S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 125 I Love Her To The Bone

Chapter 125 I love her to the bones and ask for the first order (7)
"Well, it's done. You woke up half an hour earlier today." Ji Xuanyu put his arms around her and looked at her carefully, "You don't look good, are you having nightmares?" Ever since her daughter disappeared, she has always been haunted by nightmares. This troubled him very much.

"Don't worry about me, Nuonuo has been here for a while and said that he has something to tell us." The two embraced and entered the room, Gu Nuoxian stopped eating the moment he saw the man.

Gu Nuoxian got up and bowed to him respectfully, "Uncle Ji Xuan, long time no see, you still look good." He was afraid of this uncle since he was a child, and his attitude was respectful and cautious.

The first time I saw Ji Xuanyu was the day after Lai Yaruo disappeared, he rushed to take away Aunt Lai who was dying.After a glimpse, he was stunned by the astonished face.Uncle Ji Xuan is beautiful and dangerous, Gu Nuoxian knows this very well, he also knows that the more beautiful a thing is, the more vicious it is.

His hand has the power to rejuvenate, his brain is invaluable, and the virus he researched is enough to end the world.Back then, in order to compete for him, many countries fought openly and secretly, fighting with blood and blood, but failed.

For a character like him to still be able to live safely, it is hard to imagine how powerful his methods are.

People say that Eric, the leader of DS, is ruthless and heartless, that Yan Luo is the devil, but they don't know that the man in front of him is the real terminator.Flipping one's hands into clouds and turning one's hands into rain, life and death are just a matter of his nodding his head and saying a word.

Black eyes stared at Gu Nuoxian coldly, Ji Xuanyu narrowed his eyes, walked past him and sat down on the sofa.It's not that he is arrogant, it's just that he has always been like this.

He didn't drive him away, it was showing mercy.

"Nuo Nuo, sit down!" Lai Changxi leaned on Ji Xuanyu's shoulder, understandingly helping him out.Gu Nuoxian smiled meekly, and sat down very stiffly.

Ji Xuanyu stared at him coldly, as arrogant as an emperor. "Changxi said you have something to tell me, so just tell me." Ji Xuanyu was very stingy, and he could say a word less, but he didn't say a lot of nonsense.

Gu Nuoxian took a deep breath, unbuttoned the top two buttons of his suit jacket, and with a plop, he knelt on the ground under the surprised gazes of Lai Changxi and Ji Xuanyu.

"What are you doing, get up!"

Lai Changxi was startled and got up to help him up.Ji Xuanyu stopped Lai Changxi's movements, he glanced at the man kneeling on the floor, and his eyes were a little surprised. "The virus broke out early?" After thinking about it, Ji Xuanyu only thought of this possibility. "Don't worry, with me here, I won't let you die."

This child was sincere to his poor child, and for her sake, he would not just watch him die.

Gu Nuoxian raised his head and looked up at the arrogant Ji Xuanyu. In his 40s, he was still magnificent, but his aura was even more domineering than 20 years ago.Lips twitched a few times, Gu Nuoxian said calmly: "There is something I have been keeping from you all the time, before I tell you this, I must first apologize to you two." The apology was sincere in the loud words.


With his forehead on the ground, Gu Nuoxian kowtowed solemnly.

This time, Ji Xuanyu was also somewhat surprised.

"Raise your head." Gu Nuoxian raised his head in response, looking at Ji Xuanyu with apologetic eyes. "Tell me, what are you hiding?" Her beautiful long and narrow eyes glowed with coldness and menace.

"I found Ya Ruo. Out of selfishness, I didn't inform you two immediately."

As soon as these words came out, it was like thunder.

The couple sitting on the sofa were stunned at the same time, and then, Lai Changxi was at a loss with excitement, her red eyes were full of disbelief and doubt.

(End of this chapter)

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