Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 330 That's it?

Chapter 330 That's it?

Su Ye looked at the other party with disdain, and the extremely disdainful ridicule burst out of his eyes.

"That's it?"

"That's it!?"

In the live broadcast room.

Some viewers speculated about the reason for Su Ye's gesture.

"Brother Huohua knows that he can't kill him, but he also wants to know the genetic lock situation of the opponents, so he has such a gesture to force them!"

"That's right, when the fight really starts, the other party will probably notice it. Maybe they have already noticed it now. Brother Huohua just wants to defeat them."

"After forcing out the gene lock, and then hit five again, it will shake the Xia Kingdom in that world to the maximum."

"However, Brother Huohua's pretentiousness deserves full marks from me. I didn't take the nickname of Wang Wang by mistake, and I don't know who took it. He is so talented."

"Getting a nickname, you have to start practicing it from elementary school, and then keep getting it until college, but you will not have many friends."

And at the scene, under the watchful eyes of countless people, as one of the top ten generals in the country.

And it was the first to make a move, but this situation emerged.

The youthful and energetic Zhao Kaifeng immediately shouted, swung the ruler and roared again.

"Different Fire Eternal Ancient Ruler!"

A loud bang.

The magic shield was still intact, only a slight ripple appeared.

This scene once again made countless people gasp.

The expressions of the other four generals at the scene changed drastically.

He was able to resist Zhao Kaifeng's first attack, but he didn't expect to be able to resist the second attack.

How powerful is this person! ?

"Flip the sea seal!"

The horrified Zhao Kaifeng shot for the third time.

Quickly put the ruler back on his back, quickly made a formula with both hands, and then a blurred seal full of charm came towards Su Ye.

At this moment, the shining purple was imprinted in everyone's eyes, and then hit Shura's magic shield.

But the result was that countless people were stunned in place again, and the audience was abnormally silent.

"Kaishan Seal!"

Seeing this, Zhao Kaifeng felt awe-inspiring, and once again roared his hands to make a tactic, and at the same time entered the state of gene lock.

Su Ye noticed that on the lens of his left eye, the value of the opponent's combat power began to jump, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

The other party has entered the second level of gene lock!
Immediately afterwards, compared to the other four people, an aura exuding incomparably terrifying palpitations appeared along with the Great Seal.

Looking at the big seal, it seems that it can crush the endless void.

Wisps of chaotic breath are ups and downs.

Then, everyone noticed that although Shura still didn't dodge, he raised his hands and folded them in front of him.

The next second, when the big seal bombarded the magic shield.

The magic shield suddenly emerged with violent waves, and the waves continued.

Smash his shield!

Come on!

At this moment, all the Xia people shouted silently in their hearts, staring at the screen and watching the live broadcast.

It was hard for them to believe that someone with such terrifying power appeared at this moment.

If this has not been smashed, it is really hopeless!

After all, no one knows what this person's purpose is now!

Under the gaze of countless eyes.

The magic shield persisted for a while and broke!

Zhao Kaifeng breathed a sigh of relief.

The other three men and one woman also breathed a sigh of relief.

Too scary!

As the five generals, the four of them have a fairly good understanding of Zhao Kaifeng's strength.

This was his strongest blow after entering the second-order gene lock.

Several people just breathed a sigh of relief, and their expressions eased.

Just, next second.

The scene that appeared in the eyes made everyone's minds tense, they looked at each other in shock, and the voices gasped for air.

The opening seal that circulated the chaotic breath shattered the magic shield and hit Shura's arms that were crossed in front of him.

It turned out that nothing happened at all!

Not only Shura's figure didn't move at all.

Not even a trace of the metal armor on his arms appeared!
"This should be your strongest move!?" Su Ye looked at Zhao Kaifeng who was panting constantly, and said with a smile.

"What a disappointment!"

Immediately afterwards, he sighed, and continued: "Just like you, I'm abroad, and I don't know how many people have been pressed to death with my little finger!"

At this moment, his face was full of disappointment and lamentation, which aroused the anger of countless Xia people.

It also caused the breath of the five generals in front of them to fluctuate violently, and their faces were full of anger.

"I don't know where you rank among them. Forget it, let's go together!"

"Use your strongest attack method."

"Let me see, as the strongest of this nation, you, the strongest strength!"

"The genetic locks are also unlocked for me."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll kill you if I'm not careful!"


Listening to Shura's unscrupulous laughter.

The five looked at each other, and then shot one after another.

"The ninth form of the Batian shootout!"

Lei Zhan was the first to strike, and with a roar, he brandished a silver spear and stabbed fiercely.

"Nine swords to bury the sky!" Zhu Ange's sword intent pierced the sky, as if the sword god was alive, and attacked Shura.

"Eighteen Styles of Fenglei Tyrant Axe!" Du Xingxiong snorted coldly, and charged towards Shura like a demon god.

Jiang Qingyu's body was surrounded by purple energy, and in the blink of an eye, she unleashed her supernatural powers.

"Bodhi breaks!"

"Rainbow Saint Explosion!"

"Xingyue Kill!"

Those dreamlike eyes stared at Shura, casting out one after another spells continuously.

Zhao Kaifeng repeated the old trick, turning his left hand into the moon and his right hand into the sun, pushing down horizontally.

At this moment, the sky was full of divine lights, and the void was shaking.

The next second, when the attack arrives.

Shura's magic shield only persisted for a short time before it shattered.

However, the ensuing scene that unfolded in everyone's eyes made countless Xia people turn pale and their scalps tingle.

Seeing that Shura was covered in metal armor, holding a lightning gun, and stood there motionless under the attack of the five great generals.

Everyone just felt a chill down their backs, showing fear.

"Although it can break his magic shield, isn't his armor too hard?"

Someone with sharp eyes noticed that all the attacks fell on the metal armor, but it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and it was completely unharmed.

"Is it true that he has no attack ability, but he deliberately shows off because of the strength of his armor?"

Someone made a bold guess.

"It's possible, but he said before that he's going to make a move, and let the five generals unlock the gene lock. Keep watching!"

All Xia people paid close attention to the battle situation.

Especially the patriarchs of the five major families frowned, wondering what the sudden appearance and powerful Shura's plan was!
"Let's win him over for now, give him supreme honor and fame, and see what purpose he has!"

As the first chairman of the committee and the patriarch of the Yang family, Yang Zhenwang glanced at the others and proposed a measure.

"It has to be like this!"

"Just do what the chairman says!"


On the spot, in mid-air.

Su Ye's disdainful smile grew stronger, "Is this your strongest strength?"

"That's it?"

"By the way, beauty, all four of them have unlocked the gene lock, but you haven't unlocked it. Do you look down on me!?"

"It's time for me to do it!"

"Let you see what absolute strength is!"

After the words fell, Su Ye suddenly disappeared in place.

(End of this chapter)

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