Chapter 344

When the people living in the first security area saw two figures flying in the sky.

The characteristics of Chinese people who love to watch the excitement are brought into full play at this moment.

Countless people swarmed forward along the direction Shura and the others were heading.

At the same time, in a remote corner of the first security zone.

General Xu Hanfei is leading his men to deal with the gas bomb.

Two other generals went to the underground passage to intercept the women and children of the five major families.

The last two warriors were standing opposite the biochemical monster in a laboratory underground.

the other side.

Su Ye and Chu Wei finally arrived at the administrative office building.

Seeing a group of members of the five major families coming out in front of the building, the two looked calm, but their eyes looked very cold.


Yang Zhenwang looked at the two people hovering in mid-air, and shouted angrily: "Sura, are you sure you want to have trouble with us?"

"You are powerful and you have plans, but you don't have to regard our five families as a thorn in your side."

"Ask Chu Wei next to you, ask him, what's wrong with our five big families?"

"What outrageous things have we done?"

"Don't you just want to seek the supreme power of Xia Kingdom!?"

"You keep saying that we are five big mountains. I think what you want to do is to build a mountain bigger than us."

"Put on all the people of the Xia Kingdom, so that they can never stand up!"

At this moment, the chairman's sharp words reached everyone's ears, and immediately aroused a lot of discussion.

Yang Zhenwang knew that he couldn't beat the opponent.

After all, with the strength of the five major families, it is a bit difficult for the top ten generals, let alone Shura who can beat the five generals.

So he wants to convince the other party.

Compromise for the time being, slowly plot against Xu Zhi, wait for the opportunity, and then make plans.

Let's not talk about the crazy surging barrage in the live broadcast room.

Chu Wei remained silent, paying attention to the people around him to see how he would respond.

After the voice in his ear remembered, Su Ye said indifferently: "In terms of the current situation, the inaction of your five big families is the biggest fault."

"Xia Guo is now like a flat boat, in a stormy sea, it may sink at any time."

"As a result, the Xia people who survived our nation were completely extinct."

"And what about you? To manage the four major safety zones, seek the interests of the family first, and then consolidate your own status."

"The two front lines of resistance are held back, and dozens of hundreds of urban theaters cannot take the initiative to attack and can only adopt defensive strategies."

"There are 5000 million extraordinary people, but only 500 million people join the legion. Isn't this caused by you?"

"Intrigue, extravagance and lust, living in the four major safety zones, trying to live a comfortable and high life, but forgetting the crisis outside."

"muddle along."

This moment, this time.

Su Ye, who had the backup from the main world, spoke sharply and profoundly, directly hitting the vital points of the five major families.

The faces of the members of the five major families mentioned changed one after another.

All the members of the main combat faction of Xia Kingdom clapped their hands and applauded.

Many people who said it filled their eyes with tears, shouting loudly that the nation is hopeful, and the revival is hopeful.

Beside Su Ye, a trace of surprise flashed across Chu Wei's face.

Sure enough, the ancients did not deceive me.

Heroes emerge in troubled times!
However, further understanding is required.

I want to lead the nation of Xia to rejuvenation.

Fame, means, courage, strength, courage, eloquence, vision, etc. are all indispensable!

Chu Wei has also seen many heroes with leadership.

But either short-sightedness, lack of strength, or lack of means
Next, Yang Zhenwang said a few more words in an attempt to subvert Shura's reputation and insult his motives.

However, he never imagined that this young man could speak so sharply.

After several confrontations, he didn't take advantage of any advantages. On the contrary, his side was almost shattered by what he said, and he was about to be nailed to the pillar of shame in the national history.

Under the violent ups and downs of breath, Yang Zhenwang was trembling with anger, waved his hand, "Drink the potion, give it to me, let me kill him."

"It's up to you if our five big families can stand up!"

"At all costs, even if he dies, kill him!"

Yang Zhenwang is not very sure whether he can fight or not.

But the matter has come to this point, and others have come to call, so naturally they have to do their best to resist.

The five family members who were waiting beside them drank the potion one after another and rushed up.

Yang Zhenwang quickly took out the communicator and inquired about some methods arranged earlier.

But when he learned that the biochemical monsters and gas bombs had been dealt with by the other five generals, his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

On the other side, Su Ye looked at the members of the five major families rushing over, and some of them used long-range attacks not far away.

The next moment, he took out the starlight scepter and entered the second-level state of the gene lock in seconds, flapping his wings to meet him.

The means of attack are nothing less than those, just a few minutes later.

Under the watchful eyes of the people of the two worlds.

Nearly a hundred extraordinary people from the five major families were slaughtered one after another.

Su Ye didn't hold back at all, and resorted to iron and blood methods, ruthlessly, and wiped out all of them one by one.

He wants to show this side in front of the whole Xia people.

In order to achieve the purpose of deterring Xiaoxiao, and then facilitate the development of follow-up plans.

Therefore, the five major families must be completely wiped out, and in order not to leave hidden dangers, they must be eradicated.

In front of the building, there were only five old men who were nearly half a century old from the five major families, watching Shu Luo and Chu Wei walking slowly in front of them with fearful expressions.

"Chu Wei, you already have plans, right!?"

"This Shura probably didn't come back from outside, but was cultivated by you secretly, so that he can act like this!"

"However, even so, have you considered the nearly thousand administrative officials of our five major family factions?"

"A huge population, left unmanaged, will fall into chaos."

Facing Yang Zhenwang's threat, Su Ye has not yet opened his mouth.

Chu Wei smiled slightly, "You don't need to worry about this, Chairman Yang."

"We have our own way to deal with them!"

"In addition, I have some good news for you. Those women and children in the underground passage are already in the hands of two generals, Zuo Hejing and Pang Meng."

In an instant, Yang Zhenwang and the other five people's eyes froze, and then they seemed unable to accept this cruel fact, shouting and roaring crazily.

"When your five major families are eyeing this position, then you must be prepared for it!"

Su Ye said something, and then waved the Starlight Staff.

Under the watchful eyes of all Xia people.

These five high-ranking people who used to be in power in the Xinxia coalition government died one after another.

After harvesting five more Crosses of Rebirth, Su Ye turned around and looked at the crowd of media drones.

"Let me introduce myself, my real name is Su Ye!"

"From this moment on."

"The new summer coalition government will be a thing of the past."

"Xia Guo is still that Xia Guo."

"As for me, I will assume the position of Grand Marshal and lead the people of the Xia Kingdom to regain lost ground and restore their former glory."

"Lead all the people on the road to great rejuvenation and embark on a great journey!"

(End of this chapter)

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