Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 416 Earth’s Miserable Experience

Chapter 416 Earth’s Miserable Experience (14)

"When the number of ants reaches a certain level, it will emerge with ant colony consciousness."

"The ant queen?" Su Ye still knew about this, "According to what you said, the ant queen was born?"

"No, the queen is just a reproductive tool selected by the ant colony consciousness. All the decisions of the entire ant colony are made by the emerging ant colony consciousness."

Su Ye frowned, "According to you, ants still play the democratic voting system?"

"That's right!" The old man continued: "A lot of ants are actually playing multiple queens, for example, when the living environment deteriorates and the food crisis is faced, all the ants start to vote to kill the queens with low fecundity, referred to as 'selecting queens'. "

"This is the most direct proof of ant colony consciousness."

"If you regard the whole ant colony as an animal, each ant is the cell that makes it up."

"The queen ants are the reproductive organs, the soldier ants are the body's defense tissues, and the worker ants are all cells, mouths, and hands, which are used to find food and deliver food."

"When the worker ants gather together for transportation, the blood is actually transporting nutrients, and the worker ants have to cultivate new cells."

"This is a form of life called loose life."

"And all the cells gather together, just like human brain cells, 'emerge' out of consciousness. Ants are called ant colony consciousness, and humans are called self-consciousness!"

The old man waved his hand, and two pictures appeared in front of them.

The one on the left is a map of the universe and the starry sky, and the one on the right is a map of human brain cells.

Pointing to the picture on the left, the old man said, "If you regard all the planets and celestial bodies in the universe as brain cells, what will happen according to what I just said?"

Su Ye said subconsciously: "The 'emergence' of consciousness!"

"Yes, this is cosmic consciousness."

The old man continued: "After the consciousness of the universe emerges, the planet serves as a 'cell' in it, just like an ant colony has different divisions of labor."

"I will follow the direction it gives and move forward slowly."

"That is to say, the evolution of all creatures and the evolution of all civilizations are regulated and arranged by the consciousness of the universe."

Su Ye quickly thought of an appropriate adjective, "To put it bluntly, you are also a worker!"

"Haha, your description is a bit interesting, but it doesn't quite apply." The old man smiled.

When he said this, Su Ye quickly realized that something was wrong.

"The earth, as a cell, is like an ant in an ant colony. Can a single ant give birth to consciousness?"

"It's as if my brain cells have emerged with consciousness, but how can my hands and feet also be born with consciousness?"

"In this way, wouldn't it contradict what you just said?"

"There is no contradiction!" The old man said again: "Because the cell of the earth constitutes the basic condition for the emergence of consciousness, I was born."

"Countless me, countless 'living' planets, constitute the brain, and the consciousness of the universe emerges."

Su Ye rubbed his chin, "According to what you said, wouldn't there be super cosmic consciousness emerging from countless universes?"

The old man nodded, "You can say that!"

"Just like you humans, individuals have individual self-awareness, and countless individuals will emerge with human consciousness."

Su Ye was thinking.

The earth is equal to individual human beings with self-awareness.

Countless earths constitute the brain, and the consciousness of the universe emerges.

What about human consciousness?

"So, what about human consciousness!?" Su Ye asked, "Why haven't I seen it before?"

"It hasn't emerged yet!" The old man explained: "The time since you humans were born and existed is too short!"

"Then what is the purpose of cosmic consciousness? Why do you want to evolve, why do you want us to accept the assessment?"

"It's as if your human country wants to be strong, and the people need to be rich, live a good life, and have a longer lifespan."

"This is the instinctive pursuit of consciousness!"

"In addition, he didn't force me to evolve, but gave me the rules and direction of evolution. The right to choose and autonomy is my own."

"It's like, the country tells you the way to learn to make money. Whether you learn or not, how much money you can make in the future depends on yourself!"

Su Ye believed him three points at first, but now he believes him five points.

"Then tell me about your previous evolutionary experience and this evolutionary assessment."

The old man nodded, "6000 million years ago"

Listening to the eloquence of the earth consciousness, Su Ye saw the shocking scenes of the origin and extinction of civilizations in a trance.

1 million years ago.

The earth gave birth to dinosaur species civilization.

8000 million years ago, they emerged with dinosaur consciousness.

6500 million years ago, the consciousness of the earth started to evolve, allowing them to accept the assessment, but they failed the assessment and became extinct.

Assessment time: 5 years.

The failure of the first evolution made the earth consciousness begin to sum up the experience and lessons.

At the same time, a fleet of human civilization in the universe landed on the earth, after communicating with the consciousness of the earth.

The consciousness of the earth began to give birth to the life of the human species.

Afterwards, the human civilization fleet in the universe left, leaving behind the methods on how to breed human civilization.

After the old man carefully understood the method.

96 years ago.

It gave birth to Gendaya civilization.

This civilized species has a humanoid appearance, all Gendayans are more than one meter tall, and civilized males have a third eye on their foreheads.

Gendayans who successfully open their third eye will be born with superpowers after male adulthood, and vice versa.

Undoubtedly, this was a failed birth, and Gendaya people cannot be regarded as a real human race.

But no matter what, they were all conceived, so the earth consciousness started the evolutionary assessment for the second time.

And the result, of course, was a failure!

With the extinction of Gendaya civilization.

The Earth Consciousness, after learning from the painful experience, began the third gestation.

70 years ago.

The Mitram civilization was born.

This time, the bred species is the closest to the human race.

However, I don't know that during the evolution, there was a problem with that part of the gene, which caused this civilization to study food from top to bottom.

What kind of plants to eat, people's temperament will be quiet?

What kind of fish to eat.Muscles will have instant explosive power?
How many times a day and how much dairy products do you drink will help you live longer?
What kind of alcohol is helpful for the activation of brain cells?
In desperation, the consciousness of the earth started the third evolutionary assessment.

And the result, of course, failed again.

The Mitram civilization was wiped out and the continent sank.

With a sigh, the earth began to give birth to civilization for the fourth time.

40 years ago.

The Lemurian civilization is born.

The consciousness of the earth discovered that the species bred this time are the same as those described in the methods left by human civilization.

But it's yet future and happy.

It is also unknown what went wrong, and everyone in this civilization is studying art.

In desperation, regional awareness started the fourth evolutionary assessment.

Not surprisingly, it failed again.

The consciousness of the earth was a little decadent, and it took a long time to relax.

Then, it begins its fifth conception.

So, 5 years ago.

The civilization of Atlantis was born.

(End of this chapter)

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