Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 373 The Cute Villain

Chapter 373 The Cute Villain

Su Ye flew for an hour.

Along the way, he encountered a few flying creatures, but gained more than 8 doomsday coins.

"According to our analysis, there are about 5 minutes left, and Goto City in front of Nagasaki City will arrive."

After listening to the voice ringing in the ear.

Su Ye began to slowly lower the altitude.

at the same time.

Located in the northeast direction, the turbulent movement attracted the attention of the co-pilot Hoshino Kanna.

"Oni sauce, there are two people running away over there, and there seems to be a sea beast chasing after them."

As soon as Su Ye heard that there was a doomsday coin, no, it was a sea beast, Su Ye slammed the steering wheel and quickly turned the car towards that side.

After gradually approaching, the appearance of the sea beast that emerged from the water appeared more and more clearly in everyone's eyes.

"Damn it, this is Reylos!"

"I haven't seen Tiga, explain to me?"

"The monster that appeared in episode 12, soy sauce, don't worry about it."

"It's the one that turned into a monster near the oil factory due to the radioactivity of the nuclear test. The water gun it spits out is extremely poisonous!"

"Brother Huohua said, this is a monster? No, it's the doomsday coin!"

Su Ye let Hoshino Kanna possess him, received and took off the sky car, and entered the second-level state of the gene lock at the same time.

With the wings flapping, he quickly flew towards Reylos.

On the lens of his left eye, the combat power of the opponent is: 81.21.

Seeing Su Ye approaching, Leilos immediately opened his mouth and sprayed a water gun at him.

After Su Ye dodged easily with the thunder gun in his hand, he accelerated towards Leilos and cast magic.

'Nine Heavens Thunder! '

The tip of the gun was aimed at Reylos, after the magic power in the body was evacuated.

next moment.

On the top of Leilos' head, a thick purple golden thunderbolt crashed down, smashing the monster's head and bleeding.

Combat power also plummeted by more than 30 points.

"Cana, back to blue!"

"Okay, Oni-chan!"

'The Art of Azure'!
All of a sudden, Chanel replenished Su Ye's magic power to 40%.

And under the effect of gain halo.

Su Ye's magic power is still recovering rapidly.

All the magic power in his body was used to strengthen the volt value of the Thunder God Gun, and then Su Ye threw the Thunder God Gun in his hand towards Leilos.

On the opposite side, Leilos bent slightly and pointed his back at Su Ye.

Facing the thunderbolt that came rapidly.

In the next second, a beam of energy was shot from its back and hit the thunder gun.

Under the roar of hissing, he saw that the thunder gun was shot down.

Reylos swayed left and right, very proud.

A small island not far away.

Looking at the sudden appearance of the bird man, the man and the woman were both grateful and shocked.

"Musashi, that man seems very powerful."

"That's it, (>^ω^<) Meow!"

"Damn it, I haven't said it yet!" Musashi punched the cat on the head, and a big bag immediately appeared on the cat.

After Musashi punched him, "Kojiro, that person can actually use Pikachu's lightning, it looks extraordinary!"

"Let's hurry up, that terrifying monster can't even do damage to it, but the other party actually hurt it."

"What's the hurry, let's take a look again, as a villain, how can he run away because of fear!"

"That's it, meow!"


Su Ye planned not to drink the potion this time, and to deal with the opponent without consumption.

After all, the potion is getting more and more expensive, and I can't afford it anymore, so save some doomsday coins.

After seeing that the thunder gun was shot down, he activated the nanomark armor, and at the same time he teleported to pick up the thunder gun.

The next moment, he flew around Reylos, constantly releasing palm laser cannons and small missiles to bombard him.

The bombing lasted for more than ten minutes.

Su Ye dodged the opponent's skills, then moved to its head in an instant, and stabbed the thunder gun that had been accumulated for a long time.

Visible to the naked eye, Reylos' combat power began to drop rapidly.

In a blink of an eye, there were only more than [-] combat power points left.

[Please, don't kill me! 】

Suddenly, a strange voice sounded in Su Ye's mind.

at the same time.

Everyone in the live broadcast room saw that the irradiated monster Reylos actually showed a pitiful appearance.

"Fuck, this guy is trying to deceive people, don't be fooled, Huo Hua, just kill it."

"Yes, in the original plot, it used this trick to deceive Dijia, and it deceived it several times."

"Do it directly, pop seven eggs, maybe rely on it to burst the magic light stick!"

Su Ye remembered the power of his mind, and immediately spoke in its mind with his thoughts: "When did you appear in this world!?"

【some days ago! 】

"How is the human situation in Neon Country?"

[I don’t know, I was in the sea after I appeared. 】

"How many monsters are there in the sea?"

[Many, many, the deeper the place, the more terrifying there is, so I only dare to wander in the sea at the edge of the land. 】

After asking for a while, Su Ye frowned, and then noticed that the opponent's combat power was rising rapidly.

The next moment, he put on the symbiote suit and disappeared instantly.

When it reappeared, Su Ye had turned his hands into sharp blades and cut off Leilos' head.

Seeing the monster's corpse fall into the sea water, and then a level 9 colorful egg emerged, Su Ye immediately put it away.

He turned his head and glanced at the two people not far away.

In the blink of an eye, Su Ye apparated in front of the two of them.

He frowned and asked, "Who are you!?"

Su Ye saw that the two looked familiar, but he just couldn't remember the other's name for a while.

The combat power of the two is similar, both in the early 1s.

Hearing the question from the man in front of him, Musashi and Kojiro looked at each other.

"Since you asked the question sincerely!"

"We will tell you mercifully!"

"To prevent the world from being destroyed!"

"To protect the peace of the world!"

"To carry out love and true evil!"

"Cute and charming villain!"

"I'm Musashi!"

"I'm Kojiro!"

"We are the Rockets traveling across the galaxy!"

"White hole, white tomorrow is waiting for us!"

"That's it~ Meow~~~~!"

Looking at the woman's long fiery red hair, it seemed that she had been sprinkled with styling water and flowed horizontally behind her.

Looking at the man's familiar clothes.

And that symbolic two-legged cat.

Listening to the classic opening, Su Ye chuckled, "A cute villain! Really."

"Don't tell me, you are the third batch of fantasy beings!"

Kojiro raised his fists and said, "Hey, what are you talking about, I don't understand!"

Su Ye raised the starlight staff slightly, and released a bit of magic power to release the lightning chain on them.

The next moment, the two of them and the cat sat on the ground covered in bruises.

Musashi's eyes were staring, and he said a little dizzily, "Did Pikachu appear?"

"Did Xiaozhi show up too!?"


(End of this chapter)

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