Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 417 Shocked!The earth actually does such a thing to humans

Chapter 417 Shocked!The earth actually does such a thing to humans (24)

this time.

The civilization of Atlantis, as the consciousness of the earth wished, began to step into scientific development and became a scientific civilization.

But the consciousness of the earth was shocked to find that the Atlanteans actually had part of the same gene sequence as the Gendayans.

Some Atlanteans actually awakened superpowers.

According to the instructions left by the human race in the universe, this is not a real pure human race at all.

However, since it has been conceived.

The consciousness of the earth also pins its hope of evolution on the civilization of Atlantis.

But, in the end, it failed.

Atlantis civilization, extinct.

In the end, the evolutionary assessment was too difficult.

Or there are problems with the life of species bred on the earth.

The consciousness of the earth has fallen into confusion.

But it is more likely to be the former.

At this time, the cosmic human race that came a long time ago came to the earth again.

They are the descendants of the original human race.

After learning about the experience of the earth.

They began to help the planet learn lessons and point out specific problems.

"Don't they have some related technologies that allow you to directly produce pure human races?"

"No matter how bad it is, you can reproduce them according to their genes."

Su Ye raised a question.

The old man explained lightly: "This is indeed possible, but this kind of human civilization cannot help me start the evolution assessment."

"In the rules of planetary evolution, only the species of life bred by the living planet itself can participate in the evolution assessment."

"These cosmic humans can help me indirectly, but they cannot intervene directly."

after that.

With the help of these cosmic human races.

The earth is starting from scratch again, carrying out the sixth civilization gestation.

Unicellular, multicellular, lichens, plants, animals, reptiles, mammals, and finally Homo sapiens.

Having had previous experience, this time, that is, the human civilization of Su Ye was bred very fast.

In the beginning, after Homo sapiens evolved, they only needed three hours a day to collect wild fruits and chase prey, which was enough to survive.

Later, under the guidance of the consciousness of the earth, until one day, Homo sapiens obtained wheat seeds.

The seed germinates the plant, which in turn produces the seed.

Wheat seems to be saying, as long as you take good care of me, you can have enough food and clothing.

Wheat doesn't like stones and wants a comfortable growing environment, so Homo sapiens plowed and weeded.

Wheat doesn't like locusts or sparrows, so Homo sapiens eliminated insects and made scarecrows.

Wheat wants to drink water, and Homo sapiens carries water.

Wheat is hungry, Homo sapiens fertilizes.

Wheat can't walk, so Homo sapiens built a village and stayed there forever, serving wheat from morning till night.

In this way, wheat created property out of thin air.

Property begets plunder, which begets territory, which begets war.

War brought new territory and new property.

In the endless war, human civilization is advancing rapidly.

In this way, the consciousness of the earth has completed the long evolutionary road before relying on a stalk of wheat this time, and human beings have entered the age of nations.

This time it is real, pure, standard human race.

No superpowers.

Possess the gene lock racial talent.

same organ structure.

Emphasis is placed on evolving self-awareness, making human intelligence smarter from generation to generation.

2000 years ago.

The cosmic humans are gone.

"Wait, cosmic human race, can you introduce me?" Su Ye was a little curious.

The old man smiled lightly and said, "They come from the Terran Alliance of the Milky Way. They were conceived from the same life planet as me, and then formed the Human Race Alliance with each other to fight against other alien life."

"In this alliance, what level of planet is the highest?"

"Level 5 planet." The old man continued: "Speaking of which, this planet is closely related to you. This planet is called Yanhuang Star."

Have you experienced five evolutionary assessments?
Hearing this, Su Ye, who was thinking about it, asked in surprise, "Yanhuangxing? What origin?"

"This has to start from the beginning."

Humans from the Terran Alliance saw the successful evolution of humans on Earth.

For some purpose, they deliberately left traces in this regard.

Among them are a few people from the 5th-level planet, respectively named: Hongjun, Pangu, and Nuwa.
Among them, several people from planets of level 4 are named: Zeus, Hera, Demeter, Poseidon, Athena, Apollo
Among them are several people from 3rd-level planets, Indra, Kumara, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.
Isn't this a figure in myths and legends in our civilization?
Su Ye was surprised at first, but then understood instantly.

"They are using this method. After we join the Human Race Alliance, we will go back to our respective homes and find our own mothers!?"

"That's understandable!" The old man nodded.

"Can you tell me about the gene lock racial talent!"

Since Su Ye asked about this, he himself is currently at the third level of the gene lock.

How did this thing come about, and what was the situation, he really wanted to know.

In Earth Consciousness Interpretation.

Any race in the universe has its unique racial talent.

For the human race, racial talents are diverse.

For example, the third eye of Gendaya people conceived before the earth civilization.

Different gene sequences will evolve different racial talents.

But the human race can only choose one.

After a long study by the Human Race Alliance, the racial talent of Gene Lock is considered by the Human Race Alliance to be the most suitable talent for the Human Race.

Therefore, the gene-sequenced human beings with the gene-locked racial talent were identified as the standard human race.

After that, all living planets can only join and be accepted by the human race alliance that bred the human beings who have bred this gene sequence.

Su Ye still wanted to ask, but the old man said, "Listen to me before you ask again."

Before the cosmic human race left.

The consciousness of the earth is very afraid that this group of human races will fail the evolutionary assessment again. If they fail again, it will be unable to breed civilization and participate in the assessment.

Therefore, the Earth Consciousness seeks the Human Race Alliance for help.

On credit, I bought a high-tech item that can make the earth 100% pass the evolutionary assessment.

Su Ye's eyes widened after hearing this.

Good guy, this is cheating by cheating.

However, I like it!

However, there is no time to rejoice in the future.

His face suddenly changed.

"Wait, that is to say, we still owe a debt to the Human Race Alliance?"

Su Ye is a little speechless, why don't we have to pay this debt?
"How much do you owe, tell me, give me some pressure, maybe I can directly break through the fourth level of the gene lock on the spot, maybe there is hope for the fifth level."

Earth consciousness has no embarrassment or guilt at all.

"In order to be 100% successful, I asked them to go back and bring the most expensive and powerful technology products."

"I waited for 2000 years for this, and they didn't send it until half a year ago, and then I immediately started the evolution assessment."

"how much is it?"

"Not much, just [-] universe coins."

"What concept, explain it clearly!"

"It's nothing, it's enough to buy ten living planets like me, and they are just born with self-awareness and have not given birth to civilization!"

As soon as the words fell, in an instant, Su Ye wanted to strangle him to death.

(End of this chapter)

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