Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 429 Blowing the Horn of Counterattack

Chapter 429 Blowing the Horn of Counterattack (44)

ten in the morning.

Su Ye and everyone from Chu Wei ended the meeting.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Guohao had already arranged media reporters to give a full-name speech.

It is better for everyone to know about the civilization assessment than not to know.

Press release hall.

Just like last time, Su Ye walked in with a few people in a vigorous manner.

Maybe he didn't discover it himself.

But in the feeling of everyone.

Su Ye, who has learned three kinds of domineering, has a very strong aura at this moment.

And when Su Ye stood in front of the podium.

That aura spread through the screen to the eyes of all Xia people.

Although, he is still in his early twenties.

But at this moment, no one dared to underestimate that young face.

"Hi everyone, I'm Su Ye."

"First of all, thank you for your support when facing Camilla a few days ago, and for giving me the power of light. I am grateful here."

"Similarly, I am also very honored, I am a Xia Guoren"

There is the main world to provide the writing words behind it.

Su Ye's speech can be said to be watertight, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Similarly, the content of the speech made everyone's eyes red and moved.

There are also many soldiers of the army, looking at the figure on the screen frantically, shouting constantly!
After finishing the opening article, Su Ye began to talk about the civilization assessment.

After he finished speaking, the reporters at the scene suddenly exclaimed, if not for the generals watching from both sides, they must have rushed to Su Ye and asked all kinds of questions.

Finally, Su Da Huyou went online again.

He said: "I had a hunch, that's why I announced the strategy of all soldiers before."

"Right now, the civilization assessment is of great importance. No one can get out of it. I believe that the people of the whole Xia Kingdom will be able to get No.1 with one heart."

"Finally, starting from tomorrow, I announce that we will sound the horn of counterattack and regain the territory of our Xia Kingdom."

"I will deal with the head combat power of those forces, and the rest will be left to you to deal with."

"This is not only a training for you, but also an opportunity for you to gain merit."

"That's all for today's speech, please prepare as soon as possible!"

And while Su Ye was speaking.

At this moment, the prices of all medicines and consumables in Xia Kingdom have increased in an all-round way.

However, this is not possible.

Then, everyone was busy.

The top ten war generals, no, the top ten war gods began to integrate their respective military systems.

Chu Wei has to deal with intelligence and research matters, and at the same time, he is also helping Tang Guohao build distribution channels for items in the Doomsday Currency Mall.

Even Tang Chenxuan is very busy now.

Now he has completely controlled the Law Enforcement Department. In troubled times, heavy codes are used. Anyone who dares to attempt to cause chaos will be killed one by one.

With the help of Su Ye, his strength can be said to be higher than that of God of War, and has reached more than 200 million.

After all, in the final analysis, he has two great gods, Tang Guohao and Su Ye, behind him.

the other side.

Su Ye has already transformed into Dijia alone, and rushed towards the Southern Sword Dynasty.

For several fantasy life forces in the country.

There are also different processing strategies.

The first is Sword Dynasty.

There are all the original crew of Fengyun descending.

The rest were former Xia survivors who were recruited by them.

Therefore, Su Ye only needs to deal with Fengyun's boss-level characters.

The rest will be handed over to the Ten Gods of War.

The second is the Lord of Gluttony, but Su Ye doesn't intend to solve it.

With the characteristics of the gluttonous master, as long as there is food, gluttony will be born continuously.

What an ideal doomsday currency output point this is.

Therefore, Su Ye planned to cut the leeks instead of digging the roots.

Then there is the Journey to the West monster on XJ's side.

These have to be dealt with.

Then there is Skynet artificial intelligence in the north.

I just don't know if killing the mechanical units will give me the harvest of doomsday coins.

"Marika, tell me!"

"Master, no, they have no life, they are just a program."

Marika hesitated for a moment, and said again: "But maybe, if that artificial intelligence evolves into a mechanical life, then the units it creates will have doomsday coins."

"Mechanical life?" Su Ye frowned, "Why is there such a difference?"

Marika explained: "It's like comparing the mechanical life created by the fire source with the artificial intelligence Jarvis."

"Master, can you understand?"

Su Ye nodded, but his face sank.

He suddenly remembered that he had heard from Chu Wei that Skynet seemed to be trying to seize the source of fire.

Later, because the time and space cordon of Neon was more critical, I went to Neon first.

Suddenly, he felt a bad premonition in his heart.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly asked: "Marika, can you take action against Skynet? Aren't you also an artificial intelligence? And you should be an intelligent life, right?"

Unexpectedly, Marika said: "Master, I am only an advanced artificial intelligence version 4.0, and I still can't deal with intelligent life."

Hearing this, Su Ye sighed, "That means version 5.0, you will evolve into intelligent life!?"

"But I don't understand why the upgrade of the system is linked to the advancement of my gene lock?"

Marika quickly replied: "This is a reserved procedure to encourage the host to unlock the gene lock."

"All right!"

Su Ye pondered for a while, and then continued to ask: "Marika, if I enter the secret realm of time and space, after the superhumans outside who have learned energy absorption kill the target, they are not in the same plane, can they still get the doomsday coins?"

"Master, yes!"

Finally, it is good news.

A trace of excitement flashed in Su Ye's eyes.

In this way, even if I am not around, I can rely on others to cut leeks for me.


Su Ye has already entered JX Province.

This is the sphere of influence of the Tianxiahui.

The leader of the power is called Xiongba.

I just don't know if it's the black-haired Xiongba or the white-haired Xiongba.

However, it doesn't matter.

Not long after, according to the information given by Chu Wei.

Su Ye flew to the Xinjian District of NC City.

Then hover over.

Below it, a huge and broad city appeared in everyone's eyes.

In the central square in the city, tens of thousands of teenagers and youths in red vests were practicing martial arts and boxing.

And on the high platform throne in the southwest direction of the square.

Everyone noticed that the white-haired Xiongba was sitting with a smile on his face, looking down.

And on both sides of the white-haired Xiongba.

There are the Twelve Demons of Tianchi, Duanlang, and Qin Shuang.

in the live room.

"Damn it, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun didn't show up, but why is Xiongba's daughter You Ruo here!"

"Hey, isn't that the Lord of Wushuang City in the original book, Dugu Fang? Next to him is his son Dugu Ming?"

"Look at the woman next to his son, my former dream lover, Mingyue also appeared!"

"I like You Ruo, please Brother Huo Hua, don't kill her, she is not a villain!"

"Brother Huohua is going to kill her father, why keep her!"

There was a lot of discussion among the people.

Below, Dugu Fang, the lord of Wushuang City, is leading a few people towards Xiongba.

(End of this chapter)

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