S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 116 Evil and Perverted Love

Chapter 116 Evil and Perverted Love

The driving car pulled over suddenly, and Gu Nuoxian pulled out his mobile phone to make a call.

"Elder Song, your phone is ringing."

DS is located in a certain training ground of C City Branch. Song Yu is wearing a training uniform and is practicing shooting. Hearing the notification from his subordinates, Song Yu hastily put down the gun and answered the phone.He took off his hat and said respectfully, "Master Nuo, it's me."

Gu Nuoxian's voice came through the mobile phone, it was a feeling of weakness and fear that Song Yu had never heard before, "Song Yu, help me contact the most authoritative psychiatrist."

Song Yu suppressed the worries in his heart, and asked calmly: "Master Nuo, what happened?" He has not had to see a psychiatrist for many years.

Gu Nuoxian rubbed the center of his brows, only to realize that his palms were covered in cold sweat because of fear.The thought that Shicai could hardly restrain in his heart shocked him so much that he was afraid.Gu Nuoxian's eyes hurt, and he replied in a raving voice: "I almost lost control and hurt her..."

After hanging up the phone, Gu Nuoxian curled up in sadness and loneliness. After 20 years of searching and seeking, he was tormented and ran out of control several times. Now that he has found his love, he has lost his rationality and peace.

"Ruoruo, what should I do with you?"

Ji Ruo entered the room and put her whole body on the big bed. A burst of fatigue hit her, and she was so weak that she even slowed down her breathing.

Thinking back to Gu Nuoxian's actions just now, Ji Ruo always felt that something was wrong, she closed her eyes and lay down for a while, then suddenly woke up.Thinking carefully about Gu Nuoxian's confusion and strange expression when he spoke just now, Ji Ruo's back burst into cold sweat, why did she feel that Gu Nuoxian was a little mentally disturbed?
Just as Song Yu hung up Gu Nuoxian's phone call, a series of unfamiliar numbers came in again, Song Yu searched in memory, and frowned instantly.How could she call herself?
"Assistant Song, it's me, Ji Ruo." When the phone was connected, Ji Ruo's voice sounded for the first time.

Song Yu hummed lightly and fell silent.

Ji Ruo played with a strand of her hair, and asked hesitantly, "That... Assistant Song, I'm worried about something. Mr. Gu, is he... a little..." abnormal?Excessive?problem?Ji Ruo thought for two seconds, not knowing what words to use to express her meaning.

Song Yu was taken aback when he heard this, he sighed in an inaudible manner, and replied: "It's not what you think, Mr. Nuo's spirit is normal, not crazy."

The word "crazy" woke Ji Ruo up with a blow to the head.

Ji Ruo briefly recounted what happened just now to Song Yu, and then asked him worriedly: "Assistant Song, please pay more attention to Mr. Gu, I...I am very worried about him."

The sentence I was worried about him succeeded in making Song Yu's face a lot more pleasant. After listening to Ji Ruo's narration, Song Yu said the longest sentence since they met: "Miss Ji, people only care about the people they care about the most. Out of control in front of you, Mr. Nuo really loves you, and he almost lost control because he cared too much about you. Miss Ji, what happened between Guo Rui and Zhen Yue has already happened this time, so don't blame Mr. Nuo too much. You don't understand He, if you knew him as he really was, you would be very sorry to treat him like this."

"Miss Ji, Mr. Nuo's life is not easy. If you can, please try to be considerate of him."

At the end of the phone call, Ji Ruo fell into deep thought. For the first time, she seriously thought about what Gu Nuoxian's past and life were like.She knew exactly from You Ze that he was a powerful figure in the Tao, a global arms manufacturer and salesman, and the leader of the DS organization.

The means are not ruthless, and the position is unstable.

She once saw a dozen people besieging him alone, but he wiped them all out.Such a person lives a life of licking blood with the tip of a knife every day. Maybe Zhen Yue Guo Rui has gone too far, but is he wrong?

There is nothing wrong with asking honestly.It's just that they live in different environments and handle things differently.

Ji Ruo looked up, feeling very complicated.


A middle-aged doctor in his early forties was sitting on the sofa in the office, drinking the tea that Song Yu personally poured.Gu Nuoxian got up, unbuttoned the top three buttons of the suit, walked to the single sofa opposite the doctor and sat down.

"I'm Gu Nuoxian, please excuse me." The elegant man took a sip from his teacup, his handsome face was expressionless, but his attitude was just right respect.The doctor took a few glances at Gu Nuoxian and wondered, this man really doesn't look like someone with mental problems.

"Hello, my surname is Fang, just call me Doctor Fang."

"Doctor Fang, let's start." Even though he was a patient, Gu Nuoxian still dominated.

Dr. Fang didn't mind this, he put down his coffee cup, took out the glasses in his bag and put them on.The doctor who seemed a bit unapproachable just now, because of a pair of glasses, he seemed a lot more peaceful and casual.

"Mr. Gu, tell me about your situation."

Gu Nuoxian put one hand on his right leg and propped his chin with his fingers. He narrowed his eyes coldly and said in a deep voice: "There is a person who is like a drug to me. When I don't get it, I am curious and want to touch it." Touch, after contact, I became addicted, from now on I just want to imprison her by my side, I don't want her to go out to see anyone, no matter male or female."

"She is engaged in a screen career. I don't want to see her in public. As long as I think that she will come into contact with all kinds of people at work, I will be jealous and angry. If I see a man hugging her, I see her smiling at men in the camera , or crying, I wish I could rush up and kill that man."

This is his obsession with her, a perverted obsession.

(End of this chapter)

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