Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 335 Actually, I'm Not Interested In Money!

Chapter 335 Actually, I'm Not Interested In Money!

"Dear Mr. Su Ye, the elixir you want has been refined!"

Snape held a bottle of potion, looked at Su Ye respectfully, and handed over the potion.

this moment.

In the main world, everyone is crazy!
"600-year lifespan, I'm stupid!"

"I'm already so excited, go fuck it, I just dumped my girlfriend, 600 years, how can I only play with one woman."

"I was dumped by my girlfriend, and we were planning to get married next month, but she said to play for 500 years first."

"My Huabei quota was adjusted to 200 million, and I borrowed it to 500 million. I asked the customer service what was going on, and she said that I could use it casually. Anyway, I can pay it back slowly in 600 years."

"Leeks with a lifespan of 600 years, a new round of advocating consumerism has begun, and capital will also carnival, picking up the sickle to cut countless leeks"

"The housing prices here have increased by a hundred times. In small fourth-tier cities, the school district housing in the city center has risen to 50 per square meter!!!"

"A bottle of Coke that cost 300 yuan has risen to [-] yuan, can you believe it?"

"Wait for the country to take action."

The people in the main world are crazy.

But Su Ye and Chu Wei remained rational.

Su Ye first had a 10-minute conversation with Snape.

At the same time, let the psychological experts in the main world analyze him.

In the end, he came to the conclusion that he didn't do anything.

This immortal medicine is indeed made by him according to the ancient method.

If rumors are correct, Nicolas Flamel lived to be 665 years old.

Then this medicine can be guaranteed for at least 600 years, not to mention 500 years!
"Professor Snape, I'm sorry to trouble you, I am very grateful for this, next, I need to deal with it alone!"

After sending Snape away, Su Ye, who was alone in the room, took the potion in his hand and didn't rush to drink it.

Before that, there is one more thing to do!
Open the live room.

Su Ye looked at everyone in the world with a smile.

"Remember the unbind function I said earlier?"

"I can release the synchronous binding of injuries, the synchronous healing, and the synchronous lifespan increase."

"Before so many lifespans were wasted by you, I didn't say anything. After all, you have also endured so much pressure of life and death because of me."

"However, now I feel that, except for the Xia Kingdom, all other countries have to spend money to buy this lifespan of at least 500 years!"

The voice fell.

this moment.

Except for the Great Elder who had been mentally prepared for a long time, watching cheerfully.

The faces of all the other heads of state suddenly changed!
The originally extremely excited expression was covered with ominous dark clouds in an instant.

Not only the head of state, but also all the people except Xia nationality.

Pay for it?
What do you mean?
They understand the general idea, but they don't know how Su Ye will operate.

The next moment, I heard Su Ye's eloquence.

"No matter what you think of me, you have to pay the price for at least 500 years of life."

"I will authorize my country to perform fee-paying operations in my place."

"The price I offer is that one year of life is equal to [-] million U.S. dollars, and it is sold in units of countries."

"The upper limit is 500 billion US dollars. After all, I don't know how much it can increase, but there will definitely be 500 years."

"That is to say, each country, whether you are funded by the national public or the national treasury, if you want it, you can spend 500 billion U.S. dollars and transfer the money to my account."

"In order to make the value of the 500 billion US dollars equal, there will be no inflation, and to prevent you from printing unlimited money."

"I only received $100 billion in cash."

"The other 400 billion should be replaced with equivalent rare metals, rare minerals, top technical materials in various industries, oil, natural gas, gold, etc."

"The relevant departments of my motherland will contact you to collect these for me."

"By the way, if those developing countries are poor after all, I allow you to owe it first, and you can discuss the interest with the relevant people in my country."

"But the developed countries are not allowed to owe a single one!"

"If you want love, don't pull it down!"

While Su Ye was speaking.

The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, known as Universal Bank, quickly opened an account in Su Ye's name.

At the same time, on top of the highest-level black gold card, there is another starry sky diamond card with unlimited credit limit and unlimited overdraft!

At the same time, a company dedicated to managing Su Ye's wealth was established, named Spark Trust Company.

Su Ye's operation logic is very simple, the 100 billion US dollars obtained from other countries are directly transferred to the account of the Universal Bank.

And those equivalent materials, technology, resources, etc. are purchased by the state, and then the money is transferred to Su Ye's account.

As for why developing countries are allowed to owe money.

That's to prevent them from really not being able to afford the money, and then not buying lifespan, causing Su Ye to expose his flaws after drinking the potion.

After all, Su Ye doesn't really have the function of desynchronization.

That's why one of these countries counts as one, and you want it if you don't want it.

For developing countries that owe money, Sparks Trust Company will naturally formulate interest and carry out related processing.

This wave of Su Ye can be said to be cutting the leeks of all countries in the world together with the country.

The country has won rare resources, technology, various materials and materials, etc., and of course it will do its best to guarantee Su Ye's interests.

Let's not talk about the excitement in the live broadcast room.

And Su Ye paused for a moment before continuing to speak:

"If this lifespan is invalid after I leave this world, then it is only my own invalidity, but you have already reached the end of your lifespan, and it is impossible for the Time and Space Secret Realm to take back your lifespan!"

"If it is really taken away, then I will return the money to you."

"It's just that I think this possibility is very small. After all, the time-space secret realm doesn't know my specialness, and I don't know that I can synchronize with you."

The words fall.

At least, the logic is fine!
After all, there is Chu Wei who is behind him to perfect Su Ye.

"Okay, that's all my conditions. Think about it and make a decision as soon as possible."

"I will give you an hour to sign the corresponding terms of the contract with our country, and I will drink this bottle of potion after all the countries have been dealt with."

"Beyond this time, 500 years of life, I say goodbye to you!"

"Don't even think about playing tricks. If you still play tricks after reaching the end of your lifespan and don't fulfill the terms of the contract, I can naturally cancel the synchronization of the lifespan increase, use time coins like crazy, and open the gene lock to take back your lifespan."

Su Ye took out an alarm clock, and after setting it, he continued to smile and said, "The countdown starts now!"

at the same time.

in the live room.

"I've done the math. In this wave, our Brother Huanhua will become the richest man in the world in human history."

"how much is it?"

"Ten trillion U.S. dollars! It's about 80 trillion yuan!"


"In addition to those developing countries still owed money, he will also become the world's largest national creditor!"

"Crazy crazy!"

Su Ye looked at the interesting bullet screens that kept floating in the live broadcast room, and sighed, "Actually, I'm not interested in money!"

(End of this chapter)

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