Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 401 Tijia's Love Debt

Chapter 401 Tijia's Love Debt

In Su Ye's ears, Chu Wei's urging kept ringing, asking him to put away the colorful eggs first.

But Su Ye was shocked by the value shown in the evaluation of their combat effectiveness.

Camilla: 5.1 million

Durham: 4.3 million

Hitler: 4.2 million

How can it be so high! ?
Su Ye couldn't figure it out.

But what he said instinctively shocked everyone in the main world.

Chu Wei immediately turned his head and guessed the reason.

"It is likely that the eight monsters who died before, the dark power after their death was absorbed by these three people!"

on site.

Camila continued to speak: "Tiga, you have a dark power stronger than anyone else!"

"Show us your power again!"

"I still love you, I have always loved you deeply, and you once loved me!"

"Come on, join us in bringing fear and despair to this planet!"

The words fall.

The three laughing immediately became huge.

In an instant, three giants appeared in everyone's eyes.

Camilla is still in the middle.

The giant Durham on the left has a red body and narrow eyes.

The giant Hitler on the right is surrounded by a blue wind.

Su Ye suddenly went crazy.

What does the evil fate of Tema Diga 3000 million years ago have anything to do with me, Su Ye?

in the live room.

People recovered from the shock.

Faced with Camilla's combat power of up to [-] million.

They still have hope, not despair.

"Brother Huohua, don't be afraid, at worst, enter the form of Shining Gene Lock Tiga!"

"Camila mainly complains why Di Jia ran to the light and didn't take her with her."

"Brother Huohua, why don't you try to persuade Camila, just say that I agree with you to join Guangming now, can you?"

"Fuck, if Camilla really agrees, who will own the child?"

"It must be Dijia, I have already thought of the name, it is called: Sawadika!"

"Have you ever thought about how Brother Huohua entered Shining Tiga?"

At the scene, Su Ye couldn't care less about the colorful eggs, and immediately entered the second level of the gene lock, and then took out the magic light stick and transformed into Dijia.

Otherwise, with his own fighting power, I'm afraid he would be killed in seconds.

Really see Tiga show up.

Camilla pointed at Su Ye with a blazing lightsaber.

"Human beings are stupid, but only you and we can let the past go."

"As long as you are willing to come back to me."

Although Su Ye was horrified by the fighting power of the three of them, facing her yelling, he immediately said, "I'll be your mother's spring and autumn dream."

"How about I take you to the light, what do you think!?"

It would be best if the three of them could be persuaded.

Of course, Su Ye has also seen the final jihad.

I just don’t know if Camila really resented Tiga for not bringing her to join the light, as the audience guessed.

at the same time.

Chu Wei's voice sounded in Su Ye's ear, "I have a chance to kill Durham and Hitler first, and take away their strength and agility to strengthen myself."

"You should be able to do it, right?"

Su Ye was a little speechless, "I only have 8 million combat power, and the combined combat power of Durham and Hitler has reached [-] million. What do you want me to do against them?"

"You still think about how to let me enter the form of Shining Tiga, so maybe there is still a glimmer of life."

On the Shenguang stick, it introduces the details of Shining Tiga's form.

But Su Ye tried before, and couldn't enter this form after several transformations.

He had guessed that it might be the same as in the original book.

Let the surviving humans in this world provide the power of light.

Su Ye in the main world thinks it's impossible, after all, even the time stop can't affect it, which means it's not in the same cosmic plane.

And the most important thing is that he doesn't have super power time at all now, and he used it up when he wiped out the eight monsters before.

Therefore, the only trump card now is to find a way to enter Shining Dijia, and perhaps the increase in combat power can deal with the three of them.

Chu Wei quickly thought of a way.

"You immediately buy a few monitoring drones to see if the signal can be received by the communication satellites in the sky."

"If possible, I will let Tang Guohao immediately broadcast your live broadcast in real time, so as to guide people to provide you with the power of light and enter Shining Dijia."

"Also, according to the plot of the original book, the fragments of broken giants in the ruins can also provide the power of light."

"You try your best to fight!"

After Chu Wei finished speaking, he asked Qin Ying to make arrangements for people in the main world, especially children, to guide them to provide the power of light.

In any case, now we can only try with hope.

Camila also tried to persuade Su Ye, "Why deny the power of darkness, that is the nature of human beings."

"I will give you one last chance to join us and kill all humans."

After hearing Camila's voice, Su Ye was still buying drones, Hoshino Kanai couldn't help but said, "Don't confuse us with you!"

"The Dijia you love is already dead. This is Su Ye, my Oni sauce!"

Hearing the woman's voice that suddenly came to mind, Camila immediately noticed the ray of light on Tiga's right shoulder, and then saw Hoshino Kanna's true face.


Immediately, Camila started to take steps trembling and coldly, "3000 million years ago, the soul of Yushalei was stunned, betrayed us, and obtained the power of light."

"Take away Durham's strength, take away Hitler's agility, and seal my dark power."

"Now it's because of this woman."

While speaking, Camilla held a light whip in her hand and lashed towards Su Ye forcefully.

Su Ye dodged to dodge, but was still hit by the light whip, and suddenly felt a burst of burning pain.

"However, now I can put aside all my obsession with you!"

"Now, I want you to bear our anger for 3000 million years!"

Camila was completely disappointed in Tiga, put away her light whip, waved to Durham and Hitler behind her, "Kill him!"

At this moment, Hoshino Kanna hurriedly offered Su Ye a cure.

Facing Durham and Hitler who rushed over, Su Ye also tried his best to fight against them.

At the same time, dozens of drones have quietly entered the smart mode, distributed around, and transmitted the captured image signals.

The fighting has just begun.

Su Ye soon fell into the disadvantaged situation, completely belonging to the situation of being beaten.

Camilla was on the sidelines waving the light whip, hitting Su Ye, causing a large amount of sparks to splash.

Fortunately, Hoshino Kanna continued to provide healing power.

Otherwise, the combat effectiveness will decline like a waterfall!

the other side.

In the first safety zone of Xia Kingdom.

Tang Guohao was nodding his head as he listened to the instructions in his ears.

After a while, Tang Guohao called Chu Wei and explained the matter quickly.

And after some technical processing.

They were pleasantly surprised to find that they could receive the live broadcast signal transmitted by the satellite.

Immediately afterwards, the two split up.

Chu Wei asked the top ten war generals to arrange their respective legions to enter the wartime state.

Tang Guohao gave a national speech.

(End of this chapter)

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