Chapter 343 It's You
Noon, 14:23.

The administrative office building of the first security area.

A huge meeting room.

The patriarchs of the five major families and the core figures in the family gathered here one after another.

At this moment, the door of the meeting room was suddenly pushed open, and a young man in a suit walked in quickly with a serious expression.

"Chairman, this is the A11 version of the Tianshen gene drug. The effect of the drug has been stabilized. After taking it, it can double the combat effectiveness and can be superimposed on the gene lock state."

"The duration is half an hour."

The young man in a suit placed the metal box in his hand in front of Chairman Yang Zhenwang's desk, and opened it.

Accompanied by his narration, everyone in the conference room looked over for a while.

"Send it to everyone, one for each person, let's shoot together later, whoever kills Shura will be a hero of the family!"


"By the way, have those administrative officials called?" Yang Zhenwang looked at the young man in suit again and asked.

"More than 400 people came, and more than 300 people chose to remain silent!"

As soon as the young man's words fell, Yang Zhenwang's face turned livid.

Behind the chairman, a middle-aged man couldn't help but said: "These people were cultivated by the family's resources and relationships."

"Now the family is in trouble, but there are still more than 300 people who don't come. It's really heartless and ungrateful!"

After the middle-aged man's words fell, members of the other five major families immediately echoed.

"Enough!" Yang Zhenwang was irritated when he heard it, and looked at the live broadcast in front of him, "Sura and the others are here, hurry up and arrange these more than 400 administrative officials."

"Okay, Chairman!"

the other side.

"This is a prop for setting up the altar of transcendence. So many people died just now, so the matter of transcendence will be left to you."

While speaking, Su Ye took out one thing after another and handed it over to the five generals.

When the last speaker and the CD of the collection of Taoist sutras were handed over to Lei Zhan.

The other party couldn't help it anymore, "Are you sure you want the five of us to stay and do these things?"

"That's right, why do you need to overdo it! Wouldn't it be good for us to help you deal with the five major families?" Jiang Qingyu couldn't help but answer.

"Where did you get all these things, so well prepared?"

Facing the questions from the five generals, Su Ye smiled.

"This is our nation's cultural tradition. It's a good habit. I've done a lot of exorcism abroad, and the effect is quite good. Up to now, no evil spirits and ghosts have come to trouble me!"

"Ah, this." The five of them were stunned!

"If you don't want to be beaten, then hurry up, we still have a lot to do."

With a slight threat, Su Ye didn't say anything more, but looked at Chu Wei.

"Excuse me, take me to the five major families!"

"no problem!"

The next moment, the two of them flew away while talking.

At the same time, a group of news media drones hastened to keep up.

Su Ye also learned some information from Chu Wei.

First of all, the current situation in Xia Kingdom.

According to Chu Wei, the fantasy beings occupying the southern, northern, and western regions of Xia Kingdom are undoubtedly the most powerful.

The second is the end-time mutant life in the central region.

Finally, the survivors of the Xia Kingdom.

Fortunately, several major forces restrain each other, so that the survivors of the Xia Kingdom can survive.

Then there is the situation of the five major families.

The five major families mainly manage the four major safety zones, and are the highest rulers of the conservative faction.

The top leadership of the main combat faction is naturally the top ten generals and Chu Wei and other senior officers and generals of the former military general staff.

The reason why the five major families were able to expand and manage the four major safety zones was mainly because most of the existing administrative officials belonged to the five major family factions.

The survivors of Xia Kingdom settled down here.

In order to fight against the main combat faction, the five major families joined forces with each other.

They are weaker than the main combat faction, and if they fight, they will definitely not be able to beat the main combat faction.

However, their main reliance is nearly a thousand administrative officials.

These are nearly a thousand officials of their faction.

There are teachers and students from their five major families, there are those who are bound by marriage, and there are also family members of the five major families themselves.

If the main combatants do it, then unless they find a group of officials with administrative management capabilities.

After eradicating the five major families and a group of officials, quickly replace them with the recruited officials to avoid administrative chaos in the four major security zones and hundreds of theater cities.

But the main battle faction can't do this.

Therefore, it is impossible to suppress the five major families at all. Watching them grow bigger can only be a slight check and balance at most.

"We have tried our best to secretly search for talents with management capabilities, but the five major families are also wooing and looking for them."

"One more thing, we have to take precautions against the outside world, and we can't spare too much energy to deal with the calculations of the five major families."

Chu Wei sighed.

But in a blink of an eye, he said again: "This time you can't wait to make a move immediately when you come back, although we are not fully prepared yet."

"But the person who appeared was you, Shura, so I am very sure about this action to overthrow the five major families."

At this moment, Su Ye couldn't help showing some doubts as he looked like he was sure of winning.

The corners of Chu Wei's mouth were slightly drawn, "You got an SSS rating in Harry Potter, so from the treasure chest of corresponding quality, you must also get some spells from that world, right?"

This is his guess.

But based on the information he has already obtained, he thinks it's pretty close.

"Unsurprisingly, whether you get it from the treasure chest or study it in that world, you should master the memory spell and Legilimency!"

"In this way, as long as you modify the memories of all the officials of the five major family factions, then what they rely on will no longer exist."

this moment.

Su Ye's face remained the same, but his heart was shocked by what he said.

As expected of you!

After thinking about it, Su Ye didn't deny this, but looked at him thoughtfully and said, "Aren't you afraid that I will use memory spell and Legilimency on you?"

Chu Wei looked forward and spoke extraordinary words calmly.

"Let's not talk about whether I have the means to fight against your Memory Curse and Legilimency."

"If you are really wholeheartedly for the country, for our nation."

"If you're worried about me, you can use the Memory Charm."

"As long as I can live a valuable life and make due contributions to this nation and country, that's fine."

"My beliefs, my responsibilities, are told by the blood flowing in my body."

"Even if the world tries with the greatest malice to destroy our country and nation, I will fight them with like-minded people to the end."

"What about you, Shura!?"

Su Ye glanced at him, "We are walking the same path, Chu Wei!"

"So, very good!"

(End of this chapter)

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