Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 468 Brother Monkey Enters the Furnace Su Ye Gou Sheng

Chapter 468 Brother Monkey Enters the Furnace Su Ye Gou Sheng (1010)
the other side.

Su Ye was still obsessed with eating the elixir.

He intends to be strict with the strength of the saint and not go out.

Behind the Great Tribulation of Journey to the West, there are many powerful joint arrangements.

The space-time secret realm reminded that Tiandao could not make a move, that is, Hongjun Daozu could not make a move.

But those six saints will definitely make a move.

As for the six, they are naturally Jieyin of Buddhism, Zhunti and Sanqing of Taoism, Daodetianzun (Taishang Laojun), Yuanshi Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun, also known as: Shangqing, Yuqing, Taiqing.

Add another Nuwa.

Let me talk about it first, reception and quasi-mention.

It can be said that the entire Buddhism was jointly created by two great saints, Taoist Jieyin and Taoist Zhunti.

At the beginning, by virtue of the catastrophe of the Great Tribulation of Conferring the Gods, the two saints recruited many disciples, which made Buddhism flourish from then on.

Daoist Duobao, the predecessor of Tathagata Buddha, Daoist Randeng, the predecessor of Randeng Ancient Buddha, Daoist Cihang, the predecessor of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Daoist Samantabhadra, Daoist Manjushri, and Fearful Grandson were all recruited by Taoists. Buddhism.

It can be said that he is the real helm in Buddhism, but Taoist Hongjun ordered saints not to step into the Three Realms, so what everyone sees is that the Tathagata handles affairs on the bright side.

There is no need to say more about Taoism.

These six are all masters of the layout who live in seclusion behind the scenes.

By the way, Tongtian is still being imprisoned.

If it doesn't work, release Tongtian at that time.

At the beginning of the Great Tribulation of Conferring the Gods, it was Yuanshi and Laojun who planned to deal with Tongtian together with the two Western Saints Jieyin and Zhunti.

Of course, Daozu Hongjun acquiesced behind this.

At that time, it should not be a problem to tell Tongtian the truth and let him cooperate with him to deal with the Second Saint of the West.

One must know that after the Conferred God War, Tong Tian would not admit defeat, and he would continue to fight.

In the end, Hongjun made a move to stop him.

We can see his strength.

As for why Taoism and Buddhism jointly plan a journey to the West.

That's because Taoism owed a lot of karma to Buddhism during the Great Tribulation of Conferring Gods. This time, it can be regarded as repaying the karma to Buddhism, so it agreed to cooperate with the layout of the Journey to the West.

Tathagata Buddha, also known as the present Buddha, is considered to be the strongest combat power on the bright side.

The Taishang Laojun in the Heavenly Court is not his real body, but just a clone, with little combat power, relying entirely on magic weapons.

and so.

With one's own power, overthrow this day!
Su Ye was not confident either.

One after another, the golden elixirs kept coming in.

His fighting power is constantly increasing.

300 trillion, 400 trillion, 500 trillion, 600 trillion.
And in 33 heavy days.

Erlangshen and Sun Wukong fought from the sky to the ground.

It can be said that the two fought for hundreds of rounds, regardless of the outcome.

Lingxiao Palace.

At this time, the old gentleman calmly said to the Jade Emperor, "Wait for me to help him!"

Immediately afterwards, Laojun seized the opportunity and took out the diamond bracelet from his cuff and threw it out.

The next moment, all the gods hurriedly looked.

I saw that the vajra bracelet hit Monkey King's head with incomparable accuracy.

Seeing this, Erlang God subdued the monster monkey decisively, intending to press it back to the heaven.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Seeing that Monkey King was hit, the Lingxiao Palace immediately burst into laughter.

Among them, the Jade Emperor smiled the most comfortably.

After the Jade Emperor finished laughing, he looked at Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, "Behead the monstrous monkey later, and invite Bodhisattva to watch it together."

