Chapter 451 Emperor Guang!
Blood filled the sky.

Hun Tiandi, with scarlet eyes, took the lead.

Following him, he took a step towards Su Ye.

Immediately, the sea of ​​blood surged wildly, turning into a huge wave of blood tens of thousands of feet, and swept towards Su Ye fiercely.

Under the tens of thousands of feet of blood waves, Su Ye's Di Jia's body also looked very small.

Su Ye looked at the terrifying wave of blood, his expression unchanged.

The next moment, the domineering aura of the overlord came out, sweeping all directions.

I saw, in an instant.

The domineering energy easily defeated the blood wave, and then pushed it back.

Seeing that the offensive was blocked, Emperor Huntian was not surprised at all.

"Blood Eclipse Heart Thunder!"

He straddled the blood lotus with his feet, and suddenly pointed his finger at the wave of blood that kept rolling backwards.

And as his finger pointed out, the diffuse blood wave immediately writhed violently like a huge organ.

Then, shrink inward fiercely!

When the boundless blood cloud shrinks.

The sky also collapsed.

Taohei's spatial cracks spread across the sky at a terrifying speed.

In the next instant, the blood cloud stretched out suddenly, and countless blood thunders the size of mountains directly shot at Su Ye crazily with the force of a torrential rain.

at the same time.

Su Ye turned his right hand into a palm, aiming at the blood thunder that exploded.

Immediately afterwards, light bombs were shot out densely like raindrops.

Not surprisingly.

The dense light bullets destroyed all the blood mines.

At the same time, there are still many light bullets that continue to shoot towards Emperor Huntian.

And after Su Ye released the light bomb, the bottoms of his hands were put together.

Mobilize the whole body's Qi.

His hands glowed brightly.

Just after Hun Tiandi took several light bombs.

Su Ye also happened to unleash his ready-to-go skills.

Taiyang-Kame Pai Qigong!
The next moment, a thick wave of energy blasted towards Emperor Huntian.

Sensing the terrifying energy contained in this light wave, Emperor Huntian's expression changed immediately.

It's too late to dodge!

The body of Emperor Dou.

Get me up!
next moment.

His body suddenly swelled up, and in just an instant, he turned into a blood-colored giant with a height of tens of thousands of feet.

The blood light quickly condensed on his body, and finally turned into a layer of blood-colored armor, enveloping that ten thousand-foot body.

At the same time.

Light waves bombarded his armor.

It was pierced in the blink of an eye, and a blood hole with a diameter of about 100 meters was opened on Emperor Huntian's body without losing power.

In the original Dragon Ball.

The move that Su Ye used just now, the Sun-Turtle Style Qigong, is an ultimate move that can directly destroy the solar system.

Of course, this is also related to the ability to recruit people.

But it is also one of the top killing moves!
The blood-colored giant stands tall in the sky, ten times bigger than Su Ye's Di Jia.

However, when he first appeared, he was full of momentum, but after eating a light wave, he instantly weakened a lot.

However, he is recovering.

While Hun Tiandi was hesitating, not only the wind and thunder surged, but also the spiritual energy between heaven and earth poured into his body frantically, recovering his injuries.

Naturally, Su Ye would not wait for his injury to recover.

Gathering another killer move.

He was raising his hands high at the moment, and the sky full of light spots gathered towards him from all over the Doupa Continent.

This trick is exactly: vitality bomb!

The huge energy ball above the hands continues to grow bigger.

Once the vitality bomb hits the opponent, the stronger the opponent's evil heart, the more powerful it will be
Soul Emperor is undoubtedly the best target to display.

On the opposite side, when Emperor Hun Tian noticed the terrifying coercion contained in the energy ball on the top of Su Ye's hands, he was shocked in his heart.

He didn't have the confidence to resist this move.

next moment.

A blood blade emerged from his right hand, rushed into the crowd of soul race behind him, swung his arm, and the blood blade cut through the void.

The blood light flickered, and countless heads flew up together. In just a few blinks, seven or eight out of ten of the clansmen who came with Emperor Hun died.

After absorbing the blood of so many strong men, a pair of blood-colored eyes seemed to grow on the blood blade, looking at the world with endless chill and evil spirit.

not finished.

He once again sprayed blood on the blood blade and was absorbed by it.

At this moment, Su Ye threw the vitality bomb in his hand towards Emperor Huntian.


At the same time, Emperor Huntian stepped across the void with his foot, and the blood blade in his hand suddenly swelled, cutting towards Yuan Qi Bomb.

next moment.

The vitality bomb just touched the blood blade.

A terrifying storm swept away in an instant.

Not only was the entire city of Wutan destroyed, but a large pit of tens of thousands of square meters appeared on the ground.

at the same time.

Hun Tiandi's giant body collapsed directly, and then collapsed.

"Mysterious Emperor Dou, I will kill you after I recover from my injuries!"

The sound hovered in the sky, making it hard to tell where it came from.

Emperor Huntian was frightened by Su Ye's powerful fighting methods.

The other party seemed to know him well.

Therefore, he planned to retreat for the time being, hide in the dark to recover from his injuries, and then make plans.

However, Su Ye was already in front of him, quietly watching him come.

than speed! ?
Has a shiny fruit, and the body of Tiga.

Su Ye asked himself, in terms of speed, no one dared to call himself number one when he claimed to be second.

Wait for the figure of Emperor Hun to appear.

Su Ye inspected his combat power, and there are only 4000 to [-] million left!

It can be regarded as a serious injury.

And his combat power is still 1.2 million.

And when the Soul Emperor noticed that Su Ye appeared in front of him.

In an instant.

His pupils shrank, and his eyes were shocked.

"How is it possible, how is it possible that you are here!"

"When were you here!"

Emperor Huntian was stunned!

Su Ye was too lazy to talk nonsense with a dead man.

Reach out and point your index finger at him.

The beginning is the ultimate move: full-power death ray!
There was a flash of light.

Soul Emperor was hit instantly.

Seeing the opponent's combat power drop sharply, Su Ye continued to use his skills.

However, this time he used Tiga's nirvana.

After the starting gesture.

The second ray of light accurately shot into the body of Emperor Soul.

After a while.

Not surprisingly, Emperor Huntian's combat power instantly returned to zero.

at the same time.

Su Ye has already canceled the transformation and took out the infinite gauntlet.

Then he used the power of the soul gem to grab the soul of Emperor Huntian in his hand.

In the original book, Xiao Yan only sealed the Soul Emperor.

It is conceivable that for the soul race, a race that studies the soul, killing him and destroying his body is only the first step.

Listening to the soul of Emperor Huntian in his hand begging for mercy.

Su Ye said, "Marika, what do you think about this soul?"

"Brother, let the system absorb it, he is still quite strong, let's make up for it!"

After hearing this, Su Ye sneered, the dignified Soul Emperor is actually just a little girl!
However, he didn't say much.

Afterwards, the Soul Emperor was thrown to the system for absorption.

This is not a reward copy, unlike the previous Marvel killing enemies that will drop colorful eggs.

Therefore, Su Ye didn't have too many thoughts about the rest.

However, in addition to getting the strange fire.

Su Ye also had to find a way to add other top skills and items to the Doomsday Currency Mall.

After all, the power training system in this world is fairly complete, and adding it to the mall can greatly complement the Longteng store and the people of Xia.

at the same time.

The news spread that the mysterious Doudi killed Emperor Huntian.

Shortly after.

People called the mysterious Dou Emperor Guangdi one after another!

(End of this chapter)

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