Chapter 469
It's just that it didn't take too long for Laojun to be happy.

Sun Wukong shouted from inside the alchemy furnace, "Old man, don't be happy, my old grandson is still alive, ah, hahahaha"

Laojun's expression changed instantly, "Fan, fan me hard!"

"Old man, you smoked my eyes!"

"Let me out quickly, or I will destroy your pill furnace."

Hearing that the monster monkey was still clamoring, the old gentleman became impatient and pointed at the alchemy furnace, "Bold monster monkey, watch me train him with the three-flavored real fire."

After Laojun finished speaking, he flicked the dust whisk in his hand, and cast the magic formula.

The flame in the pill furnace suddenly changed.

The next moment, Sun Wukong's cry of pain came from inside the pill furnace.

the other side.

Su Ye was on his way to look for Patriarch Styx at this time.

In a few years, Monkey will be out of the oven.

And his combat power at this moment has reached the late saint stage, with a combat power of more than 7000 trillion.

Why not keep improving.

That's because he now has a vast body of mana and lacks the magical power to use mana.

After looking for information over and over again in the main world.

I found a more suitable target.

That is Patriarch Styx!

This is an innate creature who has lived from the prehistoric period to the present.

Of course, this person's strength is infinitely close to that of a saint, and even has the strength of a saint, but he is not a saint.

Why is he not a saint as an innate soul?
Because, his road narrowed!

At the beginning, Minghe learned the method of Nuwa's creation of man after seeing Nuwa's creation of man, and created the Asura clan.

According to the information recorded in the original work.

After Pangu opened the sky, a ball of dirty blood fell from his body, which was a Nether Blood Sea.

In the Nether Blood Sea, there is a placenta in which the ancestor of Styx conceived.

He was born with two swords named Yuantu and Abi.

The placenta is transformed into a twelve-rank blood lotus (also known as a twelve-rank karma fire red lotus), together with the twelve-rank golden lotus platform that guides Taoists in the West, and the twelve-rank black lotus of the demon ancestor Luohu, a total of 36 innate chaos lotus Taiwanese.

It's just that later a six-winged mosquito Taoist was bred in the blood sea, bit the leading lotus platform and sucked out the third rank, so the lotus platform that was guided was only ninth rank.

In addition, after the death of Demon Ancestor Luohu, some demon gods fled to the sea of ​​blood. Since these demon gods were high-ranking generals, Styx treated them very well.

Therefore, after receiving guidance, he sent Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to copy scriptures and chant Buddha by the sea of ​​blood.

And said: Hell is not empty, vow not to become a Buddha.

Among them, the two swords of Yuantu and Abi are what Su Ye wants to get the most.

These two swords kill life without touching cause and effect, and they are good things.

As long as the Patriarch Styx is killed, not only will his abilities and supernatural powers burst out, but also the method that 8000 million blood god son clones practiced, the blood river formation and so on.

By the way, there are twelve grades of blood lotus.

If you don't look for him, who are you looking for?

Soon, Su Ye came to the underworld first.

In this legendary place of the Xia Kingdom, he visited curiously for a while, satisfying the curiosity of the audience in the main world.

Especially the [-]th floor of hell, which made many people with bad character in the main world terrified, wishing they could go to the road to help the old lady cross the road immediately.

And when Su Ye's saintly momentum was released.

Immediately, a ghost obediently led him to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

Due to Su Ye's strength.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva didn't say anything, but just passed the news of a mysterious person with the power of a saint back to the Western religion.

Not long.

Su Ye saw the majestic sea of ​​blood.

"who are you?"

A voice came from nowhere, resounding in Su Ye's ears.

Before Su Ye could reply, a bloody figure floated up in the sea of ​​blood.

"What are you doing here?"

This figure made of blood kept wriggling, exuding a monstrous killing intent.

You know, Patriarch Styx created his own Shajiao, the teachings are: kill the sky, kill the earth, and kill all living beings.

This is his way, which means to kill all of them once, and his way will be completed.

"Come here and kill you!"

No nonsense.

Already in the strongest form, Su Ye, who had activated all the explosive stages, made a decisive move.

At the same time, the opponent's combat power also appeared in Su Ye's eyes, with a combat power of more than 6000 million.

at the same time.

Patriarch Styx did not reply, and directly transformed into hundreds of millions of clones.

As the entire Styx River boiled with blood, the countless figures rushed towards Su Ye immediately.

Every avatar here is transformed by the avatar of Patriarch Styx, and has the strength of an earth immortal.

And when Su Ye's domineering aura swept across, it was mixed with the might of a saint.

A sea of ​​blood clones exploded in an instant.

Followed by.

Countless air waves began to riot, and the clones of the sea of ​​blood blasted by Su Ye condensed together again, forming a huge humanoid creature made of blood.

The blood giant's mouth kept wriggling, "Bloody lotus platform."

As soon as the words fell, the surrounding blood immediately surged.

In the blink of an eye, a blood-colored lotus platform rose from inside.

As soon as it appeared, the surrounding blood seemed to give birth to wisdom, and swept towards Su Ye.

Su Ye snorted coldly, and defeated the opponent's offensive casually.

"Styx, if you only have this means, then today I will take away your fortune."

Styx remained silent, the blood giant was sitting on the blood lotus that exuded overwhelming coercion, the red lotus turned slightly, and then turned into a red light and rushed towards Su Ye.

At the same time, two innate killing swords emerged in his hands, filled with strong blood energy, and the terrifying killing power swept towards Su Ye in an instant.

At this moment, Su Ye suddenly discovered that the opponent's combat power had suddenly skyrocketed to more than 9000 million.

Is it because of the blessing of Yuantu Abi's double swords and blood lotus!
Su Ye's expression changed.

Without thinking about it, all the mana in his body was released to resist the terrifying power of the opponent.

"Cut me!"

Styx roared loudly, and Yuantu Abi swung his swords, bringing together endless killing energy, gathered into a strange slash and rushed towards Su Ye.

Su Ye in Dijia form first dodged with a teleport.

Immediately afterwards, a series of Ultra skills were thrown towards the opponent.

At the same time, the source of light in his body was also declining rapidly.

At this moment, the terrifying energy shocked the Three Realms.

The underworld shook, and Da Neng watched the battle.

Styx didn't dodge at all, and couldn't dodge, resisting all of Su Ye's attacks.

However, the sea of ​​blood never dries up, and the Styx never dies.

He didn't have the slightest fear that he would die.

However, the opponent's strength was also stronger than he expected.

want to kill each other
"Friend help me!"

Styx gave a low snort.

Three white lights flew out of his body, turning into three figures standing above the sea of ​​blood.

The three of them have the same appearance, but the color of their clothes is different.

The man in white looked indifferent, holding Yuan Tu, his eyes gleamed with gold.

The man in black had a grim look on his face, and he was holding Abi, his killing power surged wildly.

The man in red, with a blood lotus on his head, is burning with endless red lotus karmic fire all over his body.

next moment.

Patriarch Minghe sneered, and the three men also started to move.

Immediately, the sea of ​​blood boiled, and a breath of heart-piercing permeated the air, making people shudder.

(End of this chapter)

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