Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 427 I, Su Ye, Are Here!

Chapter 427 I, Su Ye, Are Here! (44)

When the assessment is over.

In other words, when you walk out of the examination room, you will keep the following items.

1. Return the remaining time coins and items purchased at the time bank.

2. The lifespan added by the used time coin will not be deprived.

3. The acquired knowledge information will not be deprived.

Leave the rest blank.

Seeing Su Ye's pale face, the old man smiled, "Don't worry, there are cheats!"

Suddenly, Su Ye's eyes lit up.

"Yes, you haven't said the specifics of this cheat yet."

"Tell me now!"

The old man smiled lightly: "You should remember that the plug-in has a function of sending items to the main world!?"

"After the assessment is over, the things in the main world will not be cleared."

"How to operate, understand?"

"Understood, I will send everything back!"

Su Ye took the old man's brains out, "You have to wait until the assessment is about to end, and then make sure that the earth civilization ranks first."

"Under the condition of not losing your ranking, you can use this function to send things, as much as you want."

The old man continued to explain: "I will tell you about the doomsday world, the main world, and cheating, and you will understand it thoroughly."

After the Earth Consciousness got the plug-in.

The plug-in found a parallel universe with a timeline five years later, which is the doomsday world.

Then with the help of the cosmic human race.

The earth consciousness of the doomsday world is wiped away.

Then the plug-in uses the doomsday world as a substitute for the main world and enters the examination room.

In other words, the real main world to be assessed is outside.

And in the examination room is the doomsday world of a 'stand-in'.

"Wait, has the doomsday world after five years been assessed? Did it pass or not?" Su Ye asked suddenly.

The old man explained: "The Earth in this plane has the same experience as me, the only difference is that I didn't participate in the assessment."

"Every minute and every second of the world has countless possibilities for extension and development."

"So there are various parallel worlds, so there is no need to delve into them."

"In order to find the most suitable and most suitable doomsday world, the Human Race Alliance has contributed a lot, especially those from Yanhuang Star."

Su Ye was a little curious, "Why did they do this? You are so worthy of their help. Of course, I have no other intentions, just thinking about their motives."

The old man was silent for a while, "They said that this cheat is a newly developed high-tech product, we are considered guinea pigs, and they used it for the first test."

"Don't get angry, I told you about my situation just now, after all, we still make money, as long as there are no accidents!"

Accident! ?
Su Ye suddenly thought of something, "You mean, cheating will still be discovered?"

The old man shook his head, "They said that it is only used to pass the assessment and will not be discovered."

"They also said that this plug-in was developed specifically for the second assessment of the planet."

"As a result, my goal was discovered by them. By chance, coupled with my plea, they gave me the plug-in."

"Do you think that it was originally used for the second assessment, but now it is more than enough to be used in our first assessment!?"

Su Ye nodded, and suddenly felt relieved a lot.

Immediately afterwards, he asked curiously: "Then what will happen if you are found to be cheating?"

"Destroy!" The old man said in a deep voice: "I heard them say that if they are found to be cheating, the planetary system where the entire planet is located will be destroyed."

"It's our solar system!?"

"Yes, not only that, all parallel planes will be erased, and everything will be as if it never happened."

Suddenly, Su Ye took a deep breath.

"Opportunities and risks coexist!" The old man took a deep look at Su Ye.

"I understand, let's say things have come to this point, too much worry will only be futile."

The old man continued to explain to Su Ye the topic just now.

After the assessment is over.

The Doomsday world will be replaced with the Overworld.

Then, the main world will receive the rewards issued by the rules of the universe for passing the assessment.

The rewards for ranking outside the top ten are as follows:

1. If the planet is successfully promoted to level 2, it will not only receive new vitality, but also expand the area of ​​the planet, optimize the environment of the planet, increase the resources of the planet, and so on.

For example, the current earth only has 29% land, and when it is promoted to level 2, the land area will be increased, and the space for civilization to live will increase.

"Is it changing from a clay tile house in the countryside to a villa?" Su Ye gave an example very aptly.

Hearing this, the old man immediately blew his beard and stared.

"No, in your eyes, I am just a rural clay tile house?"

"The old man hasn't said how you have ruined the earth's ecological circle!"

"Deforestation, garbage everywhere, sewage flowing, nuclear radiation"

"When it comes to protecting the ecosystem, you humans are the worst."

Su Ye also knew that he had said the wrong thing, so he quickly apologized with a smile, "When the assessment is over, the first thing I will do when I go back is to let everyone care for the environment, garbage classification, starting with me."

The old man calmed down for a while, then waved his hand, "Forget it, as long as you can successfully promote to a second-level planet, all you have done is a small problem."

"Another one, it's not as exaggerated as turning into a villa. Let me tell you, I have seen the video materials shown to me by the Human Race Alliance."

"The five-level planet on Yanhuang Star is called a villa, no, it should be said to be the top luxury manor villa in the villa."

Su Ye immediately understood the meaning of the old man's words, patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, as long as I, Su Ye, are around, level 5 is nothing, and level 9 will be a matter of time."

He found that this earth consciousness is already obsessed with assessing evolution.

No, it should be said that it has become its obsession.

The old man looked at Su Ye with a look of relief and nodded, then continued to explain.

The second reward is that the species civilizations living on the planet will gain evolution.

"The second point I will talk about specifically, for example, your current human lifespan is in the range of 100-150 years."

"When you evolve to a level 2 planet, your lifespan will be doubled. This is not just like time coins, which simply increase your lifespan."

"Instead, the offspring of human reproduction will maintain this lifespan, reaching 200-300 years."

"By analogy, the third level is 400-600 years, and the fourth level is 800-1200 years."

"In addition to longevity, the chances of birthing geniuses and talents will also increase throughout civilization."

"For example, the top scientists of your humanity, according to the current birth probability of your civilization, is about 0.00002%."

"So low?" Su Ye was startled.

The old man looked at him strangely, "Actually, it's too high. According to the population base of 90 billion, you can multiply it!"

"1800 people!"

"That's right, you are all maintaining this number of people at present."

"When it is promoted to a level 2 planet, it is estimated that it will be doubled."

(End of this chapter)

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