Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 452 Fenjue and 3 kinds of different fires in hand

Chapter 452 Fen Jue and Three Different Flames Acquired

Killed the Soul Emperor.

Su Ye found the members of the Xiao family who were hiding.

And the Yunlanzong group who dare not leave.


At this moment, Xiao Yan was the happiest.

Seeing Su Ye approaching, he shouted excitedly.

"Meet Emperor Dou!"

"Meet Emperor Dou!"

The rest of the people also greeted respectfully.

Su Ye nodded, then looked at the ring in his hand, "Where is Yaochen!?"

In an instant, Yaochen, the soul body, drilled out of the ring, "Downloading Yaochen, I pay my respects to Emperor Dou!"

"Yaochen, I need your Fenjue, and Bone Spirit Lenghuo!"

"In exchange, this is a book of heavenly fighting skills, take it!"

The origin of the heaven-level fighting skills is naturally harvested from the hands of the soul race.

Su Ye would not snatch Fenjue and Yihuo from Yaochen.

When Yao Chen heard Su Ye's words, his heart tightened and his face changed drastically.

The soul body also began to fluctuate.

It's just that I only thought about it for a few seconds.

Yao Chen sighed inwardly, with a humble attitude, "Senior, this is the Fenjue you want, and I hope you will accept it!"

His attitude is very low. Although he was once a well-known medicine venerable, he is a hero who knows practical things.

In front of a fighting emperor.

The pinnacle of combat power in this world.

And there is a record of killing a Doudi.

If you think of yourself as a noble person at this time, you are looking for death.

Su Ye took over Fen Jue, first asked Marika to analyze it, and then learned.

At the same time, Yao Chen also pulled out the strange fire from his body, which was caught by Su Ye.

Looking at this blue flame, Su Ye was amazed.

According to the introduction in the original book, this is a strange flame that combines extreme cold and extreme heat. It can only be encountered in extremely cold and extremely cloudy places when the sun and the moon alternate every hundred years.

The different fire ranked 11th on the different fire list.

In order to snatch the bone spirit, Yao Chen was almost burnt to death.

Put away the strange fire.

It's not over yet.

Su Ye immediately looked at Xiao Xun'er.

"Hand over the Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan in your body."

"In exchange, these are two books of heavenly fighting skills."

As the fourth-ranked Alien Flame, Su Ye naturally wanted to get it.

As soon as Su Ye said this.

In an instant, Xiao Xun'er's complexion changed drastically.

"How do you know it!"

Except for his father and himself, the entire ancient clan didn't know about Jin Emperor Fen Tianyan.

Moreover, she had never used the power of Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan in front of others, even her personal guard Ling Ying didn't know about it.

"You don't need to worry about how the emperor knows." Su Ye said lightly.

The next moment, his coercion of Emperor Dou was revealed.

In an instant, everyone present turned pale in horror.

The meaning of the other party is obvious!

Xiao Yan's eyes kept wandering between Xiao Xun'er and Su Ye, but it was obvious that he hesitated to speak several times, unable to speak.

Xiao Xun'er sighed inwardly.

Although she was young, she was very intelligent, and immediately handed over the Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan in her body.

Su Ye took the Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan, looked at the golden flame flowing like a liquid in his hand, and then put it into the space ring.

Afterwards, Su Ye explained the next few things, then turned and left.

Only now have two different fires in hand.

But, don't forget, there are more than 20 kinds of different fires in this world.

Not long after, Su Ye came to a desert.

This place is the Great Tagore Desert.

"I remembered, this is where Qinglian's inner fire is located."

"In the original book, Xiao Yan obtained the remnants of Jinglian Demon Fire and Qinglian Earth Heart Fire here, just like treasure maps."

"Brother Huohua naturally doesn't need a map. In this timeline, Medusa probably hasn't obtained Qinglian's inner fire yet, right?"

Everyone in the live broadcast room was talking.

Su Ye naturally knew that Poseidon, the emperor of the sea here, had two fragmented pictures in his hand.

But does he need it! ?
The sun is shining.

The air was scorched and distorted.

It didn't take long for Su Ye to encounter several powerful snake-human races.

"Hey, boy, stop, this is the territory of the snake people, if you don't want to die, get away."

A group of patrol soldiers in uniforms who spoke, as described, they all have no legs, and the legs are all long snake tails.

Without saying a word, Su Ye controlled the group of snake-human soldiers, and obtained the desired information from their minds.

According to the plot of the original book, Medusa is the strongest in the snake-human clan, whose strength is the peak of the Douhuang, and later evolved into the colorful sky-swallowing python through Qinglian's heart fire, and broke through to become the Douzong.

But after breaking through, she turned into a little snake, and then fell in love with Xiao Yan, and finally became one of Xiao Yan's harem.

tsk tsk!
As expected of the protagonist.

Although I also lived like a protagonist, other aspects are fine, but I really don't agree with this aspect of the harem.

Su Ye sighed with emotion and continued on the road.

Not long after, Su Ye found Medusa, the snake queen.

"I am Medusa, the Queen of the Snake-Human Race. I don't know what orders you have, Senior!"

Medusa asked in trepidation after feeling the slightest aura released by Su Ye.

Dou Zun?

Or Dou Sheng?

It can't be Dou Di, right?

Due to the timeliness of information transmission.

Su Ye's previous incident of fighting against the Emperor of Soul has not yet spread.

As far as Queen Medusa's feelings are concerned, it's just that the other party is scary anyway.

"I want Qinglian's heart fire, you take your clansmen and leave!"

"Thank you, my lord, I will take the people away!"

Hearing what Su Ye said, Queen Medusa was instantly overjoyed.

It is a great fortune to be able to escape from such a terrifying strong man so easily.

Just a pity.

The hope of breaking through the Douzong is gone.

After all the snake people have left.

Su Ye walked into the cave ahead.

After a while.

as predicted.

In a piece of magma, a blue lotus flower is quietly blooming.

It is Qinglian's heart fire!
Looking at the blue lotus pod in front of him, with a terrifying flame of extremely high temperature rising from the middle, Su Ye immediately prepared to subdue it.

It is different from Bone Spirit Cold Fire and Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan.

Yao Chen and Xiao Xun'er had subdued these two different fires.

So they can be directly transferred from the director to Su Ye.

Let Yihuo easily recognize Su Ye as the master.

in the original.

Like the Gu clan, Yao clan, Yan clan, etc., those different fires passed down through the ages are operated in this way.

Otherwise, according to Xiao Xun'er's low strength, how could a daughter of a fighter conquer the Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan who is ranked fourth on the Alien Fire Ranking!

Therefore, a wild fire like Qinglian Earth Heart Fire needs to be subdued and refined before it can be used for its own use.

It ranks 19th on the Alien Fire List.

Compared to Su Ye.

It only took less than a minute to successfully subdue it and put it into the space ring.

The next strange fire should be Fallen Heart Flame and Hai Xinyan from the Black Horn Region.

According to the plot, the Falling Heart Flame at this moment should be in the magma lake below the Skyburn Qi Refining Tower in the inner courtyard of Jialan Academy.

And Hai Xinyan is in the hands of Han Feng, the Pill Emperor of the Black Horn Region.

(End of this chapter)

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