S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 126 I Love Her To The Bone

Chapter 126 I love her to the bones and ask for the first order (8)
Ji Xuanyu froze his body, a faint look of excitement wandered across his face.

The reaction of Ji Xuan and his wife made Gu Nuoxian even more guilty.

"She is in good health, looks beautiful, and has a good personality. She has not let you down. She still likes to sing as before, but for some reason, she became an actress and is now in my entertainment company Work."

"She cleans herself up and is very strong. She is still her. No matter how time changes, her appearance has changed. In her bones, she is still Ya Ruo, and she is still your proud daughter." Gu Nuoxian looked at the sad Lai Changxi, lowered her eyes slightly, His eyes were apologetic.

"Something happened back then, and she was adopted by the famous thief 'Jigong', and she also became a little thief. The father and daughter have a very good relationship. Her adoptive father was infected with the deadly virus, and his life expectancy is not long. This is also my reason. I didn't tell you the reason for this. I don't think this is the best time to tell her the truth."

After silently listening to Gu Nuoxian's narration, Ji Xuan and his wife were obviously shocked.Over the years, they have sent people all over the world to search for Ya Ruo's whereabouts. They have received many messages, but none of them is about the real Ya Ruo.

After 20 years, Lai Changxi is about to despair.Heaven pays off, is their Ya Ruo finally coming back?Missing her daughter so much in her heart but not being able to see her, thinking about what kind of life she has lived in these years, Lai Changxi burst into tears of heartache.

Ji Xuanyu lost his mind for half a second, and soon regained his senses.He hugged Lai Changxi with one arm, and the fingers hanging aside trembled slightly.

His father's love is like a mountain, and his inner excitement is no less than that of Lai Changxi.

"Are you sure you didn't admit the wrong person?" Ji Xuanyu looked at Gu Nuoxian with deep eyes.

Gu Nuoxian was convinced that he nodded fiercely, "Without a doubt."

Hearing this, Ji Xuanyu's tense back suddenly collapsed, and finally exhaled the foul breath that had been held in his chest for 20 years.Ji Xuanyu took out a handkerchief to wipe away tears for her lover, Lai Changxi leaned on her husband's arms with red eyes, tears streaming down her face, as if she wanted to vent all the hard support and longing for 20 years.

I don't know how long it took before Lai Changxi gradually calmed down.

"Nonuo, get up, stop kneeling, and don't feel guilty, I know you are thinking about her, I don't blame you. I know, in fact, you are more worried about her than we are, and want to find her more. Now The person has been found, as long as she knows she is safe, the parents can feel at ease." With a long sigh, Lai Changxi helped Gu Nuoxian up herself.

After kneeling for half an hour, he felt a little numbness in his legs.

"Hey, your 20 years of waiting and searching finally paid off. We, Yaruo, are lucky to meet you. You are a good boy, and I believe that you will not treat Yaruo badly." Lai Changxi shook her hand. Holding Gu Nuoxian's hand, his tone was loving.

My heart was a little moved, it was Ya Ruo's luck to meet him, but was it not a kind of luck for him to meet her?
"Tell us, what is Ya Ruo's life like now, I want to hear."

"Okay, I'll tell you everything I know." After a short silence, Gu Nuoxian told how he met Ya Ruo again, how he discovered her identity, and some of Ya Ruo's experiences in the entertainment industry. Ji Xuan and his wife talked about it again.

The couple listened quietly, worrying about it for so many years, and they felt lucky to hear news about the child now.Hearing that Ji Ruo stole Gu Nuoxian's things and even burned his car, Lai Changxi couldn't laugh or cry, but Ji Xuanyu was very satisfied. It seems that the girl is not a soft persimmon, which made him feel at ease.

Hearing that Guo Rui almost violated Ji Ruo, the couple wanted to tear Guo Rui apart to vent their anger.

(End of this chapter)

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