S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 127 I Love Her To The Bone

Chapter 127 I love her to the bones and ask for the first order (9)
Hearing that Ji Ruo's ex-friend almost made her lose her innocence, and slandered Ji Ruo with the car-shocking incident, Lai Changxi couldn't help scolding.Ji Xuanyu looked at his lover indignantly, feeling helpless and feeling sorry for the child.

It turned out that the child suffered so much.

"Uncle Ji's condition is still stable for the time being, but depending on the situation, he should only have two years to live at most."

Ji Xuanyu frowned, "You said, the virus in Ji Pulin is the same as yours?"

"Well, ten years ago, I got news that the remnants of the Holy Church appeared in country C, and they were secretly looking for a child across the country. I guess they were looking for Ya Ruo in order to blackmail you with her. I don't know why Leaked the news, when I was chasing and killing the Holy Church, I actually met Uncle Ji."

"I guess, when Ya Ruo was rescued back then, Uncle Ji had already recognized the killer as someone from the Holy Church. It's not hard to guess why he appeared there. I never knew when I was killed Later, I learned that Uncle Ji had the same virus as me, and I finally had a vague idea."

"Maybe, their weapons are smeared with a deadly virus. As long as the weapons cut our skin, we will be recruited." In that war, all the remnants of the opponent died, but it was not easy for them to win.

Gu Nuoxian analyzed his point of view, Ji Xuanyu listened, and silently came to a conclusion, "He loves Yaruo very much." No wonder Gu Nuoxian would say that the two of them have a good relationship.

"Yes, in order to give her a normal life, he washed his hands in the golden basin, and in order to protect her safety, he personally hunted down and killed the remnants of the Holy Church. This is enough to show that he treats her as his own child."

Ji Xuanyu's complexion darkened, his mind was full of twists and turns.On the one hand, he is grateful to Ji Pulin for raising Ya Ruo, on the other hand, he has to admit that he is very jealous of their relationship.That should belong to him.

Lai Changxi listened quietly, but she didn't have Ji Xuanyu's strange thoughts. Her mind was full of daughters, and she only wanted to do one thing now, and that was to fly to country C and recognize Yaruo!

"Aunt Lai, it's not appropriate for us to tell Ya Ruo the truth now."

Lai Changxi looked at him fiercely, her eyes widened, she didn't look dignified at all.Ji Xuanyu was thoughtful, but his reaction was slightly small.

"Why? We have been looking for her for so many years. She has been wandering outside for 20 years. She must also want to go home."

"There is one thing that I haven't told you yet." Gu Nuoxian sighed in an inaudible manner. Ji Ruo's current home is in City C, and the family she has identified is Ji Pulin.This is a helpless thing.

"What else is there?" Lai Changxi raised her eyebrows, losing all patience.

"Ya Ruo...has lost her memory." A look of heartache appeared on the faces of the three people at the same time, Lai Changxi was stunned, her eyes turned red again, "My poor Ya Ruo..." She covered her mouth, losing her manners again, I cried on the spot.

Ji Xuanyu pursed his lips and remained silent, his heart was very astringent, he had already heard the clue from Gu Nuoxian's words, as a father, his heart was also very painful.

"Uncle Jixuan, Aunt Lai, I hope you will give her as much time as possible. It would be best if she can remember. If she can't remember, then you have to wait until a suitable opportunity to tell her. After all, in her In her mind, Uncle Ji is her real father, and you..." The rest of the words were bitter beyond words.

And you are just two strange uncles and aunts.

Ji Xuanyu looked into the distance and didn't say anything. Lai Changxi sobbed softly, but she didn't object.

The goal has been achieved, and there is no need for him to stay here, Gu Nuoxian got up, said his farewell, turned and walked out of the hall.Ji Xuanyu looked at him who was slightly taller than himself, his eyes were a little dazed, he still remembered the first time he saw this kid, he was standing in the yard, his face was fair and cute, and he was pitifully short.

(End of this chapter)

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