Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 270 Selling to Him at the Highest Price

Chapter 270 Selling to Him at the Highest Price
the next morning.

The autumn morning light is very soft.

There is no summer heat and spring hypocrisy.

Some are just the warmth after years of precipitation, faint and soothing.

Like "Symphony No. 41 in C Major", love flows slowly.

Flowers can't understand the language, and the beauty can explain the language.

Master bed.

With the pretty face that surprised even the gods, Chanel opened her eyes as her eyelashes trembled slightly.

For the first time, she turned her head to look to the right.

Immediately afterwards, she met Su Ye who was watching her.

"woke up?"

"Morning O'Neill!"

After the good morning kiss.

Su Ye's hands became restless again, wandering wantonly on her body.

In an instant, Hoshino Channa's blush became more intense.

"No, happened several times yesterday.."

Accompanied by the delicate laughter like a silver bell.

The quilt once again showed undulations.

main world.

Astronomical Command Center.

The meeting room on the 34th floor.

Chu Wei was looking at the four white, green, blue and orange 'crystal nuclei' on the table.

"Colonel Chu, lucky enough to live up to his fate, finally developed it." The speaker was Wang Feng, chief technical expert from the 233rd Military Industry Research Institute.

"The main reason is that the non-stop flow of rhyme in this crystal nucleus is too difficult to overcome, and it has been dragged on for a long time."

"Wang Gong, what is the degree of simulation of these four crystal nuclei?" Chu Wei looked at each of the crystal nuclei and said to Wang Gong.

"It reached 96.78%. I personally think it is enough for him to use it externally."

"Okay, then customize the specification certificate and release it to the outside world."

"As soon as it is released, will his point mall be refreshed?" Wang Feng asked curiously.

"That's right, and it's still synchronized in real time."

Chu Wei smiled slightly, then turned and left the room.

Go back to the main war room.

"Colonel Chu, we have made a route, can you take a look?"

Chu Wei took a map and began to observe it.

The staff beside him continued.

"After the joint research of multiple departments confirmed, after going out from the east gate of the base."

"Then pass through Bima Street, Xindangdong Fish Market and Guangzang Street, and finally enter the main national highway."

"Go straight to the northeast along the national highway, cross the Erudo Bridge, enter Mapo Road in Taohuadong, and then pass through Hyochang Park. You will arrive at the embassy."

"After calculation, the total mileage has reached 112 kilometers. It takes about three hours for our side, but it's hard to say for his side."

The reason why it is difficult to say is naturally that you will encounter various infected mutant creatures and zombies on the road.

"I see, I will take this map first."

"Okay, then I'll get busy first, Colonel Chu."


It was noon before Su Ye walked out of the room.

Behind him, Hoshino Kana stared at the bloodstains on the bed sheets as bright as the blooming roses at night, and then put them away.

"Are you willing to come out?"

Facing Tang Yi's ridicule, Su Ye chuckled and sat down beside her.

Immediately afterwards, Hoshino Kana came out.

Her face was full of happiness and she sat down beside Su Ye and started lunch.

Across from the three of them, Tang Chenxuan looked enviously at his brother-in-law who was squeezed between two women.

Thinking about when I can hug left and right like this.

"Brother-in-law, shall we leave after eating?" Suddenly, Tang Chenxuan asked.

Hearing this, Chen Dongkui who was beside him immediately looked at him thoughtfully.

This kid, I'm afraid you still want to go there?
"I have to deal with something, it will take about an hour, and we will set off after we finish."

"By the way, you came here with the modern caravan last time. I said, if you didn't meet me and you found your sister, how would you go back?"

According to the previously known situation, after Tang Chenxuan and the others set off from the embassy, ​​it was relatively difficult to reach a certain small and medium-sized survivor.

There, they later encounter a Hyundai caravan heading to the High School Survivors League base.

After paying some rewards, they hitched a ride in the caravan.

"It's very simple. Find a caravan and continue to hitchhike and get off at the survivor's base near the embassy."

"Why don't these caravans open a trade route with the embassy?"

"I don't know, maybe we are not worthy of their opening, maybe it feels like there is no benefit!?"

"Whatever, we're self-sufficient anyway."

Su Ye nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

After eating lunch and saying hello, he came to the A5 area.

going soon.

The strategy that Chu Wei said before can be implemented.

That is to conduct a comprehensive search with fake colorful eggs.

In fact, this strategy was abandoned at the beginning.

Because when wandering around the free market, he inspected some commodities, Su Ye felt that there was no need to reveal this method.

But later at the banquet, I learned about the attack of the demon superpowers, and the news that Chu Wei just said that the fake crystal nucleus was successfully developed.

The two deliberated for a while and decided to give it a go.

Of course, the method of using fake colorful eggs and crystal nuclei is reserved until the six major bases are used.

And considering that these three big forces, the caravan and the base, may transfer the received fake colorful eggs to ordinary superpowers.

Su Ye deliberately placed a time bomb in it.

After he left, he would be able to bang, and the fake seven-color egg would immediately disappear into nothingness.

When the time comes, people like them will spread the word that the colorful egg will be gone just like that. It is estimated that the leaders of those forces will find it hard to believe it.

After all, the industrial system in the country is completely paralyzed now, who has the ability to make fake colorful eggs.

In this way, maybe the method of fake colorful eggs can be covered up.

However, even if the real news spreads, Su Ye will continue to bring out colorful eggs at that time, unless they test them one by one with blood on the spot.

Otherwise, it should be used.

After a few minutes.

A shopping street in the A5 area.

"Hello, welcome!"

"It's Senior Jin Zhongguo, what do you want to buy?"

The first thing Su Ye walked into was the store opened by the Mutual Aid Student Union of the university.

Looking at the shops displayed in the shop, after a while, he said: "I want all the scrolls and potions, regardless of their quality or efficacy."

After walking a few steps, he stopped in front of a counter and looked inside the counter, "I want everything in this entire counter."

"I also want all the Rubik's Cubes in this counter."

"All these space watches are packed for me."

"These weapons, building cards, and these speakers, regardless of quality, are all packaged for me."

"And this, this, this"

"Why are you standing there, I'm in a hurry, I have to go to the next base as soon as I finish stocking up."

"Okay, okay, wait a moment, senior, the quantity of goods you want is really too big, I don't know how to deal with it, I'll call the leader over here."

"Hurry up!" Su Ye waved his hand impatiently.

Soon, a superpower who came to hear the news walked into the shop.

"Hurry up and pack everything senior wants."

The person who came said something to the clerk, and then smiled, "I'm sorry, senior, I neglected you, and I will prepare it for you."

When he came, he asked the chairman Li Chenghuan for instructions.

And Li Chenghuan just said: sell all items to him at the highest price.

(End of this chapter)

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