Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 334 Let him line up with himself

Chapter 334 Let him line up with himself

After seeing a group of soldiers appearing and manipulating laser weapons.

Su Ye immediately took out a horn.

"I have made it very clear before, now, I will give you a chance, except for the members of the five major families."

"The rest of the people stop any orders from the five major families. I will let the past go and spare your lives!"

"If you are stubborn, there is only one end waiting for you. Besides death, you will also bear the stigma of being a national sinner for thousands of years."

What Su Ye took out was a diamond-quality horn!
The range of shouting is as large as ten kilometers in radius.

Not to mention the entire safe zone.

At least the area near the city wall, everyone heard it!

And Shura's strength, they have seen it before!

Suddenly, many people showed hesitation and entanglement.

"What are you thinking? Ah!"

"Shoot me!"

"Those who hesitate and hesitate, I will kill them now as deserters!"


A member of the five major families, as the battalion commander of the city guard.

As soon as he heard this and saw this, he immediately yelled and took out a laser pistol, Jiujiu, and shot several soldiers who had just put their hands down from the laser weapon.

next moment.

All the soldiers on the city wall immediately pressed the launch button of the laser weapon.

In an instant, hundreds of laser beams centered on Su Ye and shot at a range of nearly [-] meters up, down, left, and right.

This scene, this scene, is also being broadcast live by more than a dozen drones.

The five major families also allow their news media to broadcast live. Let the whole country see that it is not possible to overthrow our five major families with a little strength!
It's just that what happened next made everyone turn pale with shock.

Facing the hundreds of lasers that were fired, Su Ye didn't care about their power at all.

Only let the wings of the Archangel of Light behind him gather forward, wrap themselves and resist.

You know, the wings of the Archangel of Light have the property of being indestructible.

And the result did not disappoint Su Ye.

Hundreds of laser beams left no trace on the pure white wings.

On the opposite city wall, the battalion commander of the city guard looked at Su Ye who was completely unharmed in disbelief, as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer.

Su Ye didn't move on, but took out the Starlight Scepter, and entered the second level of the gene lock at the same time!

Just a few seconds later.

The upper part of the city wall opposite was covered with dark clouds.

The rumbling terrifying roar sounded like the sky was falling, and it kept roaring.

The drone that was near the city wall immediately sensed that something was wrong and was controlled to retreat crazily, out of the range of the thundercloud.

Looking at the thunderclouds rolling in the sky, the dense thunder light is stirring on the surface of the clouds.

At this moment, the entire Xia Kingdom fell into silence!
"How can this range be so large?" Someone looked at the live broadcast and swallowed with difficulty, feeling terrified.

"Is this Shura's strength in group battles? It's too scary!" Someone muttered to himself, feeling more and more that the sky is about to change!

"Hurry up and open the protective cover, are you still waiting to die, damn it!" members of the five major families screamed crazily with ferocious faces.

Behind Su Ye.

The five great generals looked at the dense thunderclouds covering the sky in front of them with shocked expressions, and their expressions were extremely horrified.

Zhao Kaifeng let out a long breath, his breath fluctuating violently.

If I have this strength, I can also get SSS evaluation!
Oh my God!
No wonder you are so strong, you have obtained adventures and opportunities, and of course it is easy to get the SSS evaluation.


Some officers on the city wall finally came to their senses, and everyone's expressions changed drastically in an instant.

"Quickly open the protective cover of the moat!"

Since the laser weapon was used to attack Shura before, and if the protective cover of the moat was opened, it would be impossible to attack through the protective cover from the inside.

That's why the people on the scene yelled quickly, hoping that the protective cover of the city moat could resist Shura's spells.

Under the operation of a group of soldiers and some technical experts shrouded in dark clouds, the protective cover was quickly opened.

Just when the protective cover was just opened.

With the flick of the starlight staff in Su Ye's hand.

Immediately, thousands of thick thunderbolts fell from the sky, and the dense lightning bombarded the protective cover.

At this moment, even though it was already daytime, the sky and the earth were suddenly brightened with dazzling white light.

At this moment, except for Su Ye, everyone watching the live broadcast could only see a blazing white scene, and couldn't see the specific situation at all.

At this moment, the protective cover only persisted for less than two seconds before it was shattered by lightning.

Immediately afterwards, thousands of thunderstorms swept across the city wall and the entire area behind the city wall, turning into a boundless sea of ​​thunder.

Everyone, all equipment, and all items could not hold up for even half a second in the thunder sea before they were melted by the extreme high temperature and turned into nothing.

Especially the part of the city wall that was shrouded in thunderclouds.

No matter what quality it is brushed by the five major families.

Under the terrifying thunder sea high temperature, it is rapidly melting.

Just like chocolate meeting high temperature, the scarlet molten iron mixed with the sea of ​​thunder like magma and flowed, spreading to the surroundings.

Where Lei Hai passed, everything was evaporated, leaving only lightning arcs and giant craters all over the ground.

Countless blue smoke rose from the ground, and the soil was scorched black by lightning.

When the dark clouds gradually dissipated, the sun's rays shone down again.

When the live broadcast screen became clear again.

Nearly [-] million Xia people looked at it at a glance, and the majestic city wall just now had turned into a pool of molten iron, which was constantly bubbling.

Looking further ahead, there was nothing left, and the area of ​​thousands of meters was completely emptied.

There are only huge pits and scorched land all over the ground.

The terrifying destructive power wiped out everything in just a few minutes.

At this moment, everyone rubbed their eyes in disbelief, they suspected it was an illusion.

Such power!

Can humans really control it?
Everyone stared blankly at the live broadcast, unable to recover for a long time.

The patriarchs of the five major families saw the picture that appeared when the white light dissipated.

The five suddenly seemed to have lost their strength and collapsed on the seats.

Not far away, behind Su Ye on the left.

Chu Wei, who was stepping on a circular iron plate, was hovering there. Although his face was calm, the horror deep in his eyes could not be concealed.

Chu Wei stayed for only a few seconds, then quickly controlled the disc under his feet and flew towards Su Ye.

"Mr. Shura, please wait a moment!"

Seeing Shura flapping his wings to fly forward, Chu Wei hastily shouted.

Hearing a slightly familiar voice behind him, Su Ye immediately stopped and looked back.

Then, Chu Wei in the doomsday world.

It can be said that this national hero whose credit is second only to Su Ye appeared in the eyes of all human beings in the main world for the first time.

"Mr. Shura, do you remember me?"

"Back then, in Chaofan Canyon, I met you once!"

"My name is Chu Wei, nice to meet you!"

When he came in front of Shura, Chu Wei smiled all over his face, and quickly stretched out his right hand while speaking.

"Hello, Chu Wei!"

Su Ye didn't dare to say more, and he had to raise his voice before speaking every word.

With the opponent's IQ, it would be more troublesome if he analyzed and guessed something.

Just let him line up with himself.


(End of this chapter)

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