physique of my cousin and brother-in-law, I don't know how long it will take for them to finish their work.

After struggling for a while, he gritted his teeth and slammed on the door.

Behind Tang Chenxuan, Hoshino Kanna was about to close the door, but when her hand touched the groove of the door, she stopped suddenly.

Looking across, she wanted to see the situation in the opposite room.

Make a final confirmation.

In the room, after Jiang Yubing let go, I learned some information from her, which made Su Ye and Tang Yizheng ponder.

After hearing someone knocking on the door, Su Ye subconsciously went to open the door.

"What's wrong?" Su Ye asked slightly surprised when he saw Tang Chenxuan.

"Brother-in-law, I'll borrow it from you"

Before Tang Chenxuan could speak, he froze for a moment.

Look at the collar on my cousin's neck.

Looking at the scars all over my cousin.

Look at the self-evident props on the floor of the room, such as whips, candles, and clips.
At this moment, his eyes widened, and he stood on the spot as if struck by lightning.

And behind Tang Chenxuan.

Just after Su Ye opened the door.

Subconsciously, puzzled, and curious, Hoshino Kanna stretched out her head and glanced at it.

With just one glance, she was instantly stunned just like Tang Chenxuan.

In an instant, the picture she peeked at last time appeared in her mind.

The night the Black Rain game started.

In the living room, six women were tied up by Oni-chan.

Real hammer!
Tang Yi must have seen it secretly that day, and knew that O'Neill sauce has this hobby.

So she took this opportunity tonight, in this way, to have sex with Oni sauce first.

Desperately, he closed the door.

She instinctively walked towards the bed, her mind was full of wild thoughts, and for a while, tears welled up like a fountain.

Just as she closed the door, Tang Chenxuan, who came back to his senses, immediately ran away and yelled.

"Dog thief, dare to bully my sister like this, I will fight you."

"Face the wind, Hasa!"

In an instant, the Tang knife appeared in his hand, and he stabbed it directly.

"No, Chenxuan, it's not what you think." Tang Yi yelled hastily, and then immediately started packing up.

Su Ye turned sideways helplessly, allowing Tang Chenxuan to rush in.

"Please explain to him well, I'll go and see Chanel."

After leaving a word, he walked out of the room and closed the door behind his back.

Standing at the door, after thinking for a while, he turned off the live broadcast room and the sound, then opened the door and walked in.

In the live broadcast room with a black screen.

"Wow, capsize, capsize!!!"

"The doomsday emotional drama is about to enter a white-hot stage."

"Damn it, the live broadcast room was closed at a critical moment. Guess what will happen next?"

"Under normal circumstances, when facing an angry woman, you can talk sweetly and flirt, and then it's almost done."

"Damn it, no wonder Brother Huohua closed the live broadcast room."

"It's time for our emotional experts to play."

"I'm so envious of Brother Huohua. Apart from the emotional crisis, there are countless experts to help him find a way."

(End of this chapter)

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