Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 375 One Legendary Quality

Chapter 375

Inside the survivor base in Wudao City.

After Su Ye walked with Ida Ken for more than ten minutes, he finally saw this strong man from the Neon Kingdom, and the gods kept their integrity.

Appearance in his forties, with a square face, not angry but prestige.

On the left-eye lens, the opponent's combat power value is: 16.8.

With the status of the other party, they have monopolized the strengthening resources of the Neon Kingdom. Su Ye is not surprised to have such strength.

However, as long as the attributes to be dealt with are lower than your own, then it will be easy to handle.

The gods were watching Su Ye who was brought by Ken Ida, and was about to speak.

In the next second, Su Ye quickly took out the Starlight Scepter and performed all petrification on him.

Unsurprisingly, the Gods were being crushed by Su Ye's super high attributes, and they froze their bodies.

Su Ye immediately released the Memory Curse on him.

As for Ida Ken, he kept a calm smile on the sidelines.

"Good guy, sneak attack if you disagree with me, is that okay? That's not good!"

"The key is that the sneak attack was successful!"

"Convenient and easy!"

"Ha ha."

Under everyone's gaze, Su Ye came to the main seat and sat down.

The gods stood aside respectfully, bowing their heads slightly.

"Let me ask you, what are the third batch of fantasy creatures coming!?"

Su Ye calmly asked about the situation.

And in the following, the gods kept uprightly.

The expressions of Su Ye and Chu Wei became more serious.

According to him, a huge black hole appeared in the middle of the neon island, above the city of Nagoya.

after the black hole appears.

During the observation of the Chosen One in the Neon Kingdom.

Immediately afterwards, huge monsters appeared one after another.

The ones they recognized alone included: Xierbagong, Eineng Mina, Obic, Jobeliai, Natan Starman, Hulanos, Daiximania, Cosmic Steel Dragon Guwamu, Chaos Ancient pioneer monster Zoga
There are also some Pokémon spirits, characters from Naruto World, and characters from Dragon Ball.

After the arrival, these fantasy beings began to attack, and a great war broke out.

Afterwards, the second batch of fantasy life overlord boss Extreme Demon King arrived with a group of subordinates.

However, it survived the monster battle for less than an hour before being killed!
Most importantly, 25% of the cases show black holes that last two days, compared to 50% that show black holes that last only one day.

The black hole that appeared at 75% of the time this time will last longer, and the specific time is unknown.

But it also means.

According to the rule that the weak come first and the powerful come later.

In the future, even more powerful fantasy life will appear.

"Distribute all the living supplies in your hands, and don't do anything crazy."

"The world has become like this, have you ever seen a god appear! Therefore, we should be equal to gods."

"Yes, my lord!" The gods responded respectfully.

Su Ye continued: "After ordinary humans have eaten and calmed down, you have to prepare everyone, and a warship will come to pick you up and go to Xiaguo."

"Is this true?" Zhushen Shouzheng couldn't help exclaiming, his face full of surprise.

"Of course it is true. As human beings, it is still possible to give you a habitat!"

This is the result of discussions between Su Ye and Chu Wei.

The base currently has a population of more than 20, of which 15 are ordinary people.

It would be a pity if they were left to fend for themselves like this!

It's better to take Xia Guo to train it well and contribute to the resistance against fantasy life.

Coupled with the fact that there are still a steady stream of escape survivors coming, when Su Ye leaves, it is estimated that the population will reach more than 30, or more.

Afraid of not having enough food, Su Ye also gave him a space watch with food in it.

Finally, Su Ye asked Zhu Shenshou to show him his space watch.

If it is useful, it should be considered a life-saving fee.

As for Su Ye's request, the Gods Shou Zheng naturally had no objection.

After ten minutes, Su Ye took away two pieces of magical equipment and three pieces of equipment that could be used, and returned the space watch to him.

Seeing that the gods kept their heads upright, they turned around to arrange what Su Ye ordered.

Hoshino Kanna, who was floating on Su Ye's right ear and shoulder, suddenly felt sweet in her heart.

She felt that O'Neill's decision was made for herself.

"Ken Ida, go and assist the gods to deal with what I said!"

"Okay, my lord!"

After Ken Ida left, Su Ye said, "Channa, come down, I have two pieces of equipment here for you to wear, and I will strengthen and refresh your potential later when I have time."

"Okay, Oni-chan!"

What Su Ye was talking about was the two low-level magical equipment that he had just brought from Zhushen Shouzheng.

All are magical equipment that provide healing effects.

One is earrings and the other is a pendant.

These gods are guarding the two magical powers that women prefer, and they keep them for themselves and don't use them for others.

It's too wasteful!
After putting the earrings and pendant on her personally, Su Ye couldn't help admiring: "It's pretty!"

"It suits you very well!"


After a long time, the two who kissed for the first time under the gaze of all human beings slowly separated.


Su Ye opened the Doomsday Currency Mall, and then bought the legendary quality promotion scrolls. At the price of 20 pieces, he spent more than [-] yuan to upgrade all the equipment in his body to the legendary quality.

And after upgrading to legendary quality.

First of all, the function of the strength tester has been further upgraded.

In addition to the original attributes and combat effectiveness evaluation.

Not only has the evaluation distance expanded, but there is also an additional item in the evaluation, which is the evaluation of the status of the gene lock.

The second is the change of the Nanomark armor.

Just like the top-end version of the items in the Doomsday Coin Mall, it has the features of unlimited ammunition, unlimited energy, and power enhancement.

Finally, there are the legendary quality [Ankh of Rebirth] and [Stand-in Doll].

For the former, as long as Su Ye still has 10% of his flesh and blood, he can be reborn within 5 seconds and recover to his peak state.

Su Ye made five Legendary Quality [Rebirth Cross], no amount of doomsday coins would be enough.

The utility of the latter becomes: the wearer can use it actively and passively, and in the event of a crisis, the main body will appear in a random place within a range of [-] square meters.

This wave of improvement can be regarded as greatly improving Su Ye's safety factor.

As for the rest of the equipment, there hasn't been much change, and the performance has been improved based on the original functions.

After the quality improvement is completed.

Su Ye looked at the remaining more than [-] doomsday coins, but did not continue to use them, but kept them.

It was at this time.

Ida Ken suddenly rushed in with a panicked expression.

"My lord, there are monsters attacking our city walls outside!"

"It seems to be Gay Ozark, the shark-shaped mechanical beast controlled by Keigo Masaki."

His voice just fell.

In the next second, there was an earth-shattering sound and an earthquake.

Su Ye's expression changed slightly, "Kana, possess you!"


(End of this chapter)

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