Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 415 Confrontation with Earth Consciousness

Chapter 415 Dialogue with Earth Consciousness (33)

"Chu Wei! Chu Wei! Chu Wei!"

"What happen to you guys?"

"say something!?"

"Kana! Kanna, what's wrong with you!?"

"Why can't I move?"

"What exactly is going on!"

"I didn't use super time!"

As Su Ye kept trying.

The world was frozen, and there was no sound from Chu Wei, probably also frozen.

The most important thing is that I can't move myself.

Could it be that someone else used the super time?

But why is my mind not frozen?
Under various guesses, Su Ye was a little flustered.

At this moment, a voice sounded in Su Ye's mind.

At the same time, the scenery in front of Su Ye changed.

He found himself in a pure white space.

I looked at myself, only wearing a simple set of clothes.

After perceiving it for a while, he was shocked to find that all his abilities had disappeared.

"You are really busy, Su Ye!"


Su Ye looked around the pure white world.

Immediately afterwards, a small ball appeared in front of him, floating.

This is a miniature version of the Earth, the size of a basketball.

It feels like a globe.

"It's you talking to me?" Su Ye couldn't believe it.

The voice sounded again, "Yes, it's me!"

As soon as the words fell, the little earth suddenly began to change.

Then, an old man from the Xia Kingdom appeared in front of Su Ye, "With this appearance, it must be easier to communicate with you."

"Who are you?" Su Ye's eyes showed full vigilance.

The old man was expressionless, "Your civilization once guessed my existence and called me Gaia!"

"Ultraman Gaia?"

"." The old man was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It's not that Ultraman, it's Gaia consciousness, which can also be understood as Earth consciousness."

"I am the earth, and the earth is me!"

This time, Su Ye understood.

However, he was stunned immediately.

"real or fake!"

"Is the earth still conscious?"

"Why not!" The old man glared at him, and then said, "This old man is 46.5 billion years old, and he has witnessed the birth and death of countless lives. You are the sixth civilization I have brewed, and the most important one!"

Su Ye looked half-understandable, wanted to ask something, but didn't know where to start.

Suddenly, he hurriedly questioned: "Wait, you can't just say what you say, what about the evidence? You have to prove your identity to me!"

"Also, what is your purpose in looking for me!?"

Is he a fantasy life?

Memory spell?
Implanting false memories?

Modify consciousness?

Invade your own brain?
Illusion or illusion?

All of a sudden, various thoughts kept running through Su Ye's mind.

But in an instant, he thought again that in his current form of Shining Tiga, he also possessed the passive ability of [Thunder Will].

If this is the case, then the strength of this old man is too strong!

The old man said indifferently: "Of course I have a way to prove it."

"As for finding you today, I want to tell you something and let you know the truth about the events of the last days."

Hearing this, Su Ye looked at him in surprise, waiting for his follow-up.

I'd like to see what you can pull out.

The old man looked at Su Ye, only to see him raise his hand slightly.

In an instant, Su Ye widened his eyes, looking at the Doomsday Currency Mall interface and Points Mall interface that appeared in front of him.

He can be sure that he has never thought of opening these two interfaces.

Another one, the balance on the interface of the doomsday currency mall in front of me is the same as the balance I own, both are 6.8 million doomsday currency balances.

The points mall is also.

In other words, this is really his own mall interface, not a fake interface created by the old man.

Su Ye thought for a while.

The old man said, "It's very simple to prove my identity. I gave you this system!"

While speaking, he began to operate.

Su Ye watched helplessly as the old man bought this and that on the Doomsday Currency Mall interface.

Every function has been operated.

Then he even opened the live broadcast room and operated the various functions above.

Not long after, the old man closed all interfaces.

Su Ye said coldly at this time: "If this is true, what is the purpose of you creating this system and dragging me into this world?"

The old man is able to control his system, but this only shows that he is the giver of the system, and still cannot prove that he is the consciousness of the earth.

However, it doesn't matter whether he is earth-conscious or not now.

The important thing is, what is he going to do with all this!
The old man took a deep look at Su Ye, then sighed, "You will know the cause and effect after listening to me."

"After the consciousness was born on the earth, that is, I, that is, after I understood the existence of 'I'."

"'It' tells me the evolution rules of the planet!"

"Who is it? What are the rules of evolution?"

"I think of it as 'cosmic awareness.'"

"The rule of evolution is that the planet can breed civilization to pass the assessment, so as to achieve the goal of planet evolution."

"You mean, what we humans are going through now is actually a test?" Su Ye asked incredulously.

"That's right, as long as you pass this assessment, the earth will be rewarded with rules and great benefits, and thus evolve into a level 2 planet."

"Level 2? How many levels are there in total?"

"There are 9 levels in total!"

The old man continued with some helplessness: "Before you, I gave birth to five civilizations to participate in the assessment, but they all failed."

As soon as the words fell, Su Ye's heart sank suddenly.

He knew this. Archaeologists had said that traces of five civilizations had been found on Earth.

Five mass extinctions of civilization!
It turned out that they all failed the assessment!
Of course, Su Ye still didn't quite believe it.

"I'm 46.5 billion years old this year. If you fail the assessment this time, I won't be able to give birth to a new civilization."

"You can only wait for your lifespan to run out, and then die."

After listening, Su Ye fell into deep thought.

Everything the old man said subverted his cognition a bit.

There are currently many hypotheses about the origin of life in human civilization.

For example: Darwinian evolution, theological creation, alien life, autogenesis, chemical origin
But the closest thing to the old man category is theological creationism.

In other words, the old man is equal to God, he created human beings!

But is that really the case?
Su Ye raised the question in his heart and wanted to hear the old man's detailed answer.

The old man smiled, "I will tell you the true side of the universe, and reveal its secrets before your eyes!"

"Let me popularize science with you first, what is 'emergence'!"

"When a certain number of things operate according to the same set of rules, they will 'emerge' with some new properties out of thin air on a larger scale. This is emergence!"

"The most amazing thing about emergence is that you can't find any clues of these hidden properties by analyzing these small factors one by one."

"For example, no matter how much you study brain cells, you can't find the door to 'self-awareness'!"

Seeing Su Ye's bewildered expression, the old man thought for a while, "I'll use the creature ant as an example to explain it. It's the most vivid. I think you can understand it right away."

(End of this chapter)

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