Chapter 269 One Blood
In the middle of the night, at the base of the High School Survivors League.

Area B1.

On the first floor of a teaching building.

Su Ye sneaked into an office quietly.

"SSS-level agents are on their first mission!"

"No, no, the first task is to take down the two women, and the progress is now 0.1%."

"No, it's 0.000000001%."

"Infinitely close to zero?"


Su Ye was wearing white gloves, and books of materials were flipped through his hands.

hours later.

"How about it?"

"It's all recorded."

"Okay, it's time to go to his residence."

Following Su Ye's figure, he flew out of the window directly.

ten minutes later.

He landed in the corridor on the second floor of a dormitory building.

Find room 205.

Take out a wire.

Under the personal teaching of the thief king who was sentenced to life for stealing in the main world.

After 30 seconds, the door of the room opened.

Should be asleep?

Su Ye pushed it away slowly, then took out a small mirror and stuck it in.

According to the image reflected in the mirror, an old man with gray hair was lying on the bed.

And there was a faint grunting sound.

Push open the door, enter, then close and lock the door.

After a few minutes.

Wen Zhengren, who looked terrified, was tied up on the bed.

Su Ye started to ask.

"Let me ask you, there is a light curtain blocking the border of Bang Country, do you know that?"

"Just nod if you know, and be honest, or I'll cut your body up and feed the zombies later."

Seeing him nodding, Su Ye continued, "I came to you for only one purpose, and that is to know how to remove this light curtain."

"If you cooperate a bit, then I won't hurt you later, and I will give you two blue crystal nuclei."

"Just nod if you agree, and then I will remove the tape on your mouth."

Not surprisingly, Wen Zhengren nodded.

After tearing off the tape on his mouth, Su Ye asked: "Don't try to fool me, I have learned this knowledge, if I find out that you are fooling me, I will cut off one of your hands."

"Flick once, chop once."

"Senior superpowers, that light curtain appeared not long after the end of the world broke out."

"At that time, the higher-ups also called me to explain the specific situation, and sent some pictures and materials."

"Say the point!"

"Currently, our entire Bang Nation is shrouded in a light curtain of quantum force field."

"According to my analysis, there is only one possible way to remove this quantum force field light curtain."

"That is to use equal particle energy to send an energy output beyond the limit to a point of the light curtain, so that the entire light curtain will be broken from point to area."

After listening, Su Ye fell into deep thought.

Of course, the main thing is to listen to the voice in the ear.

"His analysis is judged by our experts, and there is nothing wrong with it."

"As for the particle energy, you have particle energy cannons in the Doomsday Currency Mall, but you don't know how many levels you have reached before it will be released for you to buy."

"As for whether the energy output is enough, you don't have to worry about it. After all, you have the star power enhancement scroll, and it will be enough to strengthen it until it is enough."

"No matter how bad it is, there is still potential enhancement."

After listening to the words in his ear, Su Ye asked him a few more words, then knocked him out, turned and left.

the other side.

Under the faint moonlight.

On the bed, Hoshino Kannai and Tang Yi were falling asleep.

at this time.

Hoshino Kana who was sleeping outside suddenly opened her eyes.

Immediately afterwards, she looked around from the corner of her eye, and slowly lifted the quilt.

Then, she sat up quietly, put on her slippers, walked slowly to the door, and then slowly pushed it open.

After walking out of the room, she followed her to close the door again.

On the bed, Tang Yi opened his eyes and looked sideways, then turned to the right side and continued to fall asleep.

'Where's Oni-chan? '

'Why aren't you in the room? '

Hoshino Kanna looked at the empty big bed with doubts on her face.

Shouldn't he be looking for that Jiang Yubing? ?
No, I just met, O'Neill would not do such a thing.

She immediately denied her inner guess.

Looking around the room, after noticing those wooden items, Hoshino Kana fell silent.

After several nights of this incident.

The sense of crisis is getting stronger and stronger.

It doesn't matter whether what sister Tang said is true or not.

It would be better if it was real.

Anyway, tonight, I must be the first to become Oni-chan's woman.

With a flushed face, she picked up a black collar, groped about how to use it for a while, and then put it around her neck.

The appearance of seeing Tang Yi wearing it not long ago came to mind.

She took a deep breath and made up her mind.

Sister Tang can do it, so can I!

And later I'm going to bark louder than her.

Accompanied by a click.

The collar is locked.

Then, she took the iron chain and hooked one end of it into the collar buckle at the back of her neck.

By the way, we need to change clothes!

She noticed a maid's outfit next to her, and quickly began to change clothes.

After changing her clothes, she put her hands on the ground and tried to walk a few steps forward.

At this moment, the door was opened.

Hearing the movement, Hoshino Kana looked towards the door in such a posture.

I saw the figure of Oni sauce appearing outside the door.

The next second, swish, the door was closed again.

Outside the door, Su Ye quickly closed the live broadcast room.

The breath is a little messy.

What am I seeing?


He was suspicious, and in the live broadcast room!
"Damn it, it's rare to stay up late for the party's welfare, so you just shut it down?"

"Yes, what a pity!"

"It's real, I took a screenshot, and that blurry figure is Hoshino Kanna."

"Fuck, what happened here?"

"My God, is there a second agent who needs to shoot the second episode of the blockbuster movie?"

"It's too blurry. Could it be Tang Yi who is crawling? I just asked Jiang Yubing, and I saw a little corner of the clothes, which looks very similar to this."

"After I pushed the scroll wheel to the maximum 1000% and zoomed out to the macro state, it should be Chanel."

"This is the boss!"


Su Ye calmed down and ignored Chu Wei's question.

Confirmed again and again that the live broadcast room and the sound have been turned off.

After thinking about it, he took off the interdimensional communicator next to his ear and put it in the space ring.

After dealing with it, he opened the door again.

The purpose of entry is still the scene just now.

Chanel was still crawling on the ground.

"What are you doing?" Su Ye came to her, squatted down and looked at her and asked.

"Oni-chan, Chanel is also fine."

"You do it!"

Her eyes showed determination, and her beautiful little face blushed as she stared at Su Ye.

Su Ye has already reacted.

She was mistaken.

I mistakenly thought I had that hobby.

Immediately afterwards, under Chanel's puzzled eyes.

Su Ye took off her collar and threw it aside.

Then he picked her up and put her on the bed.

"Oni-chan" She didn't understand why Oni-chan didn't carry out her favorite steps.

"I'll take a shower first."

Watching Su Ye walk into the bathroom.

A smile appeared on Hoshino Kana's pretty face.

(End of this chapter)

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