Chapter 371
The audience in the live broadcast room, or the Marvel fans, were right.

In the comic version, after Thanos died for the first time, his soul was thrown into the arms of Thane, the goddess of death.

And in this way, she conceived and gave birth to Rot.

Rot is the son of Thanos.

Far away.

Following the main battle room, Chu Wei called the Taoist priest.

Following Su Ye took out the flamethrower.

Following the Taoist leader, he pulled out all the stops.

In the end, Su Ye didn't care if Thanos was saved or not, anyway, that's all he can do.

Blow up Thanos' Temple 2.

Su Ye returned to Earth through the cosmic channel.

The next thing to do is to collect the three Infinity Stones currently on Earth.

Although you can't take it out.

But wait until you get it.

Wait until you get out and see if you can get it out of the King's Treasure Chest.

If you can, then earn it! ?
When Su Ye came to a brand new sky carrier.

Director Nick immediately asked about the situation, "The Thanos was wiped out?"

Su Ye shook his head regretfully, "He didn't come here, maybe he's in a galaxy far away, and I don't know how long it will take to come here."

His face became dignified and serious, "I can't wait any longer on my side."

"On the one hand, the energy in the Rubik's Cube is not enough to continue to support the opening of the channel."

"On the other hand, I received a message from my master that the door to the demon world in our east has been opened, and the demons are invading our east."

"This is a very serious crisis."

"Wait!" Director Nick was a little puzzled. As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he thought it was necessary for him to understand as long as there was a crisis on this planet.

"Can you explain to me the demon clan?"

At this moment, the other superheroes also looked at Su Ye curiously, waiting for his explanation.

For this point, Su Ye is naturally at his fingertips, otherwise he would have read so many fantasy novels in vain.

In the next second, his eyes revealed the depth of the world's imminent destruction, mixed with a trace of fear.

"Demon Race is what we call in the east, but in your west, this kind of creature is called a demon from the abyss."

"The leader of the demon world is the Great Demon God, followed by the six Heavenly Demon Kings, then the Twelve Demon Generals, and finally the high-level Demon Warriors and middle Demon Warriors."

After struggling to explain, everyone was stunned at this moment.

Su Ye continued: "Thanos, as I said before, can only be regarded as a top-ranking demon warrior among the demons."

"And with my strength, I can only deal with one demon general at most, but I can't kill him. I can only save my life under his hands!"

this moment.

Director Nick was almost scared to pee.

Really, literally!
According to what Su Ye said.

Then the Avengers formed by his S.H.I.E.L.D.

Even a small team of demon warriors from the demon clan can't deal with it!

And next to Director Nick.

The [-]-[-] US team almost lost its footing at this time.

Black Widow and Hawkeye looked at each other in disbelief.

But as Su Ye's words continued to spread, the two immediately showed fear in their eyes.

"Thousands of years ago, my master went to the Demon Realm to fight against the Great Demon God Chonglou, but in the end he could only seriously injure the opponent, and my master also returned injured, and then sealed the Demon Realm."

"Now that the Great Demon God Chonglou has regained his strength and opened the gate of the demon world, when the gate of the plane is stabilized, he will be able to descend into this world."

"So, I need to go back and stop this human catastrophe with my seniors."

Hearing Su Ye finish speaking solemnly, Chief Nick opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but couldn't say it.

He wanted to ask if he wanted to help, but he thought that the strength of himself and others might have been used as cannon fodder in the past.

Plus Thanos could come to Earth at any time.
At this time, the only one not present was Tony, who was probably hiding at home to study nanomolecular technology.

If he knew the news, with his potential stimulated, Mark Dai would be able to develop it in a few days.

The quiet atmosphere revealed a bit of weirdness, Su Ye took a few steps forward, and suddenly seemed to think of something and said: "Thanos will definitely not let go of the three gems on the earth."

"When he comes, you can send someone to the east to find me, and I will deal with him again."

"Or, you can also lead him to the east."

Director Nick nodded subconsciously, but felt wrong again in a blink of an eye.

This is if Thanos comes.

Can you keep the gems just by yourself and others?
Absolutely not!
At that time, not only will the three gems be taken away by Thanos, but he and others will also die or be injured.

This is a gem?

Falk, this is the curse!
If Su Ye was here, it would be fine, but now the other party wants to go back to prevent another catastrophe.

So, he thought for a while and said, "Su Ye, wait!"

Su Ye, who turned his back to several people, had a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, it's done!

Why let the other party take the initiative to speak?
Can't you just cast the memory spell directly?

It is possible, but in this way, Chu Wei and Su Ye feel that the space-time secret realm is likely to judge Su Ye's behavior as robbery.

If at that time, because of this, the treasure chest cannot open infinite gems, it would be a big loss! ?
on site!

After he turned around, his expression showed surprise, "What's wrong?"

Director Nick said: "I want you to take the three gems back to the East for safekeeping!"

Su Ye looked thoughtful and nodded: "This is a good idea."

"It's not too late, let's hurry up and act!"

The situation is urgent, and everyone has no time to think about it.

At present, except for the Space Gem of the Rubik's Cube and the Soul Gem of Loki.

The third Infinity Stone, the Time Stone, is in the hands of Mage Ancient One.

This point, Su Ye told them before.

But he just said that the time gem is on the earth, and he didn't say who owns it.

Next, following Su Ye's name and address.

A group of people came to No. 177A, Brick Street.

According to the current timeline, Dr. Strange is still working as a surgeon, very proud.

A little while later, he'd be in a car accident, and he'd never be able to have surgery again.

At that time, he will go to the ancient one to heal his hand, and then evolve into Doctor Strange.

Not long.

Everyone came to the residence of Master Gu Yi.

From a distance, Su Ye saw Master Gu Yi standing on the balcony.

According to the original plot, the later superhero travels through time and space and returns to the present from the future, and then finds that the ancient one mage took action to deal with a Chitauri giant reptile that came here to do damage.

And Banner also turned into a Hulk and fought with the Ancient One.

At that time, Master Gu Yi used one palm to defeat Banner.

Therefore, the strength of Master Gu Yi can only be described as unfathomable.

It is likely that this is the main reason why Thanos didn't bring people to Earth to snatch the Rubik's Cube himself, and let Loki and the Chitauri do it.

Thanos knows the ancient one mage, and fears her.

the other side.

The Ancient One was noticing the arrival of SHIELD's aircraft.

A trace of doubt flashed in her eyes.

When Su Ye was the first to come down, her eyes were immediately on Su Ye.

As for the people behind Su Ye, she subconsciously ignored them.

She keenly felt that this young man with an oriental face was very powerful!
(End of this chapter)

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