But I never thought that Guanyin Bodhisattva saluted and replied: "Poor monk, I will take my leave!"

Everything is going smoothly according to plan, and it's time for her to implement the follow-up plan.

Not long after, Li Jing came quickly to the Jade Emperor, knelt down on one knee, "Your Majesty Qi Zuo, you have escorted the monster monkey to the demon-killing platform!"

The Jade Emperor looked majestic, "Cut!"

The imposing word echoed.

Immediately, all the immortals shouted: "Cut!!!"

On the Monster Slaying Platform, Sun Wukong was fixed by the fairy rope, and he grinned and looked at the executioner beside him who was about to beheaded with a knife.

Go down with a knife.

Sun Wukong's head and body were separated, and a knife was cut through the middle, and it fell into the air without accident.


Seeing this, the Jade Emperor shouted loudly: "Burn the monster monkey."

In the middle of the fire, Sun Wukong shouted: "Old Jade Emperor, use whatever moves you have, ahahahahaha."

See Burning Monkeys does not work.

The Jade Emperor panicked, "Thunder strikes the monster monkey!"

As a result, it was still useless.

Monkey King is now immortal.

At this moment, Taishang Laojun came to the Jade Emperor, "Your Majesty, that demon monkey has become a vajra body after eating the flat peach elixir."

"Mo Ruo, put him in the Eight Diagrams Furnace and burn him with civil and military fire for 49 days."

"At that time, it will be reduced to ashes!"

The Jade Emperor nodded, "Okay, let's do it like this!"

One day in heaven, one year on earth.

It was No. 30 seven days when Sun Wukong was thrown into the gossip furnace.

Su Ye took pills day after day, and finally.

His combat power broke through quadrillions, reaching 5655.45 trillion.

That is, the mid-stage realm of a saint.

However, he always felt that something was wrong.

"I lack magic weapons and supernatural powers now."

"Of course, it's okay if you don't have one, it's better if you have one."

Su Ye whispered, analyzing his current combat power.

If there were treasures everywhere at the beginning of the prehistoric era, you could collect them casually.

Unfortunately, this is Journey to the West.

The treasures he got were of little help to him.

But the treasures that could help him in combat were out of reach.

Feeling the vast mana all over his body, Su Ye thought about it and forgot.

It seems that it can only be crushed with force!
Su Ye told Chu Wei how he felt.


The main world analyzed the result, "It should be like this, although your combat power has reached the realm of a saint."

"However, according to the analysis of experts, it is very likely that the holy seat is full."

"That is to say, if you want to become a saint and get the approval of the Dao, you have to kill a saint."

Su Ye pondered for a while, "Is there any difference?"

Chu Wei quickly said: "According to the original book, the accomplished saint can comprehend the way of rules."

"It's not a saint, no matter how strong you are, you can't comprehend the rules of heaven and earth."

Su Ye sighed, "So, I have to find a chance to kill a saint."

"That's right!"

Su Ye thought for a while and continued to ask: "How long will Monkey King come out?"

"There are still twelve days."

"Oh, then continue to take the pill."

Time passed little by little.

Sometimes Su Ye got tired of eating, so he went out to have a tooth-taping festival, wandering around.

After wandering around, he found another place to hang around and take the elixir.


He went to Dongtu to investigate the situation.

It's just that in the current timeline, naturally there is no Datang yet.

There are only some wise and undeveloped human races.

He had been to Wuzhuang Temple, and asked the Great Immortal Zhenyuan to get some ginseng fruit.

Not to mention, the taste is very good.

Heavenly Court, Tusita Palace.

In front of the Eight Diagrams Stove, a boy who was fanning the fire smiled and said, "Master, I have been practicing for more than 40 days."

"That monstrous monkey has probably been turned into ashes already!"

Laojun looked at the boy with a smile on his face, "This monster monkey ate the flat peaches and my elixir, he committed a crime and cannot live!"

(End of this chapter)

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