Chapter 117

Looking out the window, today the sky is blue and clear, which makes it easy for people to let go of their guard.Gu Nuoxian calmly expressed his evil thoughts in his heart. Doctor Fang looked at him, and the smile on his face gradually faded.

He squinted his eyes and carefully examined the man in front of him. He was sure of one thing, that was——

The man is terminally ill, and there is no cure for it.

With Fang's face straightened, Doctor Fang stared deeply at Gu Nuoxian, and asked, "So, what do you want to do to her? Forcibly possess her? Or tie her up at home?"

Gu Nuoxian withdrew his gaze, and said seven words with thin and cool lips: "I want to break her leg!"

Surprised, Dr. Fang's entire face turned ugly. "Don't you love her? If you love her, you should protect her well, instead of exercising your perverted possessiveness in the name of love. Breaking her leg is inflicting personal injury on her. Mr. Gu, you should realize that you Serious extreme extreme behavior has appeared in his thinking."

"I know, it is precisely because of this that you are sitting here." The whole person leaned lazily on the sofa, and he looked up at the doctor with cold eyes, "Doctor Fang, just tell me, I'm still sick." Is there any cure?"

"You are not suffering from a mental illness, but are in a daze."

Gu Nuoxian tapped his fingers on the sofa, the answer was within his expectation. "Then tell me, what should I do?" Gu Nuoxian's indifferent gaze swept across Dr. Fang, Gu Nuoxian's lips were tightly pursed, and his tone was not kind.

Cold sweat broke out on Dr. Fang's forehead. He took off his glasses, and said in a very uncertain tone, "There are two ways. First, leave her. This is the only way to prevent her from getting hurt." every part of his body.

Doctor Fang paused in guilt, coughed lightly, and said in a deliberate tone: "There is a second way, try to understand her with your heart, and discover her bad side, and when you see her ugly side clearly, maybe you won't be so obsessed with her." gone."

The tapping fingers stopped, Gu Nuoxian thought about this method seriously, then shook his head in disappointment. "I never said how good she is. On the contrary, she has a lot of shortcomings. She is cold, unable to speak, not sociable, not flirtatious, not lively, and she beat me and let me go for many years When I was a child, I was bullied because my game skills were better than mine..." Speaking of Ji Ruo's bad, Gu Nuoxian smiled as if he was praising a treasure.

Dr. Fang looked at Gu Nuoxian's gentle face and thought to himself, this is a fucking crime!
"Since she is so bad, why are you still so attached to her?"

Why are you so persistent?

Gu Nuoxian put his legs crossed together, he smiled and sighed resignedly: "She is the only one here, and I must have her."

Fang Zhi walked out of the office tremblingly, received the consultation fee from Song Yu, and fled as if taking an elevator downstairs.

——She is the only one here, and I must have her.

Fang Zhi put the words that shocked him for a long time on the tip of his tongue and savored carefully, and suddenly smiled. If you love someone like this, are you really willing to hurt her?He recalled that when he said this just now, the man's helpless and persistent eyes were really moving.

Gu Nuoxian looked down at the steaming tea on the coffee table alone, a few thoughts flashed in his eyes.

Song Yu opened the door and came in, took away the coffee and tea, Zhuangruo said unintentionally: "Miss Ji joined a new crew today, do you want to go and see?"

There are ripples in the eyes, circle after circle, all because of the word Miss Ji.

Arms crossed his chest and walked to the window, the man condescendingly looked down at the ants-like sentient beings below, lost in thought.

Song Yujing stood behind him, looked at his tall and lonely back, and frowned slightly, "Since you think she is the one, why don't you keep her by your side?"

"Song Yu, if you fall in love with someone, and your love is a danger to her, do you still dare to trap her by your side?" He lowered his eyelids, his eyes were lightly sad.Song Yu thought for a while, and shook his head with helplessness, "I have never been in love, I don't understand."

Forgive him for being a rookie at the age of 27.

"Even if I've never been in love, I know that when you love someone, you are reluctant to hurt her. Master Nuo, you are so obsessed with keeping her by your side and not giving her any freedom. What are you afraid of? ?”

As soon as the words came out, Gu Nuoxian's eyes suddenly widened, his eyeballs slid in astonishment, his mouth trembled, it was the first time that he hated Song Yu's sharpness.

What are you afraid of?
His tall body was bathed in the setting sun, which made him feel cold. He will never experience that desperate scene 20 years ago again. Only by keeping Ji Ruo by his side forever can she truly belong to him and never disappear again.

What happened 20 years ago hit him too hard, and he couldn't afford a second time with the fear and despair ingrained in his bone marrow.

A powerful man suddenly became overbearing and unreasonable, but he was afraid of cowardice.

Yes, he was afraid.He was afraid of being separated from Ji Ruo, and it was a fluke to find her back this time. If he lost it again, who would guarantee that we would see her again one day.

"Song Yu, help me contact Mr. Ji Xuan. I'm going to country M to deal with some matters. It's time to tell them about Ji Ruo." Song Yu nodded, and immediately booked a ticket with his mobile phone. When he was free, he asked: "Need Would you like to speak to Miss Ji?"

"No, send a few people to protect her in the dark, and nothing will happen to her."

Gu Nuoxian walked into the room, changed into a business suit, and walked out with a tie. Song Yu had already made all the preparations for going abroad.

"Shall I take you to the airport?"

"No need." Gu Nuoxian quickly put on his tie, looked up at him, "Check if Stanwen is in country M recently, if not, contact him immediately to go back to country M, I need his help. "

The tie was tied crookedly at the neckline, Song Yu frowned, walked to his side, and carefully helped him put on the tie again.

"This tie is the one Ms. Su gave you for your birthday this year, right?" After Song Yu's adjustments, the silver tie with twill on a black background finally took shape.

Gu Nuoxian lowered his head and looked at the tie, his sullen gaze slowed slightly, "What do you want to say?"

"Some time ago, I heard from Master Yanxi that Ms. Su is helping you find a candidate for your future wife recently..." There was an unconcealable smile on his stern face, and after speaking, Song Yu quickly walked out of the office.

Gu Nuoxian went downstairs with her bag, got into the car that had been prepared, and made a call.

(End of this chapter)

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