Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 450 Transformed into Dijia and entered Doudi!

Chapter 450 Transformed into Dijia and entered Doudi!
Just when the crowd was in a commotion.

A burst of black clouds suddenly hit from the distant horizon.

The overwhelming darkness continued to surge, causing many people's expressions to change drastically.

After a while, the black cloud approached where Su Ye was.

Then, a man in a white robe came down from the black cloud.

The man looked gentle, refined and personable, and no one would have guessed that he was actually a ruthless man who dared to sacrifice Zhongzhou's blood.

This person is the patriarch of the soul clan, the big boss of Dou Po, the soul emperor.

Besides, behind him.

There are also quite a few soul clan powerhouses, looking coldly at everyone present, as well as Su Ye in the center of the arena!
The emergence of this group of strong men.

Those who knew changed color.

Those who don't know, after sensing the other party's breath, are also shocked, and then hurriedly inquire about the information, and keep retreating.

Not long after the appearance of the Soul Clan.

The powerhouses of the three ancient eight ancient clans, namely, the Gu clan, the Yan clan, and the Lei clan, appeared one after another.

As for the medicine clan, stone clan, and spirit clan, the three clans have been wiped out by the soul clan.

What Emperor Huntian wanted was the ancient jade in the hands of the three clans, which was used to open the cave of Tuoshe Ancient Emperor.

the other side.

Seeing so many people appearing, Su Ye smiled lightly, "I didn't expect to attract so many people, do you want to see me become emperor!"

He took a look at the powerhouses of the Soul clan and the other three clans, and paid attention to their combat power values.

If nothing unexpected happens.

Transform into Dijia, and you can enter Doudi.

It's good that they are all here, and when you enter Doudi later, you don't have to look everywhere!
next moment.

Just as his words fell, causing a sensation.

Su Ye took out the magic light stick, then lifted it up and pushed it upwards!
In the next second, a burst of extremely dazzling white light lit up the world.

Even, covering up the brilliance of the sun, it even scattered the black clouds of the soul race.

And when the light faded, the vision resumed.

Then there was a sound of gasping for air.

I saw a tall giant appearing in everyone's eyes.

Surrounding the giant's body was a circle of extremely rich golden fighting spirit.

The breath is powerful and terrifying!
Let people instantly change color!


"This must be the breath of Emperor Dou!"

"Who is he, such a mysterious Emperor Dou, who is it?"

All of a sudden, the audience exclaimed.

The first ones to sound were those fighting saints.

They judged most clearly that Su Ye's aura had definitely reached the level of Dou Di.

And when the voices of these strong men fell into the ears of the other Dou Zun, Dou Zong and Dou Huang.

Passed on layer by layer.

Everyone looked at Su Ye with dull eyes and froze in place.

At the same time, Yun Shan is finishing his communication with Ge Ye.

After learning what happened.

At this time, his face was serious, and he retreated quietly with anxiety in his heart.

Su Ye glanced at his combat power.

1.47 trillion.

Immediately, he looked at Yunshan who was about to leave secretly, "Did I let you go!"

The majestic and indifferent voice resounded through the audience.

Yun Shan's body froze.

But, in an instant!
Yun Shan didn't even think about it, he used his fighting skills, hoping to get lucky.

"Hmph, Yunshan, how brave you are!"

Let out a cold snort.

No one noticed it.

A beam of light flashed by.

Yunshan died instantly and disappeared, directly evaporated.

In an instant.

Emperor Huntian's face was serious, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Even he didn't notice the opponent's shot.

And the pupils of the rest of the people present shrank suddenly.

This mysterious Doudi actually kills people at the slightest disagreement.

They didn't know the motive of Su Ye's attack.

But after the scene of Yunshan's death just now, he didn't dare to act rashly, let alone retreat.

I regret it, I shouldn't have come to join in the fun!
In the next second, everyone's thoughts were like this.

at the same time.

Behind Hun Tiandi, a Dou Zun saw Yun Shan dead, and couldn't help but seize his soul.


"You can also move his soul!?"

Before the indifferent words fell, Su Ye was already like Frieza in the Dragon Clan, stretching out one hand, pointing his index finger at the Dou Zun of the Soul Clan.

Mobilize the Qi in the body and condense it to the index finger.

'Death Beam'!
Immediately afterwards, a fast light wave was emitted.

This flowing movement took less than 0.1 second.

When the Soul Emperor reacted, he planned to block it.

Guangbo had already hit the Dou Zun of the Soul Race, killed him on the spot, and evaporated him from the world.

"What do you mean by that, sir?"

Seeing the clansman being killed, Emperor Hun Tian immediately looked at Su Ye with anger on his face, but he couldn't figure out the strength of the other party for a while, so he didn't dare to take action easily.

A voice full of anger spread.

The expressions of the other powerhouses present changed again, and they continued to meditate and pray in their hearts.

Don't fight.

Don't fight!

Hun Tiandi, don't make a move, that's all, don't provoke him.

The fight between two Doudi powerhouses is enough to destroy the world. If they are caught in it, even the powerhouses at the peak of Dou Sheng will inevitably fall on the spot.

And behind Su Ye.

Yao Chen got into Xiao Yan's ring immediately.

Xiao Yan was stunned for a moment by his flipping, and then he cursed loudly.

However, he could only be cursing.

The other party is Dou Zun, and Najie is a relic left by his mother, so he can't lose it.

"Brother Xiao Yan, let's leave here first, if we fight later, it will be very dangerous!"

On the side, at Elder Ling's suggestion, Xiao Xun'er grabbed Xiao Yan's sleeve and said hastily.

The Xiao family members are retreating.

Su Ye looked at Emperor Huntian, a little arrogantly: "I just came to fight Po, and now I have become emperor. Today, let us fight to have a good time."

Speaking of which, switch to the grudge system.

Learn Cell's skills.

He hasn't really fought a real battle yet.

As for Hun Tiandi's combat power value, in his evaluation, it was only a little lower than him, reaching 1.12 trillion.

Although Hun Tiandi couldn't understand what the other party meant in the first half, but the other party wanted to fight with him, anyone could hear it.

a time.

Emperor Huntian sneered, "Although I don't know which Emperor Dou you are and where you came from."

"But, today, your soul, this emperor, is about to be decided!"

Su Ye still responded indifferently, "If you lose, I will kill all the soul clans, leaving no one behind."

"Haha, alright, then today, let me try whether my soul is dead, or your soul is for me to enjoy!"

Emperor Huntian laughed out loud, blood gushed out from his body, and instantly turned into an endless sea of ​​blood. The power pervading in the sea of ​​blood was terrifyingly strong.

"People of the Soul Clan, step back thousands of miles!" The sea of ​​blood filled the air, and the Emperor Soul Heaven shouted in a cold voice.

Hearing the shouts, those strong men of the soul clan also quickly retreated.

At the same time, there are other strong people.

They are going to fight, if you don't run now, when will you wait!
Just a moment.

A group of strong men from all sides who came to watch, all backed away, and their bodies were thousands of miles away.

However, although already in the distance.

But noticed that the two Doudi hadn't made a move yet, but that aura was already pressing down on everyone's heads like a mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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