Chapter 463
Heaven sent troops to capture the monster monkey.

But Su Ye is frantically looking for famous monsters at this moment.

According to the current timeline.

It was the time when the Yaozu was on the rise.

According to the rhetoric of the main world.

After Yuan Shitian's demon soul flew away and disappeared.

The Yaozu have all lived their lives hiding in XZ.

This situation continued until the appearance of the Bull Demon King.

The bull devil's solo venture into Mount Sumeru of the Western Heaven.

The Brahmins, the largest sect in the Western Paradise, were closed by him.

For a while, Tan Niu's expression changed.

However, the Bull Demon King himself is easy to make friends, and his righteousness is so great that half of the demon kings in the world have received his favor.

Even Zhu Bajie, who went down to earth and cast a pig fetus to become a pig demon, has friendship with the Bull Demon King, and Sha Wujing, who did evil in Liushahe, also knows the Bull Demon King.

Afterwards, the Bull Demon King issued an invitation card to call all the demon kings to establish a demon alliance in the Valley of Thousand Demons, and he was naturally crowned as the leader of the alliance.

Afterwards, the Bull Demon King believed that only when all the power of the demon world was concentrated could he have the strength to negotiate with the fairy world.

So he went out in person, first made a friendship with the Jiao Demon King, and then subdued the Lion Camel King.

Not long after, Dapeng and the six-eared monkey came here after hearing the news. The hero regards the hero, and the six demon kings cherish each other and work together to promote the development of the demon world.

Not long after this, Yaomo Dao began to enter a period of real prosperity.

Because the Bull Demon King pursues the strategy of "you don't offend me, I don't mess with you", although the earth immortals of the two sects of Emei and Qingcheng still often dispatch demons.

But the result turned out to be like helping the Bull Demon King to eliminate the abnormalities.

The strength of the Demonic Dao is slowly accumulating, and when the Bull Demon King is hesitant to lead the group of demons out of the forest and formally ask the heaven for the right to live on an equal footing, a hero of the world is born, he is Sun Wukong.

After that, the Bull Demon and other six demon kings came to Huaguo Mountain to visit this demon hero.

That is the current progress of the plot.

Push back again.

Elaborate words.

Because Sun Wukong is too powerful, he will be invited to heaven again to be the Monkey King.

As a result, all the gods were invited except the monkey, Monkey King, because of the Queen Mother's flat peach event.

Sun Wukong was angry, so he made a big fuss in the Litao meeting place, and even ate the Nine-Turn Immortal Pill of Taishang Laojun, and returned to Huaguo Mountain again.

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were furious, and sent heavenly soldiers and generals to capture the monkey.

Sun Wukong was successfully attacked by the Taishang Laojun and captured back to the Heavenly Palace.

But unexpectedly, after Sun Wukong ate the Nine-Turn Golden Pill, he was invulnerable to swords and guns, so he couldn't kill him. In the end, Taishang Laojun had to activate the Bagua Furnace, hoping to refine him with the real fire of Samadhi.

At the same time that Monkey King was captured, the Taishang Laojun launched the Samadhi True Fire, which burned the Jilei Mountain for [-] miles, and the battle between the fairy and demon worlds broke out.

The Bull Demon King led all his brothers to kill the Heavenly Court. After 49 days of bloody battle, the Jiao Demon King died in the Nantian Gate, and the fairy world began to gain the upper hand.

But at this moment, Sun Wukong escaped from the alchemy furnace, and the six brothers cooperated inside and outside, and finally defeated the heavenly soldiers and surrounded the Jade Emperor on the Lingxiao Palace.

When he was about to lose his life, Tathagata arrived, and he bet with Sun Wukong by means of aggressive tactics. After the famous bet, Monkey King conceded defeat, and the Bull Demon King and other brothers returned to the world.

After listening to Chu Wei's details.

Su Ye pondered: "Then, can I wait for the war to break out and go to the heaven to fish in troubled waters?"

"For example, when the monkeys are making trouble in the Heavenly Palace, I will go to the Tusita Palace to get some elixir to eat!"

You must know that Monkey King can survive the alchemy furnace, and his strength has greatly increased after successfully escaping.

The role played by the elixir is definitely the most important.

If there weren't so many elixirs that would be eaten by monkeys like jelly beans.

It's hard to say whether the monkey can survive in the alchemy furnace in the end, let alone its sharp eyes.

"Naturally go if you have the opportunity!" Chu Wei concluded, and continued: "Now the six demon kings of the Demon Dao Alliance are all fighting against the heavenly soldiers and generals in Huaguo Mountain. Now, hurry up and go to the Thousand Devils Valley to slaughter the demons."

"Of course, if you kill Lao Niu's million monsters, what will he use to enter the heaven?"

"Let's talk about it later!"

Discussing along the way, easy to say.

But Su Ye didn't dare to take it lightly.

Those demon kings are well-known existences for a long time.

Nature cannot act rashly.

Especially the magic weapon of Princess Rakshasa Iron Fan, the plantain fan.

Under one fan, the fan flies [-] miles.

The front must be tough, and she can't be tough.

She is the fire-fan girl of the Taishang Laojun, if you touch her, it is tantamount to offending the Taishang Laojun.

Whether as a member of the Taoist camp, or the existence of Taishang Laojun.

Even Su Ye couldn't kill her.

at the same time.

Chu Wei also told Su Ye one by one what was recorded in the information, the current timeline, and the monsters in that place.

I just don't know if the monsters who escaped from the heavens that were arranged early in the original book have appeared now.

It would be nice if there were.

You know, these monsters escaped with magic weapons and became Tang Seng's catastrophe.

Monkey King did not dare to kill.

Su Ye naturally had no scruples.

After killing the million monsters of the Bull Demon King, their strength has increased, and then they will step on them one by one.

It's best to have one, catch one and earn a magic weapon.

It doesn't matter.

That's it, half an hour later.

Su Ye arrived at the destination.

Started a journey of slaughter from slow to fast.

the other side.

Sun Wukong is no accident.

First, he defeated a group of heavenly soldiers and generals under Li Jing, and then fought endlessly with Erlang God, regardless of the outcome.

Then, under the persuasion of Taibai Jinxing, he returned to the heaven again.

Only the Bull Demon King and the other six demons escaped from Huaguo Mountain, so they had a long-term plan.

There are no monkeys, and with the current power of the Bull Demon King and others, it's not time for a showdown with Heaven.

But they don't know, not long.

Monkey King will come back to Huaguo Mountain again.

Then start the story of Havoc in Heaven.

The words were divided into two parts, but it was Su Ye's side.

Relying on his many abilities, he easily figured out the situation in the Valley of Thousand Devils.

First of all, there are more than 11 monsters that can drop level [-] colorful eggs and have a combat power of over [-] million.

Secondly, there are more than 12 monsters with a combat power of over one billion and who can drop level 1 colorful eggs.

Then there are more than 13 monsters with a combat power of over 1000 billion and who can drop level [-] colorful eggs.

Then there are more than 14 monsters with a combat power of over 100 billion and who can drop level [-] colorful eggs.

In the end, there are 15 monsters whose combat power exceeds one trillion and can drop 72 eggs. They are also the 72 monster kings under the Bull Demon King, managing millions of monsters.

As for the monsters with a combat power of less than [-] million, let's not talk about them.

And next.

Deal with these simple-minded monsters.

Su Ye only needs to use a little trickery to lure them to a distance in batches, divide and kill them.

As for why it is necessary to use tricks instead of facing toughness.

that is because.

The movement should not be too loud.

easy to be discovered.

(End of this chapter)

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