Chapter 464

At this moment, the battle has come to an end.

Monkey King easily defeated the Giant Spirit God.

Li Jing saw that the giant spirit god was defeated, so he sent Nezha to fight.

Monkey King then fought Nezha again.

The two fought for dozens of rounds.

Nezha was defeated and lost again.

Seeing this, Generalissimo Li Jing had no choice but to beat the drums and withdraw his troops.

(I made a mistake before, this time the Heavenly Court sent troops without Erlang God, the previous text has been changed.)
Li Jing and others returned to Heaven.

News of the defeat spread.

The Jade Emperor couldn't help muttering in his heart.

The demon monkey is so powerful, adding more troops to attack, is the gain outweigh the loss.

Taibai Jinxing looked at the frown of the Jade Emperor, and immediately offered advice, intending to go to Huaguo Mountain to make peace again.

"I think it's better to give him the emptiness of the Monkey King, so as to save him a lot of trouble!"

The Jade Emperor thought for a moment and felt that it made sense.

"Then let the queen mother's flat peach garden be handed over to him to take care of, and sharpen his wildness."

"I will obey your orders."

With the order, Taibai Jinxing came to Huaguo Mountain again.

And under his persuasion.

Sun Wukong agreed to what Taibai Jinxing said, and went to the Heavenly Court to take office.

And after Sun Wukong left.

The Bull Demon King and the six demons discussed again.

"This Monkey King toasts and doesn't eat fine wine, so we Yaozu don't fall into his eyes?"

"In my opinion, it's better to slaughter this Huaguo Mountain and go back to continue training millions of demons."

As soon as the words came out, the Bull Demon King's eyes flashed brightly, "Huaguoshan was slaughtered, and when the monkey comes back next time, we will tell him that it was done by the soldiers sent by the Heavenly Court."

Suddenly, the eyes of the other demon saints brightened.

"it is good!"

"This plan is very clever."

"Just do it like this, and the monkey will definitely hit the heavens when the time comes"

the other side.

After Su Ye massacred many demon soldiers in batches.

The strength has grown greatly.

The combat power of the strongest form soared to 9.47 trillion.

However, there are a lot of monster soldiers, and it will take some time to kill them all.

Back to heaven.

After Sun Wukong took office in Pantaoyuan.

That's a chic.

Every time when there was no one in the Taoyuan, Monkey King would directly pick a large piece of flat peach and eat it. It was a delight to eat.

When I was full, I lay down on the tree to rest and had a very pleasant life.

In this way, Monkey King lived happily for more than ten days.

this day.

Seven fairies came to the flat peach garden to pick flat peaches as usual.

However, only six girls came this time.

At this time, Monkey King and the Seven Fairies are very familiar.

Seeing the six girls coming, Monkey King said strangely: "Oh, why is there one missing from the Seven Fairies today?"

"You mean sister Ziyi!?"


"She's sick!"

Upon hearing this, Monkey King rolled his eyes, "You guys wait."

When he came to Taoyuan, Monkey King kicked a peach tree directly, and immediately, countless flat peaches fell down.

Monkey King picked a fat and plump peach from among them and brought it to the six fairies.

"Hey, give her this peach."

"The old man Jin Xing said that eating it can cure all diseases."

Monkey King finished speaking carelessly.

The six fairies suddenly panicked and waved their hands hastily.

Among them, the red-clothed fairy responded nervously: "Great Sage, if the Queen Mother finds out, she will be locked up in the prison."

Monkey King didn't care at all, "Don't be afraid, just say I gave it to you and it's none of her business!"

Seeing the monkey said this.

The red-clothed fairy looked at the plain-clothed fairy and the green-clothed fairy.

After the girls looked at each other for a few moments, thinking about their sister's condition, the fairy in red took the flat peach.

When the red-clothed fairy returned to the purple-clothed fairy's residence, she looked at the purple-clothed fairy lying on the bed, "This is given to you by the Great Sage. If you eat it, you will be cured."

The dazed purple-clothed fairy felt warm in her heart.

But she was not so sick that she forgot about Tian Tiao, and quickly waved her hands, "No, no, how dare I eat fairy peaches, go and return them to the Great Sage!"

Seeing this, the red-clothed fairy interrupted: "The great sage said, he will be responsible for everything."

"Don't worry about it, it's more important to treat the disease."

"Eat it!" The fairy in red handed the flat peach in front of Ziyi.

The two pushed back and forth, and finally, the purple fairy couldn't stand the strength of the red fairy, and ate the flat peach.

at the same time.

Neither woman found out.

Just outside the door, a crow saw all this.

The crow flew away immediately after seeing the fairy in purple eating the flat peach.

But in the room, the effect of flat peach is quick.

Not long after the purple-clothed fairy ate, she got up and got out of bed, alive and kicking.


The two women have not yet had time to be happy.

Someone sent an order to let the fairy in purple clothes go to see the Queen Mother.

When Ziyi came to the Queen Mother, "Ziyi pays homage to the empress."

The Queen Mother asked, "Ziyi, you recovered so quickly!"

Ziyi's mind tightened, and he tried to calm down and replied: "This is all a blessing to delay the empress!"

The Queen Mother's face was full of power immediately, "Okay, you have stolen the fairy peach and still don't admit it, and you still don't kneel down to me."

"Daughter, please die, the Queen Mother, please forgive me." Zi Yi knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Where did you get this peach from!?"

"It was I who stole it!"

"Come here, throw her into the prison for me."

"As ordered."

After Ziyi was pressed down.

The Queen Mother was lost in thought.

The Jade Emperor threw the monstrous monkey to my side.

The monster monkey kept making troubles, which made me lose face.

good means.

If things go on like this, sooner or later something big will happen.

It seems that it is necessary to call all the immortals to discuss how to deal with this monstrous monkey.

After a while, the queen mother said: "Send down the order to call all the immortals, hold a flat peach meeting, and let people start preparations."

"Yes, madam!"

One day in heaven, one year on earth.

Su Ye has already broken through to the Taiyi Golden Immortal level at this moment.

The power system has also been converted to the mana system.

The combat power of the peak form is now 84.67 trillion.

Now, he is preparing to go to the East China Sea Dragon Palace to see if he can find some opportunities to break through to Daluo Jinxian and collect some treasures.

Then, lurking into the heaven.

Waiting for the plot of Havoc in Heaven to start, so that I can take advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters.


When Su Ye came to the East China Sea Dragon Palace, he was blocked by a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

"Stop, what are you doing?"

The leader was a shrimp soldier, who pointed the weapon in his hand at Su Ye while yelling orders.

At the same time, the undersea minions next to him also surrounded Su Ye.

Su Ye looked calm, "I have something to ask you Dragon King."

"Oh!? Then why didn't you come here today and didn't explain it? You monster looks weird, you must have other plans. If you don't tell me, don't blame me for being rude."

Hearing this, Su Ye smiled faintly, "Because I'm in a good mood and don't want to kill you, get out and give me an order."

The next moment, a domineering aura swept out.

Suddenly, a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals were turned upside down.

Followed by.

Following the movement made by Su Ye.

A prince of the dragon clan led his troops and appeared in front of Su Ye.

"Who are you, how dare you hurt my Dragon Palace general!"

Su Ye didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, and directly showed the strength of Taiyi Jinxian in the later stage.

The powerful coercion instantly caused the group of dragon princes and shrimp soldiers and crab generals in front of them to kneel down, their bodies trembling uncontrollably.

(End of this chapter)

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