Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 400 Relics of Super Ancient Civilization Emerge

Chapter 400 Relics of Super Ancient Civilization Emerge

Su Ye watched the red sun rise under the mushroom cloud.

While checking the account balance on the Doomsday Currency Mall interface.

I saw that there were only more than 1000 million doomsday coins left, and they jumped to more than 2 million in an instant.

But the subsequent jump speed slowed down.

Except for those eight monsters.

But don't forget, there are still infected mutant creatures in the Neon Kingdom.

However, not many.

After all, there are more powerful existences like fantasy life, and their living soil is naturally smaller.

the other side.

in the Pacific Ocean.

Dozens of pirate ships were shocked to see the rising red sun in the Neon Kingdom.

"I can feel that it is a very powerful attack method, which is produced by some kind of devil fruit!"

A tall old man was on the bow deck.

It was Whitebeard.

"It may also be caused by the monsters that came out of the black hole with me."

"Father, just go and see if it's okay!"

Marco answered from the side.

Not just the Whitebeard Pirates.

The BIGMOM Pirates, Charlotte Lingling also yelled and directed everyone in the family to rush towards the Neon Kingdom.

And the red-haired pirates, Shanks.

Beast Pirates, Kaido.

Blackbeard Pirates, Straw Hat Pirates
Philippine monkey country.

The Tianlong people and the navy generals who have just occupied this place and established the world government are currently receiving information about the red sun of the Neon Kingdom with snails in their hands.

"Sakaski, go and have a look."

"Okay, Lord Im!"

After Sakaski left, Lord Im began to discuss with the Five Elder Stars about where to choose the new holy land of Jomaria and the construction of naval soldiers.

Somewhere on the beach.

A group of people wearing black trench coats embroidered with red cloud patterns are also paying attention to the huge mushroom cloud in the direction of the neon country.

Orochimaru subconsciously twisted a long tongue a few times, "It's really strange, I can't feel any sign of Chakra at all!"

Beside Orochimaru, Jue said, "It's probably a movement made by creatures in other worlds."

Payne and Xiaonan glanced at each other, "Hurry up and collect intelligence information about this world."

After speaking, the two turned and left.

Seeing them leave, Uchiha Itachi, Angle, Didara, Red Sand Scorpion, A Fei, etc. watched for a while, and then left one after another.


A group of white men in armor looked solemnly at the mushroom cloud rising from the Neon Kingdom on the screen.

"Who used the nuclear bomb, and it's so powerful!"

"This is definitely not an ordinary nuclear bomb. With such a wide range of power, it is likely to be a supernatural item."

"Use the scroll to improve quality?"


"Send someone to collect intelligence, don't let such a nuclear bomb appear on our heads!"

And in the deep sea under the nuclear explosion center of Neon Country.

In a ruin, three stone giants are constantly absorbing the dark energy that is coming.

There is no lack of strong resentment mixed with the dark energy.

In just a moment, the three stone giants woke up one after another.

Then, crazy laughter began to resound in the ruins of the city.

At the same time, the huge ruin island also began to rise, preparing to surface.

the other side.

Su Ye waited on Jeju Island for a while, and saw the mushroom cloud rise to the sky, and the red sun also dissipated.

So I canceled the transformation and took out the symbiote suit and put it on.

This is to prevent nuclear radiation. Compared to buying anti-radiation suits at the points mall, the symbiote suit is more effective.

Not long after, Su Ye entered the radiation range.

He could clearly feel that the symbiote suit was adjusting, transforming and adapting to the nuclear radiation.

Below him, the original Wudao City, as well as the Nagasaki City in front of him and other islands and land plates have all disappeared.

"The colorful eggs dropped by the eight monsters shouldn't sink into the sea!"

Looking at the empty sea, Su Ye couldn't help guessing.

Not long after, he arrived at the explosion site of the previous Dongfeng nuclear bomb.

Looking at the surging sea water below, Su Ye was about to dive into the sea water to look for colorful eggs.

But it was the next second.

I saw that the originally surging sea water began to boil.

"what happened?"

"Something seems to be popping out."

"Look, it looks like an island!"

The sudden change made Su Ye stop his movements, hover in the sky, and watch quietly.

Ten minutes later.

A slightly familiar black island appeared in everyone's eyes.

"This is the super ancient civilization relic in "The Final Battle"!"

"How would it appear here?"

"I see, the three of Camilla must be inside."

"Yes, it is estimated that the three of Camilla are still in a state of stone statues, so they descended together with the ruins."

"Why is it popping up now?"

"Could it be that he absorbed the dark power and woke up?"

It didn't take long for the remains of the ultra-ancient civilization to surface completely.

But in an instant, strange birds sprang out from the ruins.

At the same time, everyone noticed that the sky was clear of the original black clouds of nuclear explosions.

Clouds of black mist began to appear in the sky in the rest of the range.

Centering on the sky above the island, black clouds billowed and swept across, enveloping the entire world in darkness in just an instant.

Asia, Europe, Africa, America and so on.

People were alarmed by this vision, not understanding what happened.

at this time.

While Su Ye was still in a daze, Chu Wei's urging voice came from beside his ear, "Don't worry about it so much, go to the ruins and put away those colorful eggs first!"

"With my current combat power, Gene Lock Tiga should have no problem dealing with Camilla and the others."

Su Ye said something that seemed to soothe the palpitations in his heart.

On the surface of the island, eight huge colorful eggs are standing there quietly.

It's just that Su Ye just landed on the island.

A huge shock began to sound.

As the ground of the black island began to crack.

Boulders and stone pillars began to fall off and fall into the sea.

In just a few seconds, the ruins of the city covered below appeared in everyone's eyes.

Not surprisingly, this is the city ruins of the ultra-ancient civilization in the "Final Holy War".

Many buildings have collapsed, buried in yellow sand, showing desolation.

Throughout the ruins of the city, there are a large number of broken giant stone statues everywhere.

It can be said that they look like after death, broken stone arms, half-body giant stone statues, each is different, and there are various forms of life.

Just when Su Ye was about to make a move.

A woman and two men suddenly appeared in front of Su Ye.

The woman in the middle is Camilla.

She looked at Su Ye and smiled, "Is this the human body you chose? It's really ugly!"

As soon as the words fell, the other two men laughed loudly.

"Tiga, after 3000 million years, we finally meet again!"

"I will use my strength to bury you here!"

(End of this chapter)

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