Chapter 328
"Brother Huohua, this is an uneasy routine, I like it!"

"That's right, if you follow the routine in the novel, you can write another ten chapters if you go to the city, inquire about information, and challenge the strong."

"Everyone, don't forget the time. The space-time cordon is like the sword of Damocles hanging over everyone's heads. The situation is at stake!"

"Then, the melon seeds are already in place, just sit and watch Brother Huohua pretend to be aggressive."


Su Ye looked at the energy barrier that suddenly appeared, just like the protective shield in Bang Country before, with light continuously flowing on it.

And on the city wall.

Hundreds of turrets were already aimed at the birdman above, ready to fire at any time.

"Give you one last chance, come down and accept our interrogation and search!" The middle-aged man took out a loudspeaker and shouted first.

Su Ye looked at the fort below, he recognized the model.

It was the X-bow and cannon that I had harvested before, but I didn't know what quality they had been upgraded to.

And inside the city wall, there is a second city wall.

Between the two walls are various defensive buildings.

For example: Tesla Electric Tower, Magic Element Tower, Skyhawk Cannon, Inferno Tower, Catapult, Mortar, Landmine.
Hearing the middle-aged man's shout, Su Ye ignored him.

Instead, it raised the height and flew forward along the arc-shaped protective cover of the city wall.

"Attack me!" Seeing Su Ye flying away regardless, a trace of anger appeared on the face of the middle-aged man, and he gave the order.

In an instant, a crossbow arrow shot at Su Ye in pieces.

Just the next moment.

"how is this possible?"

"Why can't even break his magic shield!"

"This is a gold-quality X-bow and cannon. Under the intensive attack, even the shield of a seventh-level magician can't hold it!"

"See how much mana he has, keep attacking me!"

The exclamation and panic of the soldiers quickly restored order after the last order was issued.

In the sky, Su Ye sensed the opponent's attack posture, and then he was relieved.

Immediately afterwards, he reduced the mana output from 90% to 40%, and then took out a bottle of 40-star mana recovery potion and drank it.

Soon, he flew to the highest point of the protective cover.

Looking at the city below.

Looking at the stretches of buildings below and the Xia people looking up at him.

Su Ye took out a diamond-quality speaker with a range of 10 kilometers.

"I, Shura, just came back from outside, and I was very disappointed in the result."

"Dignified Xia Kingdom is as big a piece of land, and now you have only created four provinces."

"How did you do it!?"

"I'm just pulling a bunch of pigs, I'm better than you guys!"

"Then what, don't you have five generals on this coastal defense line?"

"Get out of here, let me see your strength!"

"You bastards, don't make me look down on you, fly up if you have the guts, and let me hit five!"

"What are you doing, are you all cowardly?"

"Is the 5000-year inheritance of my majestic Chinese nation going to be broken in the hands of you people?"


The speakers one after another were constantly being used by Su Ye.

At the same time, in his right hand, a thunder gun is being volt-enhanced.

And Su Ye's purpose is also very simple.

Below this moment, those who can live in the frontline area of ​​the coastal resistance are all bloody Xia people.

Therefore, to deal with the bloody Xia people, it would be simple and rude, and directly subdue them.

It is also as analyzed by some viewers in the live broadcast room.

Save time and effort!

As for the group of people in the four major safety zones, the main world also has plans.

in the live room.

"I'm dying of laughter, it's a bit too insulting for pigs to do better than them! Hahaha"

"Well, to be honest, that's the weakness of our countrymen. There's no way around it. In troubled times, all kinds of ambitious people will emerge."

"That's right, if after the doomsday breaks out, everyone gathers together and works together, I'm afraid it won't cause such a situation."



In the battle zone city.

Countless Xia Kingdom's extraordinary people were first shocked by Shura's appearance, and then when they heard the words in their ears, their faces suddenly became angry.

If they didn't have the ability to fly, they would have rushed up long ago, let's talk about whether they can fight or not, and fuck him first.

"Why haven't the five generals come out yet?"

"Hurry up, maybe something is going on, find someone to inform them."

"Someone has already run away."

"Come back from the outside and want to meet the five great generals? I'm afraid I'm going to be beaten later, even my mother doesn't know me!"

"That's right, each of the five great generals is powerful and unmatched."

Extraordinary people are talking about it.

at the same time.

Su Ye has already stabbed the lightning gun with a value of 5000 million volts towards the protective cover below.

At this moment, under the gaze of everyone.

The tip of the thunder gun quickly touched the protective shield, causing waves of energy shield to ripple.

What followed was, amidst the stunned expressions of all Xia Guo's extraordinary people.

The protective cover is broken!
Seeing that the protective cover was blown apart without accident, Su Ye laughed and lowered his figure slowly.

"Aren't you here? Or are you shrinking back and not daring to show your head?"

Seeing that no one had come out to fight, Su Ye immediately took out the loudspeaker and yelled again.

It was at this time.

"What are you being arrogant about? This is the first time I've seen someone take the initiative to fight!"

A voice sounded, and then a young man with a long gun rushed to the sky.

"It's Lei Zhan. He once obtained the 'Supreme Bone' in "Perfect World", and his single-handed shooting made him superb!"

"It's Lei Zhan, who ranks second in the primary field. I heard that he is striving for an SSS rating in the intermediate field. He should have come out in a hurry after getting the news."

"This person is finished, Lei Zhan can take care of him without the other generals!"

"That's right!"

With the appearance of Lei Zhan, the extraordinary people of the Xia Kingdom below who had rarely seen each other exclaimed incessantly.

After a while, another figure floated out without making a sound.

"Damn it, it's Fairy Jiang Qingyu, Zixue who ranks fifth in the primary game on the different-dimensional game rankings."

"I heard that she is in a different-dimensional game console, and she came out as soon as she heard the news."

"She possesses the body of 'Innate Dao Embryo' in the world of "Zhou Tian", she has learned the Holy Heart Sutra, and her profound skills are invincible."

"That birdman is still so calm, it's incredible!"

After Jiang Qingyu floated up, the third general walked out of a building and flew towards Su Ye.

Accompanied by the girl's scream.

This man has sword-like eyebrows and star-eyed eyes, a handsome face, and a tall and straight figure, with a somewhat heroic and dignified air in his gestures.
"That's the young master of the Zhu family, who first learned the super-powerful swordsmanship in the worlds of "Dugu Nine Swords" and "Sword Breaks Nine Heavens"."

"The strongest record is that he once killed the seventh-order mutant creature alone, which caused a national sensation and became famous in the first battle. He was later named the seventh general."

"Look, it's General Zhao Kaifeng who has appeared!"

Accompanied by the uproar, a young man with a large ruler on his back rose into the sky with a cold expression.

"He is the ninth general, and he has learned Xiao Yan's moves in the world of "Fights Break the Sphere", such as the Eternal Fire Ruler, the Flame Devouring Wave Ruler, and the incomparably powerful Seal of Overcoming the Sea and Seal of Opening the Mountain."

"Not only that, but he also obtained the God King Body in the world of "Shading the Sky". I heard that he once challenged Lei Zhan, and the two are evenly divided!"

(End of this chapter)

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