S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 115 I Really Love You

Chapter 115 I Really Love You

The strength of the snow-white neck was exposed, and on Ji Ruo's elegant collarbone, there were two deep teeth marks at the moment, and there were faint bloodshots in the depths of the two rows of teeth marks.

Looking deeply at his masterpiece, Gu Nuoxian's eyes softened a little, he reached out and touched the tooth marks on Ji Ruo's collarbone, and then said softly: "Ji Ruo, don't say any more words that are appropriate or not."

Withdrawing his hand, Gu Nuoxian stretched out his tongue that was still bleeding and licked his lips. When he did this, he looked so evil and frenzied that it was frightening.

Ji Ruochi stared at him blankly, forgot to answer the words, and also forgot the pain on his collarbone.

"I admit that I did something wrong this time. Because of my living environment since I was a child, I have an extremely cold-blooded personality. In the future, I will try my best to learn to be a normal person, and I will try my best to respect your wishes, but ..." The slender fingers slid across Ji Ruo's cheeks, and Ji Ruo had an illusion that it was not his fingers that slid across her face at this moment, but a sharp blade!
Put your fingers on Ji Ruo's eyes, as long as Gu Nuoxian presses down with his fingers, Ji Ruo's eyeballs will burst.Ji Ruo was frightened and let Gu Nuoxian act presumptuously on her face, while her heart was covered with a thick layer of fear.

"However, you can't say those nonsense about whether it's suitable or not, or whether you want to be together, because I will be angry. This time, it's your first offense. I forgive you. If you dare to have a next time, I can't guarantee that I will Do something." When Gu Nuoxian said this, his face suddenly became serious and dangerous. "Ruoruo, you provoked me first. If one day you start to ignore me or want to leave me, I don't mind breaking your leg and making you sit in a wheelchair for the rest of your life."

Listening to his words, Ji Ruo felt a chill in her heart, and her body and soul trembled. "Hit...break my leg?" Ji Ruo whispered, her trembling voice betrayed her inner fear.

Gu Nuoxian's handsome face was three centimeters in front of her eyes, Ji Ruo stared at this face that made God go crazy, and the factor of fear permeated in her bones.Such a man, launched a coercion, and made everyone submit in awe.

Ji Ruo's morality is still shallow, and in front of Gu Nuoxian, he will always be much shorter in aura.A sentence of breaking your legs completely annihilated those little thoughts in Ji Ruo's mind.

"Well, believe me, if you really want to leave me, I will definitely break your legs with my own hands." Angels with broken wings will no longer be able to fly, and people without legs will never leave again.Gu Nuoxian smiled brightly, but her eyes were as cold as frost.

Looking at Gu Nuoxian with a pale face, Ji Ruo didn't know what to say, she almost lost the courage to speak.

Gu Nuoxian's fingers slid from Ji Ruo's eyes to the corners of her mouth, repeatedly rubbing her moist lips with her fingertips, Gu Nuoxian couldn't help but bow her head and take a sip of the deliciousness, her lips are always so delicious.Gu Nuoxian licked her mouth around, then leaned over to Ji Ruo's ear and said, "Idiot, you don't even know how much I love you."

It was obviously the most pampering and intimate title, but it gave her a chill.love?Who would dare to want this kind of crazy and terrifying love?
"My Ruoruo, if breaking your legs could make you stay by my side forever, then I would have done so long ago. Without your legs, you can't walk or act. At that time, you You will obediently stay by my side, accompany me for the rest of your life, and grow old together. However, I really don't want to hurt you, and I don't want to see my Ruoruo become a disabled person." Gu Nuoxian put his head on Ji Ruo's body and stiffened On the shoulders of the outsider, it looks like two affectionate couples are cuddling.

"My Ruoruo, I really love you so much... Really, really love you so much..." Gu Nuoxian whispered in Ji Ruo's ear as if possessed by a demon.He called her name, whispered "I love you", his tone was full of tenderness.The warm breath blowing over Ji Ruo's skin made Ji Ruo throb.

Ji Ruo opened a pair of almond eyes, staring at the afterglow of dusk outside the window, her heart was very confused, Gu Nuoxian's crazy love, can she really bear it?

Break Ji Ruo's legs so that she can't leave her, can't act, can't be a thief.Just stay by your side obediently.

Gu Nuoxian had this thought more than once. When he first learned that Ji Ruo was Ya Ruo, he finally found the lost and recovered treasure. He wished he could imprison her by his side and never leave her day and night.But this thought was suppressed by him.

Today, seeing Ji Ruo's heartbroken and distraught appearance, this thought came to him again, as if he was addicted, poisoned, and he almost did it.It made him very unhappy to say that he would draw a line with him for the sake of two insignificant people.

Gu Nuoxian knew that he was sick, dying.

(End of this chapter)

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