Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 376 The Evil Tiga Appears

Chapter 376 The Evil Tiga Appears
main world.

After Ida Ken said the name of the monster and its general origin.

Immediately, the staff handed over the relevant intelligence materials to Chu Wei.

After Chu Wei read it, he immediately said, "Su Ye, I think I probably know why you can become Dijia!"

Su Ye just walked out of the room at this moment, "Hurry up!"

"Since the monster controlled by Keigo Masaki appeared, it is very likely that Keigo Masaki also descended into this world."

"If there is an evil Tiga transformed by him, then I predict that as long as you kill him, you will be able to get Tiga's divine light stick."

"In the original plot, he took away Dagu's divine light stick and then analyzed the power of light, transforming into the evil Dijia."

"In the CD version, he is also called Lian Ying!"

While speaking, Su Ye quickly flapped his wings and soared into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that outside the 60-meter-high city wall in the distance, a monster that was roughly similar to a shark was attacking the city wall.

On the opposite side of Gaiozark, there are gods guarding and a group of people attacking it.

"The body is 60 meters long, 48 meters tall, and weighs 5 tons. The dorsal fin can emit a ring-shaped light that makes the target stationary, and the corner of the nose can emit death light."

In the ear, Chu Wei's information and information sounded.

At the same time, on Su Ye's lens, the opponent's combat power value was displayed.

Combat power: 130.21.

"Fuck, so speaking of it, is Masaki Keigo instigating it in the dark far away?"

"In the original plot, it was designed to lure Tiga out. It is estimated that Masaki Keigo wanted to see if there is Tiga in this world."

"It should be. He has just arrived and should not have time to get information about the time-space cordon."

"It will be interesting if the evil Dijia appears later. If you kill the evil Dijia, Brother Huohua might be able to get the magic light stick."

In the live broadcast room, the barrage at this moment was surging wildly.

The Tiga Ultraman series, as the most classic and most watched Ultraman series, has not too many fans around the world.


Watching Guyozak's devastating attack, the gods kept retreating.

Su Ye rushed over immediately.

At the same time, enter the second level of the gene lock, cover it with the Nanomark armor, and then put on the symbiosis armor outside the armor.

Landing on Guyozak's side, Su Ye's combat strength reached more than 370 million, and immediately stretched his hands and turned them into countless fluid handles, stabbing at the opponent at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, Guyozak, who sensed the danger, hastily moved his two pairs of forelimbs to point his spine, which is also the hardest part, in the direction Su Ye stabbed.

In the next second, countless fluid sharp blades were only inserted into the tip a little bit, and they could no longer penetrate.

Su Ye withdrew the fluid sharp blade, kicked his strong legs instantly, and immediately jumped towards the opponent.

At the same time, in his right hand, a sledgehammer covered with spikes took shape in an instant, and then ruthlessly smashed on Gaozak's body.

The huge strength instantly made the other party scream and roar in pain.

After the first hit, Su Ye didn't stop, but continued smashing crazily.

In a blink of an eye, the smashed part of the opponent's body was covered in blood and flesh.

And the combat power of the opponent is declining at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Under the sense of disharmony brought by the small body and the huge body, it was the former who had the upper hand.

At this moment, everyone in the city wall was stunned.

They didn't notice the process of Su Ye's transformation.

I just saw a venom suddenly appear, and then violently beat the monster.

At this time, Ida Ken came to Zhushen Shouzheng's side, said a few words, and told that it might be Su Ye's change.

Only then did he lead the people back slowly, and at the same time ordered a long-range attack on Gaiozark.

Under the pain, Gaiozak's dorsal fin began to glow a little bit.

Seeing this, Su Ye let out a cold snort, stepped aside, and then a Starlight Scepter appeared in his hand.

'Nine Heavens Thunder'!
The magic power in the body was instantly evacuated.

The next moment, the purple-gold sky thunder, which was as thick as five people hugging each other, hit Guyozak with the sound of piercing through the air.

Accompanied by the other party's sudden and ear-piercing cry of pain.

Gai Ozark's combat power dropped a lot, falling below 80.

in the live room.

"This body has the advantages of a large body, but the disadvantages are also obvious. Facing an enemy who is so small but has such high damage, it can't hide easily."

"The key point is that Gai Ozark has not been able to hit Brother Huohua, and Brother Huohua quickly dodged the light several times. It is not too simple."

"Is there any big boss who can analyze and explain Brother Spark's combat mode at the scene?"

"It should be, use the symbiote suit to deal with the enemy, and use it when the mana is full, and then use it after the recovery is full. If the symbiote suit is broken, use the nanomark suit to fight the enemy."

"Namimark can't fight the enemy, so don't fight melee, use mages to fight enemies from a distance or melee mages!"

at the same time.

High in the sky in the direction of Nagasaki City.

A huge figure was heading towards Wudao City at a speed of Mach 5.

This person is the evil Ultraman Tiga transformed by Masaki Keigo.

After setting up the "Optogenetic Particle Converter" equipment, he immediately analyzed the power of light with the divine light stick that came to this world with him.

Then, he assimilated himself with the giant stone statue, and possessed the body of Ultraman.

Outside the walls of the survivor base in Wudao City.

Su Ye was attacking Gay Ozark's vulnerable parts.

At the same time, three nine-day divine thunders have been released.

The opponent's combat power at this moment is less than 30.

And under the continuous long-range attack of the superpowers in the base, the combat power poured down faster and faster.

Guyozak's body is a mechanical body, and it can only execute instructions, so there is no sign of escaping.

After more than ten minutes.

With a scream of pain, finally, its fighting power returned to zero, completely losing signs of life.

The next moment, the neon people in the base suddenly burst into exclamation.

This is the first time they have participated and successfully killed such a huge and powerful monster.

It's just that the cheers didn't last long.

A giant soared down from the sky and landed not far from the city wall, causing the earth to shake.

He stared at Guyozak's corpse, watched the corpse gradually turn into fly ash and dissipate, and then the colorful eggs that appeared suddenly disappeared.

"It's Ultraman Tiga!?"

Seeing this familiar giant, the neon people in the base immediately recognized it, and burst into joyful exclamations.

"It's Ultraman Tiga, we Neon State-owned God's Chosen got the magic light stick from the secret realm!"

Some Neon people guessed, but they are very sure.

"It's just that it feels a little different!?"

Some neon people noticed something was wrong, and a trace of surprise flashed across their faces.

And in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, it is even more boiling!
"That's right, it's the evil Tiga incarnated by Masaki Keigo, exactly the same as the one in the Gentoku drama!"

"Fuck, he's really tall. I can't wait to see Brother Huohua kill him and get the magic light stick to transform into a real Dijia!"

"That's right, Brother Huohua, hurry up and do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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