Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 329 Shocking the Nation

Chapter 329 Shocking the Nation
"The last warrior has also come out, look!"

Another scream.

Immediately afterwards, a huge, strong man who looked somewhat similar to Cheng Yaojin in Glory of the King rushed out.

"That's General Du Xingxiong. He has obtained the 'Heavenly Overlord Body' in the world of "Shading the Sky", and he has single-handedly defeated hundreds of sixth-order transcendents with an axe."

"Especially the Eighteen Styles of Fenglei Bax, one style is stronger than the other, in the face of"

"Damn it, don't talk about it, you say it every time a general comes, whether it's annoying or not, everyone here doesn't know?"

"That's right, what the hell, I'm already full of anger, being scolded for no reason, do you want to die!?"

"Little brother knows his mistake, don't say it, don't say it!"

At this moment, in the city below, there were nearly millions of extraordinary people looking up at the sky, watching five generals hovering around Birdman and surrounding him.

At the same time, countless cameras aimed at this scene.

It also allowed all transcendents and ordinary humans in the entire Xia Kingdom to watch the live broadcast on the TV station.

"I am a reporter from the Hefei hotline on the front line of coastal resistance. My name is Xiao Wu. Now I will tell you what happened just now."

"I'm Xiao Li, the reporter. Just now, a man from the Xia Kingdom named Shura claimed to have just returned from the outside world, and said he wanted to challenge the five great generals."

"I'm a reporter from Modu Express. Our station has dispatched live broadcast equipment to them as quickly as possible to collect their voice information and broadcast it live to the audience."

a time.

Not only the four-province transcendents on the coastal resistance front.

In the four major safety zones in the rear, and in the theater of the inland resistance front line.

All Xia people were attracted by this sudden news.

If it's other news, they don't care!
But the person who appeared claimed to be Shura, so that would be interesting!

Including the five generals in the inland resistance frontline theater, as well as Chu Wei who had fought against Shura in Chaofan Canyon, they were also watching the live broadcast at this moment.

on site.

Su Ye glanced at some drones approaching, and knew that this was the live broadcast equipment of the news station, but he didn't care.

at the same time.

The five generals did not act in a hurry, but looked curiously at this extraordinary man named Shura.

Especially when he noticed that in the strength evaluator, the attributes of this person were not displayed, and they were full of question marks.

Immediately, the expressions of the five of them became somewhat dignified.

You know, the quality of their strength tester has reached the platinum level.

"You are Shura?"

A moment later, Jiang Qingyu's ghostly voice sounded first.

"What do you mean by what you said just now? Since you are from the Xia Kingdom, why do you want to make trouble?"

"The situation is so serious now!"

Lei Zhan frowned, looked at Su Ye, his tone was cold and full of accusations.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Su Ye!

"No. Don't misunderstand!" Su Ye, who had put his arms around his chest, waved his hands quickly.

Then he glanced at the five people with extremely arrogant eyes and said, "I'm not targeting you."

"I mean everyone here."

"It's all rubbish!"

The words fell, this moment.

The whole country suddenly fell into extreme silence!
Who is he?
He is Shura.

Who is he facing?

Those are the five great generals who broke through countless corpses and blood bones by virtue of their illustrious record.

By the way, he was talking about everyone here.

What the hell!

The five major battles in the inland resistance frontline theater are probably also included in him.

This person.

Really, extremely arrogant!
At the same time, Su Ye also finished observing the combat effectiveness of the five people.

The one with the gun, the seventh-order four-time enhanced attribute, combat power: 7.52.

The one with the big ruler on his back, the attribute has been strengthened four times at the seventh level, and his combat power is 7.03.

A handsome guy with a sword, seven-level four-strength attribute, combat power: 7.22.

The brawny man with the axe has four enhanced attributes at the seventh level, and his combat power is 8.01.

The only woman, seven-level four-strength attribute, combat power: 7.41.

The strength of the five is not much different.

And looking at the attributes, the potential level of these people is probably not low.

But it's normal.

The game points in the different-dimensional game can be traded again.

I am afraid that the Xinxia coalition government has poured a lot of resources into these five people.

Su Ye's normal combat power is 21.1, which is three times that of these five people.

It was originally 9.1, but after strengthening several pieces of equipment yesterday, it reached 21.1.

Three 200-star enhancements, the effectiveness increased by 3000%.

Robe 100 star enhancement, efficiency increased by 1500%.

The three times difference in combat power may not be able to achieve the effect of crushing and shocking the whole country.

But in terms of defense, they are almost invincible compared to them.

Well, the results needless to say.

As for the gene lock, don't think about it for the time being, he can open the second level, and the five people on the opposite side may also have entered the second level of the gene lock.

After hearing Su Ye's provocative, almost insulting words.

The young man Zhao Kaifeng was the first to lose his composure, pulled out his ruler with a full face of anger, and rushed forward.

"Arrogance is the king with strength, and arrogance without strength is evil!"

"Let me see if you are a badass!"

"The flame divides the wave ruler!"

The other four saw Zhao Kaifeng rushing up, and thought that Shura would make a move, so they were just about to make a move, but found that the other party was just hovering quietly, not dodging at all.

This abnormal phenomenon also made the four of them stop immediately, wanting to see what the other party was up to.

Su Ye looked at the other party rushing forward with disdain on his face.


He wants to show his full strength in front of the whole Xia people, and crush their warlords with his supreme posture.

Only in this way can the supreme power be successfully seized in the subsequent plan.

Outputting all the magic power in the body, running the magic shield, Su Ye watched the opponent call.

It's too late to talk, but it's fast to move.

In an instant, Zhao Kaifeng's large ruler slashed at Su Ye's magic shield.

Then there was a loud bang!
The heat wave and flames carried by Da Chi immediately spread out.

But at this moment, the scene that appeared in the eyes of all Xia people made everyone's eyes widen in shock.

"Unexpectedly. Zhao Kaifeng's blow can't even break his magic shield!?"

"What kind of strength is he? Even if Zhao Kaifeng didn't try his best, he must have half of his strength!"

"how come."

"It's scary!"

Accompanied by the sound of gasping for air.

In the inland resistance frontline theater, the five generals who were watching the live broadcast also stood up in an instant.

The expression is extremely shocked!
Full of incredible!

On-site, even more so!
Lei Zhan, Jiang Yuqing, Zhu Ange, and Du Xingxiong all suddenly constricted their pupils, their eyes froze, and their expressions were shocked.

And Zhao Kaifeng, who was in front of Su Ye, was already stunned.

Facing the other party's disdainful smile, he saw that the magic shield was intact.

His face was full of disbelief!
(End of this chapter)

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