Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 462 6 Demons Proclaiming themselves Heavenly Court and Sending Troops

Chapter 462
"My lord, what is written on it?"

See Sun Wukong like this.

Immediately, the other six demon saints became curious.

"I don't know who cheated my old grandson, but it actually says 'The Great Sage Equaling Heaven ascends to the sky, and the old Jade Emperor rolls off the stage'."

"Hey, this is to kill my old grandson!"

For no reason, an evil fire rose from the bottom of his heart, and the whole person seemed to become more and more irritable.

The next moment, Sun Wukong used the golden cudgel and rushed up, intending to kill the giant beast.

But when the other six demon saints saw this, when they looked at each other, they all saw joy in each other's eyes.

God helps me too!

There are six of them.

It was originally a pawn of a certain force.

Finding Sun Wukong naturally promoted his confrontation with Heaven, making the plan develop step by step.

The persuasion just now was rejected.

Now such a thing happened.

I don't know which expert made the move.

Use such a clever trick.

at the same time.

Qian Liyan was in a hurry to find the Jade Emperor.

"Jade Emperor, that monster monkey and the other six demon saints are so rampant, they set up a big banner with the words: Great Sage Equaling Heaven."

He didn't dare to say the second half of the sentence.

But under the persecution of others, he finally spoke out.

In an instant.

There was an uproar in Lingxiao Hall.

"What a rebellion this is."

"Your Majesty, we must send someone to capture the monster monkey to show God's might."

"This monster monkey does not come out for a day, and I will sweep away the majesty of the heavenly court."

Li Jing came out at the first time, with a dignified expression, very serious, "I am willing to take the lead with a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals, and go to capture the monster monkey. Please allow your Majesty to approve."


The seaside of Huaguo Mountain.

Wait for Sun Wukong to kill this monster with a few sticks.

behind him.

Bull Demon King and others have already made a decision.

He only heard him shout loudly: "Great Sage, join us!"

"With all your abilities, you should contribute to the rise of our monster clan."

Beside the Bull Demon King, Peng Demon King immediately said: "You are the Monkey King, how can you listen to the old man Jade Emperor and become a running dog of that group of immortals."

Immediately, another person answered: "Hey, Sun Wukong, you and I are both monkeys, and you have such great supernatural powers, why bother listening to that Jade Emperor?"

The one who spoke was none other than the Great Sage of Ventilation: the Macaque King.

Of course, at this moment, the names of the six of them have not yet been taken.

"Monkey King, we will work together to overthrow the Heavenly Court, establish the Demon Court, and deter the world!"

"Extremely extreme, we are going to reverse this day, so that he can no longer cover our eyes!"

The six demon kings talked more and more vigorously.

But Sun Wukong was holding a golden cudgel, standing aside, looked at him coldly, and kept silent.

After a while.

The Bull Demon King took out a jar of wine, "Monkey, since you have a name, we brothers have also thought of a name."

Afterwards, he shouted loudly: "My old cow, I will be the Great Sage of Ping Tian."

The next one is Peng Demon King. He flew into the air, and his loud laughter echoed in the sky and the earth, "I am the Great Sage Huntian."

Then there was the Jiao Demon King, with an elegant figure, and the phantom of the Jiaolong appeared, with a terrified aura, "I'm just a little plain, the great sage who overwhelmed the sea."

Then the lion camel king chuckled, and a slightly rough voice sounded.

"I am called the Great Sage of Yishan, and I will move that court in the future, so that our monster race can stand up and be the master!"

Finally, the two monkeys.

The macaque king shouted: "I am the Great Sage of Ventilation."

King Yu Tamarin shouted: "I am the great sage who drives away the gods!"

Just when the six great sages named themselves.

Qianliyan and Shunfenger immediately reported the situation to the Jade Emperor.

And on the spot.

The Bull Demon King has a big body and a domineering momentum, "My dear brother, take a look!"

"Our brothers are called the great sage here, but the court is silent and dare not let a fart go."

The Great Sage Huntian immediately laughed: "That's right, that's right."

Monkey King was silent for a long time, and then growled: "Stop making noise!"

"You just want to use my old grandson as a banner to call on big monsters everywhere."

The Bull Demon King immediately said in a deep voice: "So what, Monkey King, you are a demon."

He turned his head and glanced around, and glanced at everyone present, "We are all demons."

Monkey King bared his teeth and smiled, "No, no, you are a bull!"

He immediately looked at Peng Demon King, "You are a bird."

"Fart, this king is Kunpeng!"

Sun Wukong continued on his own, "This is a snake."

"Get lost, this king is Jiao!"

"Do you see how everyone is the same!?"

He shrank his head, but what he said made the Six Demons look pale.

In the dark, Su Ye, who was lurking and observing, almost couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard the live voice coming from the bug!
Monkey don't look stupid.

But you are on the first floor, and he may be on the tenth floor.

If you play monkeys, maybe the monkeys are playing tricks on you.

Some things, really can not just look at the appearance.

Sun Wukong was born in Huaguo Mountain.

And what happened to Huaguo Mountain before Monkey King appeared?
That is, monsters from all walks of life often catch monkeys in Huaguo Mountain to drink!

Therefore, it is really not easy for you to let this monkey have a sense of belonging to the Yaozu.

In the original book, the monkey himself said, "The leaders Kuang captured were tigers, leopards, wolves, roe deer and foxes. I didn't hurt any of my kind, so why bother."

This shows.

Bull Demon King and others use righteousness to carry out moral kidnapping, I'm afraid it's a fool's dream.

At this moment, Su Ye saw on the tablet that Sun Wukong suddenly attacked the Peng Demon King without saying a word.

Demon King Peng yelled angrily on the spot: "Smelly monkey, you don't talk about martial arts!"

Suddenly, the scene became one.

at the same time.

Su Ye noticed, however, the sky in the distance.

A thick white cloud is drifting over.

On top of the white clouds, there are dense figures standing.

No need to guess, it should be the army of Heavenly Court.

"Okay, it's time for me to act!"

Seeing the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals from the Heavenly Court appear, Su Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

After a little planning, they are waiting for them to come.

As a result, Tianting's energy and thoughts are now on Huaguo Mountain.

You can act freely on your own.

the other side.

Above the white clouds, Taibai Jinxing saw Monkey King and the six monsters fighting, and immediately said: "Wait a minute, the Great Sage may not be what we imagined, and I will make a decision after I understand the situation."

However, Li Jing glanced at him and snorted coldly, "These demons are full of tricks, maybe they are just acting and have a different purpose to deal with us."

"Pass down the order to enshrine the giant spirit god as the vanguard, and deal with the monstrous monkey. He must not be allowed to escape."


And beside Li Jing, Taibai Jinxing was already trembling with anger, speechless.

In his heart, he already sighed deeply.

In Lingxiao Palace, he can still speak out to help the village.

But the troops were actually dispatched.

Li Jing really has the final say.

(End of this chapter)

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