Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 428 Development Strategy

Chapter 428 Development Strategy (34)

Marika's answer made Su Ye a little surprised, but it was also reasonable.

In this way, those pirate characters who are surrendered can bring a considerable increase in average combat power to civilization.

It is indeed better than killing!
However, Su Ye quickly asked with a strange expression: "Chu Wei, you told me not to kill them all, and leave these fantasy lives behind."

"Did you expect it then?"

Chu Wei smiled lightly and shook his head, although Su Ye couldn't see it, "This is just a normal trade-off between pros and cons, not as severe as you think."

"It's time to talk about the next thing!" Chu Wei said sternly, "Su Ye, please confirm with Marija that the items collected in the Doomsday Currency Mall will still exist after the assessment is over?"

After a while, Su Ye responded to him: "No!"

In the main battle room, Chu Wei pondered for two seconds, and then said again: "In this way, there is no need to worry too much about the emptying of strength in the assessment."

"Will the colorful eggs be checked in?"

"will not!"

"Then if there is a chance, bring more colorful eggs before the assessment ends."

"Not only that, but as long as it is an item that cannot be checked, if it is important, it must find a way to send it."

"It's better to wait until the end to see the situation."

After being quiet again for a while, Chu Wei said, "I'm still working out a strategy here. You should have a good rest tonight. You'll be busy tomorrow."

Su Ye nodded, and opened the live broadcast room, "The live broadcast will be closed immediately, brothers who still have tickets on hand, please vote."

"My little brother is uneducated, my little brother doesn't like to talk, but my little brother likes to vote!"

"Brother Huohua, I have already given the gold and silver tickets, and I also urge my classmates to vote every day."

"Damn it, the state has just issued a circular. If you vote for a golden ticket, the student party can eat luxurious meals at school for free."

"Fuck, how's the food?"

"Two meat, three vegetables, one soup, plus a bottle of jujube yogurt and the same fruit."

"Oh my god, it's too good. If you cast it every day, don't you eat it every day?"

"What about winter and summer vacation?"

"Every day, the meal allowance is sent to Alipay!"

There are still many changes in the main world, so I won't say much here.

Su Ye looked at the bullet screens flying by and smiled knowingly, "Thank you everyone, I will bring you over to play after a while!"

"Brother Huohua, the country has said it, the student party won't let you go, woo woo woo"

"There is news, but it's not confirmed yet. What's the hurry!"

"The Love of Huahuo is already crazy. If it is really confirmed, the student party of this organization may cause trouble. They can't wait to see Brother Huohua."

"I'm afraid I'll push Brother Huohua, hehe."

In the villa, evening.

Su Ye had a lively dinner with his two daughters, Tang Chenxuan and Tang Guohao's family.

However, mostly Su Ye was talking, telling them some things about the assessment, while the rest were listening.

have eaten.

After Tang Guohao and his wife pulled Tang Chenxuan away.

Tang Yi and Hoshino Kanna immediately moved to Su Ye's left and right sides.


"Oni sauce~~"

Looking at the delicate and flawless face on the left, the skin as tender as jade.

Look at the perfect and refined face on the right, and the flowing style of the beautiful eyes.

Su Ye was excited!

"Let's take a bath first. Taking a bath together can relieve fatigue and benefit the body and mind!"

Holding the two girls with flushed pretty faces in his arms, Su Ye walked into the bathroom of the master bedroom.

That night, Su Ye drove the car into the sky.

Early the next morning.

Su Ye, who hadn't slept all night, walked out of the room.

With his current physical attributes.

It's okay to not sleep for a year, but it will drop the upper limit of the spirit.

And Su Ye also discovered that after having sex with a woman, the upper limit of intelligence will be lost.

It's not much, almost negligible.

But he still felt in his heart that he had to be more restrained in the future.

In other words, there is something wrong with the frequency now.

Either gently, or for a long time.

Either ups and downs, violent ups and downs in a short period of time.

This rhythm needs to be adjusted.

While thinking wildly, Su Ye came to the administrative building of the first security area, the highest meeting room.

I checked the time, it was only 7 o'clock.

So he notified Chu Wei and others to come to the meeting at 8.30.

During this period, Chu Wei's voice rang in Su Ye's ear.

After a night of hard work.

Chu Wei's think tank studied all night, and finally, the development strategy for this assessment was formulated in a relatively comprehensive way.

First of all, the first point is the strategy of improving the average combat power of civilization.

The way to deal with it: that is to distribute the resources in Su Ye's hands, so as to improve the combat effectiveness of the Xia people.

Of course, this cannot be free.

For Su Ye, the only thing that is useful to him in the hands of the Xia people in the last days is the time coin!
But other than that, colorful eggs are equally important to the main world.

Therefore, the final plan is to use colorful eggs and time coins as currency, and Su Ye will supply items in the Doomsday Coin Mall for everyone to buy.

The second point is the way to improve Su Ye's combat effectiveness.

That is to go to the secret realm of time and space, and improve one's own strength by obtaining items in the secret realm of time and space.

The third point is the handling of several forces in the Xia Kingdom.
Discuss with Chu Wei in the main world until after eight o'clock.

The door of the meeting room was pushed open, and Chu Wei and Shi Zhanjiang walked in.

"Everyone, sit down, I have something to tell you."

"Looking back, I have to give a full speech."

As time passed, Su Ye revealed the matter of the civilization assessment.

After saying this, he waited for a while to give everyone time to digest.

Then, Su Ye told everyone the strategy he had discussed with Chu Wei in the main world.

At the scene, Chu Wei and the top ten war generals gradually showed shock when they heard the marshal explain the development and countermeasures one by one in an orderly manner.

Crucially, Chu Wei also found that the Marshal thought very comprehensively.

What a long head! ?
The marshal is really wise and brave, God bless me, China, there is such a leader.

Feeling emotional in his heart, the shock was only for a moment, and Chu Wei, who came back to his senses, quickly began to think about the strategies that the marshal had said.

And the rest of the top ten generals are also looking at Su Ye at this moment, showing full admiration.

Su Ye also noticed the changes in everyone.

Although it showed that he was as steady as an old dog, his face remained unchanged.

But I started to mutter in my heart, I don't know what they will think of me when I pull them to the main world!

As time passed, Su Ye soon mentioned the last item.

"The resources in my hand will be handed over to Tang Guohao. He will plan the prices of various items, other than that."

"In the general, I want to set up another rank, called God of War."

"Your combat power has reached one million now, right?"

Seeing everyone nodding, Su Ye continued to speak, "Below me are the Ten Great Gods of War. Each of the Ten Great Gods of War leads ten generals with a combat power of over [-]."

"Each general commands ten legions."

"I haven't thought about it carefully, so I'll leave it to you to perfect it."

"As for God of War and Warlord, if you go to Tang Guohao to buy items, you will get a 9% discount and have the right of first refusal!"

"It can be regarded as compensation for your contributions to this country and nation!"

"But don't use this to buy and sell!"

(End of this chapter)

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