Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 372 Peeking into the Future

Chapter 372 Peeking into the Future
For one night, Su Ye was in the underground research room, imparting technical knowledge.

It wasn't until the next morning that Su Ye left the 100 kilograms of vibrating gold for them to research and create a nanomark suit made of vibrating gold, and then left.

After returning to the villa, I explained to Tang Yi and Chen Dongkui, and gave them colorful eggs for strengthening, and left the three-spin scroll and professional skill scroll.

After dealing with everything, Su Ye did not leave in a hurry, but came to the room alone.

"What is Brother Huo going to do?"

"Look at him putting on gloves, he should use the power of time to spy on the future!?"

"It should be like this, and I don't know if we can see it."

"It's ok! I just don't know what the future holds."

That's right, as the audience in the live broadcast room guessed.

Su Ye really wanted to see the future.

From yesterday plus today, two days have made the time power of the Infinity Gauntlet accumulate to 120 seconds of super power time.

After putting on the Infinity Gauntlet, he asked Chu Wei, "What time do you think is better?"

"Divide 120 seconds into three 30-second periods, except leave 30 seconds in reserve."

"For the remaining 90 seconds, I suggest you check the time point seven days later, the time point half a month later, and the time point one year later."

"The first two are mainly for the investigation of the crisis situation in the Neon country that you are about to go to, and the latter needless to say, let's see how you will be in a year."

Su Ye nodded, raised his right hand, and slowly clenched his fist.

In an instant, the Time Gem on the Infinity Gauntlet shone brightly.

The heart moved at will, and the light gradually faded.

At the same time, the future picture seven days later appeared in the eyes of Su Ye and all mankind.

In the picture, the sky is covered with dark clouds, and a door exuding a thick black air is opening a little.

When the camera turned, I saw Ultraman Tiga fighting a huge humanoid creature.

as time flows.

In the end, the monster was put on the black air gate by Di Jia, and the light was released to kill it!

As the 30 seconds passed, the picture slowly dissipated.

"What the hell, this is the Kirielod, and those monsters, I remember them all, are Jakuma, Silizan, and Su Nagui."

"Fuck, there is an extraordinary person in the Neon Kingdom who got Tijia's divine light stick!"

"Are you out of your mind? Brother Huohua is looking at his own future, so the Di Jia who appeared in the fucking movie is Brother Huohua himself!"

inside the room.

Su Ye communicated with Chu Wei for a few words, and then continued to use the power of time.

Opened the future scenario half a month later.

In the picture, the sky was plunged into darkness, and on one side of the camera, Di Jia appeared.

On the opposite side of Tiga, there are three Ultramans with dark aura and a super-large creature like a snail.

as time flows.

Tiga was completely outmatched by the opponent and was finally knocked to the ground.

Until, the 30 seconds came to an abrupt end, and there was no follow-up.

"Fuck, why is it at a critical moment, it's gone!?"

"These are the three bosses in the Tiga theatrical version of "The Final Jihad", Camila, Durham, Hitler and Gatanjah!"

"In the end, Di Jia, or brother Huohua survived?"

"The time node is not selected well, and if we move it back two or three minutes, we will probably know the ending!"

"It's the same, let Brother Huohua watch the timeline one year later, if you can see yourself appearing, it can prove that Brother Huohua won the battle just now!"

"Experts, clear thinking!"

The viewers in the studio were right.

Su Ye and Chu Wei discussed for a while, and then opened the screen at this point in time a year later.

In the screen, from a bird's-eye view.

Su Ye is fighting a monster.

The location background can be seen, not the earth.

In 30 seconds, no result was decided, and the two sides kept fighting.

It can be seen that Su Ye has the upper hand.

That's it, until the screen disappears.

"It's like, kind of like Buu?"

"Why do I feel a bit like Frieza."

"No, no, this is obviously Lild."

"Look at it has a tail, shouldn't it be an evil dragon!?"

"Ghost knows, maybe it's not fantasy life, alien creatures are also possible."

"Whatever, anyway, it can be confirmed that the battle of the Neon Kingdom, Di Jia won."


The barrage in the live broadcast room was boiling.

Su Ye let out a long breath.

Then he turned and left the room.

Taking Hoshino Kanna on the flying car, Su Ye flew in the direction of the Neon Kingdom.

"Shana, is your mother's address in the city of Neon?"

He stepped on the gas pedal, with his left hand on the bottom of the steering wheel casually, and asked Hoshino Kannai, the co-pilot.

Hearing Oni-chan talking about her mother, Hoshino Kanna said in a depressed mood: "In Osaka City!"

"I don't know if Osaka City has been destroyed by phantom life."

Su Ye turned his head and looked ahead, "I hope not, no matter what, since it's over, I'll take you to see it!"

Ten minutes later, under the gaze of countless eyes below, the flying car flew over Hangzhou Bay.

During this period, he notified the 23 warships staying in the open sea, and asked the US military officers to drive the warships to follow him to the Neon country.

Neon Kingdom is located in the northeast of Xia Kingdom.

Su Ye has been driving forward, and the first place to arrive will be Nagasaki City in the Neon Country.

But before dealing with the third batch of fantasy life coming from the Neon Kingdom.

He needs to accumulate some doomsday coins first to improve the quality of his equipment.

After being promoted to the seventh rank.

The Doomsday Currency Mall refreshed the legendary quality limit and two high-tech products.

【Liquid metal robot-T-1000 (full equipped with thermal weapon suspension, unlimited energy, unlimited ammunition, enhanced version)】

Quality: Legendary

Price: 50 doomsday coins
Explanation: Produced in the "Terminator" series of movies, after being strengthened by the mall, it is sold for the first time. It is very cost-effective, and it is recommended to buy.

[AT-AP all-terrain attack walker (full equipped with laser weapons, unlimited energy, unlimited ammunition, enhanced version)]

Quality: Legendary

Price: 100 doomsday coins
Explanation: Produced in the "Star Wars" series of movies, it can fight on all-terrain ground, and the price is not bad. Welcome to buy!
At present, there are only less than 5 doomsday coins left on his account balance.

the other side.

Goto-shi in front of Nagasaki.

This is a small island.

On small islands near large islands.

A man, a woman and several small creatures are fleeing for their lives.

Behind the two of them, a giant deep sea beast was chasing them.

"Double bomb gas, release the smoke quickly, or we will die today."

After the woman's sharp voice fell.

to the side behind her.

The two Pokémon with one big and one small head screamed a few times, and then spewed gas smoke.


(End of this chapter)

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