Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 430 Shocked, the power system can be transformed

Chapter 430 Shocked, the power system can be transformed (34)

And in Di Shitian's colorful eggs, all kinds of martial arts tricks he possesses are revealed.

First-class martial arts: Dry Ice Palm, Harmonious and Righteous Qin Yin, Breaking the Snow to Open the Sky, Snow Blood Claw, Wulei Transformation Extreme Hand, Iron Hand, Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect.

Top martial arts: Sacred Heart Jue.

The Sacred Heart Jue is divided into five parts, including Heart Technique, Illusion Technique, Lightness Kung Fu, Seven Endless Realms, Four Sacred Heart Jue and Four Sacred Heart Kalpas.

It has to be said that although Di Shitian's talent is average, he has lived for so long, and his work is not in vain.

But looking at these things, Su Ye's expression changed a little.

Things are good things, as long as you analyze them for Marika, they can be put on the shelves of Doomsday Currency Mall for all Xia people to buy.

But how do these things increase their own strength! ?
This kind of power system is different from oneself.

In Fengyun, the deeper the internal force, the stronger it is naturally.

As for one's own power system, magic power is equivalent to internal power, and it also depends on the two attributes of intelligence and spirit.

Besides, the Sacred Heart Jue, you can't release your magic power by yourself! ?

Chu Wei said: "If you don't understand, you can ask Marika!"

Now with Ma Lijia, Chu Wei seldom uses his brain to analyze, unless Ma Lijia doesn't know.

Su Ye summoned Marika.

She seemed to know the problem Su Ye encountered, and said firstly: "Master, the fire unicorn blood essence, you can increase the attribute by taking it now."

"For the exercises, there is a way to solve it."

Without waiting for the master to ask, she quickly said: "You can consume the doomsday coins to transform the power system you are currently in."

"How do you say this?" Su Ye's face was pleasantly surprised, revealing a trace of curiosity.

"I can help you convert magic power into internal power, but it needs to consume doomsday coins!"

"How many doomsday coins?"

"1000 million transformations once!"

"After the transformation, can I still cast magic?"

Marika blinked, "No, but you can transform back!"

"Master, let me explain to you in detail!"

In Marika's explanation.

Magic power and internal power are equivalent, and can be converted through doomsday coins.

Which of the two is more powerful depends on the situation.

For example, if you have more powerful martial arts moves, it is obvious that the combat effectiveness brought by the internal force system will be greater.

vice versa.

Another, on top of the magic power and internal power system, there is a higher power system that can be transformed.

For example, the grudge system in "Fights Break the Sphere", the spiritual power system, mana system, mysterious power system, fairy power system, divine power system, etc. in the novels of Xianxia Cultivation.

"Is the divine power system the most powerful?"

Su Ye thought of the novels he had read, as if the God Realm were all capped planes.

"By the way, what system is used in Hong Huang's novels!?" He quickly remembered the mythical plane of Hong Huang again.

Marika quickly responded: "In order of ranking, the lowest is mana power and internal power, followed by combat energy and spiritual power, and the most powerful are mana power, profound power, fairy power, and divine power."

"Master, mana is used in the prehistoric world."


In her further explanation, Su Ye completely understood.

Magical power, internal power, battle qi, spiritual power, mana power, fairy power, and divine power are all different.

However, all of these can be regarded as a kind of energy.

Therefore, the most important thing is to see how to use energy.

"Master, what is known so far is that the prehistoric plane is the most powerful in the use of energy, and has the strongest strength!"

"What about other novels, like Shading the Sky, Holy Ruins, and Perfect World."

Su Ye quickly recounted all the famous novels in the main world that came to mind.

According to the power system in those novels, they are all hanging anyway, and no one loses!

"Master, first of all, only a world with relatively well-established rules will be evolved by the assessment space."

"So, I don't know the specific gap. You need to explore it yourself."

"However, I know that the primordial plane is the most powerful plane, and I can perceive it."

Hearing this, Su Ye suddenly had an idea, "Then aim at the prehistoric to improve strength."

"At that time, I will be covered with all kinds of innate treasures, and I will get all the treasures of chaos. When the strength is raised to a saint, the combat power is estimated to be tens of trillions?"

He thought about it for a while, but he lost interest in these things in his hands.

What kind of internal force system is there?

The Sacred Heart Jue is obviously not as powerful as the lightning skills he possesses.

However, the essence and blood of the fire unicorn still needs to be taken, and one cannot aim too high.

First take the first drop of blood essence.

Immediately, Su Ye felt a mass of fiery energy emanating from his body.

However, it quickly disappeared.

He glanced at the increase in his combat power.

The combat power has increased from 3631 million with a full load to 4015 million.

Go on, anyway, the essence of blood does not mean that you can only take one drop.

Su Ye swallowed the fire unicorn's blood essence drop by drop.

He found that the further the blood essence added, the less combat power it would add.

Until the ninth drop, it has no effect at all.

However, just in time, leave a drop of blood for Marika to analyze.

At the same time, Su Ye's full combat power has reached 4765 million.

After Marika finished analyzing all the martial arts.

Su Ye's doomsday coins are only about 300 million left.

"By the way, Marika, remind me when the time comes. When the goods are distributed, add a note to the fire unicorn blood essence, saying that you can take it up to 8 times, and the effect of the increase will decrease."

"Okay, master!"

Su Ye, who regarded the system as a housekeeper, confirmed the direction, and then flew towards Guangdong and Fujian provinces.

After a few minutes.

Su Ye flew from Fujian Province to Hainan Island again.

Not surprisingly, according to the information obtained in these two provinces, the leaders of their forces have gone to Hainan Island to look for Shenlong.

But at Su Ye's current speed, it didn't take long at all.

In front of him, a huge scene entered everyone's eyes.

The first is a huge Chinese Fengshenlong.

The second is a group of humans fighting with it.

Su Ye slowed down and looked carefully.

Guys, it's all here.

Hayato Tianyin, Mu Yingxiong, Da Dangjia, Damoshen Xiaojingtian, Lian Chengzhi, Sword Saint Longer.

Look at the combat power again.

The tallest is the sword master Ryuji who claims to be the sword emperor, with a combat power of more than 3000 million.

Most of the rest range from 1000 million to 2000 million.

Su Ye stopped and thought about it.

I'll make a dragon out too.

Speaking of which, that skill has not been used since learning it!
Having made up his mind, Su Ye took out the Starlight Scepter, and mobilized the magic power in his body.

Come out!
Nine Heavens Thunder Dragon!

As the magic power in Su Ye's body was evacuated in an instant.

above his head.

In a blink of an eye, dark clouds gathered.

Immediately after the dark clouds condensed, countless thunderbolts began to flash, and the thunderclap spread loudly, resounding throughout the world.

And this kind of landscape quickly attracted the attention of Yilong and the six people in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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