Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 453 Arriving at Jialan Academy

Chapter 453 Arriving at Jialan Academy
Black Corner Domain.

It is the Dou Qi Continent's famous no-nonsense zone, famous for its chaos, countless people die every day, and countless people come in.

Because of the chaos and darkness, it is easy to get all kinds of elixir and magic treasures that are not visible in other places.

Of course, the premise is that your life can be saved.

Recently, a piece of news caused a storm in the Noire domain.

That was when a mysterious Doudi was born out of nowhere and killed another Doudi.

It is said that the one who was killed was the Emperor Huntian of the eight ancient clans.

He is called, Emperor Guang!
"This is the city where Han Feng is, right?"

Medicine Emperor Han Feng is also considered a respectable figure in the Heijiao domain, with a great reputation.

Su Ye followed the instructions from the main world, and inquired with some people from the Noire Region.

It was easy to find where he was.

At this moment, he is floating above the city.

next moment.

Dou Di's aura and domineering aura completely dissipated, sweeping the entire city.

In an instant, there was a sensation in the city!
Everyone felt the powerful coercion from the top of their heads, and their complexions changed.

Immediately afterwards, a young man in black appeared in Su Ye's eyes.

Su Ye could feel the strange fire fluctuations on his body.

Soon, the young man led a group of people to respectfully salute Su Ye above his head.

"Han Feng in the lower black corner area, pay my respects to senior!"

"I don't know why the senior came here!?"

Su Ye's indifferent voice resounded throughout the audience.

"I want to borrow your Sea Heart Flame!"


Han Feng's face turned ugly.

Immediately afterwards, he said with a half-smile: "Senior, you must be joking!"

Su Ye was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and shot directly.

At the same time, Han Feng, who felt bad, was furious in an instant, bared his teeth and cracked his eyes.


Under the pressure of Su Ye's powerful momentum.

All the people in the audience knelt down.

"Who is he?"

"Who the hell is this...!?"

At this moment, Han Feng panicked, his whole face was filled with panic.

After so many years of dominance in the Black Horn Domain, this was the first time he encountered a powerhouse who was completely powerless.

Is it!

Having vaguely guessed, he took a breath for an instant.

Emperor Guang!

Immediately, he lost consciousness.

At the same time, the Hai Xinyan he possessed also came into the hands of Su Ye.

As for the rest, he was not interested in making a move.

He glanced at the dark blue flame in his hand.

As the flame rose, it slowly spread like clear sea water, and the faint ripples seemed like water waves.

And just after Su Ye left.

The murder of Han Feng caused an uproar.

"Have you heard? Pill Emperor Han Feng was actually killed, and he was still powerless to resist, no one crushed him at all."

"The man's purpose seems to be for the Heavenly Flame. Someone saw with his own eyes that he took away Han Feng's Heavenly Flame."

"According to what eyewitnesses said and analyzed, that person is likely to be Emperor Guang!"


"Then there seems to be a strange fire in Jialan Academy, so why doesn't he go back to Jialan Academy?"

"There's a good show to watch!"

"This is Emperor Dou!"

Everyone is talking.

Surprised that this mysterious Emperor Guang killed Han Feng and took away the strange fire.

There are also people who don't believe that Emperor Guang will go to Jialan Academy to win the Falling Heart Flame.

And in Jialan Academy.

Everyone, at this moment, looked like they were facing a big enemy, panicking up and down.

A group of old men were whispering to each other, discussing how to deal with Emperor Guang's coming.

"I don't believe he dares to do anything to our Jialan Academy. If he really dares to cause killing, we will do the same."

After a long time, the high-spirited sentence could not be uttered.

other side.

After all, it is Emperor Dou!
a time.

All the old men present sighed continuously.


A figure appeared above the academy.

But Emperor Dou's aura spread out without any concealment.

The next moment, all the teachers and students of the academy, the elders, the dean, and the gatekeepers of the Gongfa Pavilion all looked at the figure in the air in shock.

The audience was extremely silent.

As the most powerful existence in the entire academy, Mang Tianchi, the dean of Jialan Academy at Douzun level, hastily stepped forward and said respectfully: "I don't know where senior came from, so please forgive me for being far away."

"I'm Mang Tianchi, the dean of Jialan Academy. I dare to invite senior down for a cup of tea. I don't know what senior would like?"

Mang Tianchi was very disturbed.

no way!
The opponent is Dou Di!
Battle of the day.

He witnessed with his own eyes how powerful the opponent was.

It can be said that the opponent didn't need to make a move at all, and everyone in the Jialan Academy would die in an instant!

Including his Dou Zun.

He had no confidence at all that he could take the next move in Su Ye's hands.

In the spotlight.

The audience was extremely silent, waiting for Su Ye to speak.


With a yes, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

And in the live broadcast room!

"It's so hard to pretend, Brother Huohua is probably very cool, I want to pretend too, alas!"

"I've already entered it."

"Really, from the first day Brother Huohua appeared in the doomsday world, I have been in it."

"Shit, you don't know how to scold him in your heart!"

"Forcing the king to fight, no grass will grow!"

"Henan Biwang Squad is justifiably the support team of Brother Huohua, please pay attention and order a fan card"

on site.

On the square of the college, a group of students had already gathered.

When he saw Su Ye descending, he saw Su Ye's face clearly.

Suddenly, everyone was boiling!
The other party is so young!


The woman's eyes are adoring, flashing with eyes that men can understand.

Men are no exception, that is the worship of strength.

There were constant whispers, but they didn't dare to make it too loud, lest they attract Emperor Guang's attention.

"You don't need to drink tea, I came here to destroy Xinyan."

"If you think you have the confidence to defeat me, then stop me!"

"Otherwise, if you dare to overestimate your own strength, then within a radius of ten thousand miles here, all living beings will be ruined!"

Su Ye was polite first, and spoke bluntly about his intentions.

For a moment, the dean Mang Tianchi and the great elder Su Qianji looked at each other, but they both sighed inwardly, looking lonely.

In this world where the strong are respected.

That's it.

No strength.

Can only be slaughtered!

Moreover, this Emperor Guang has shown a very polite attitude.

Before seeing it, Han Feng was not only captured by the different fire, but also died.

Su Ye took the lead without them leading the way, and the group arrived in front of the Tianburn Qi training tower in silence.

He opened the giant tower casually, and soon saw the Falling Heart Flame.

This strange fire ranks 14th on the leaderboard, which is not bad.

Next, with Su Ye's strength, it is naturally easy to subdue it.

After subduing the Falling Heart Flame, Su Ye did not leave in a hurry.

Instead, he looked at the depths of the magma below with great interest.

According to the information provided by the main world.

The tomb of the last Emperor Dou Po, the ancient Emperor Tuoshe, is below here.

In the original plot, Emperor Huntian knew that the tomb of Emperor Tuoshe was here from the revealed map after collecting all the ancient Tuoshe jades.

(End of this chapter)

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