S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 135 I Love Her To The Bone

Chapter 135 I love her to the bones and ask for the first order (17)
Even though, the appearance of the characters on the drawing paper was imagined by him.

Stanwin once commented on his paintings and said: You are not painting, you are cutting your heart.

Heart cutting is a bloody process, which is very painful. A person only has one heart, and when the heart is cut, life is also handed over.

"Why do you show me these?" Gu Nuoxian looked at Mo Xia with different expressions on the drawing paper, and frowned in confusion.To see them show affection?

Stanwen looked at the person in the painting fascinatedly, he laughed lowly, and handed Gu Nuoxian a piece of drawing paper, a box of unopened brushes and paints. "What are you doing?" Gu Nuoxian looked at those things, but didn't pick them up.


"Let me draw?" Gu Nuoxian frowned, not following Sidanwen's thoughts.

"Well, let's draw, and call me when you finish drawing."

Stanwen put his things down and hurried away.

Gu Nuoxian was a little dazed, looking at the drawing paper, brushes and paints, he really couldn't figure out what kind of medicine was sold in Stanman's gourd.

Sitting alone in the studio, the breeze floats the curtains, swaying and fluttering.

Gu Nuoxian was sitting on the stool, the easel had already been set up, he was holding a 6B pencil in his hand, and he hadn't written for a long time.

Staring at the tea brought by the servant, Gu Nuoxian's eyes were a little blurred, and gradually, he saw the person he had been thinking about day and night in the tea.What is Ji Ruo doing now?Did you have a good rest, did you have a good meal?
Full of Ji Ruo, Gu Nuoxian's heart was filled to the brim.


What he can draw, what he is willing to draw, is only her.

Brows stretched, Gu Nuoxian picked up the pen, controlled his hand with his wrist, and the brush flew on the drawing paper.

In the morning, Ji Ruo woke up, changed into sportswear, tied up her hair, and put on a peaked cap, then took the elevator downstairs and went for a run by the lake.

There is an artificial lake in the east of the artist staff dormitory, which is small in size, quiet and elegant, and is a good place for morning exercises.

When Ji Ruo arrived, there were shadowy people doing sports.

Putting on the earphones, Ji Ruo ran lap after lap along the cement road of the artificial lake.

After running fifteen laps, she was sweating all over, and her hair roots were wet with sweat.Going home along the same road, Ji Ruo walked into the bakery and bought a few egg tarts, four pastry puffs, and two pure milk.After paying the money, Ji Ruo walked out of the cake shop with a small bag, the door opened, a person bumped into her, the things fell on the ground, and the bread was all dirty.

Ji Ruo bent over to pick up the bread, but she was not angry.


The gentle female voice sounded very pleasant.A pair of white hands were boneless and slender. They picked up the bread on the ground and put it into the bag in Ji Ruo's hand.Looking at those hands, Ji Ruo thought to herself, what a pair of beautiful hands that do not touch the spring water.

The owner of these hands must be beautiful.

Ji Ruo raised her eyelids and looked at the woman squatting on the ground to help her pick up bread. She was wearing an off-white casual dress and a white silk shirt on her upper body. She had a beautiful and dignified face, and she looked a little older.The woman's brows are gentle, her almond eyes are full of spirit, and her gaze is a heartache and doting that Ji Ruo has never seen before.

Ji Ruo saw herself in her eyes. In her eyes, she was thin, beautiful, cute, like a child.

Ji Ruo was startled slightly, wrapping her hands around hers.She came back to her senses and looked at the hands holding the backs of hers in surprise, her eyes were blank, her heart suddenly trembled, Ji Ruo trembled all over, her eyes were hazy and blurred.

This person's hand is so warm.

"Miss, did I hurt you?" The woman's beautiful eyes were full of tenderness. She looked at Ji Ruo's face with complex eyes, with a deep affection that Ji Ruo couldn't understand.The woman took her right hand away from the back of Ji Ruo's hand, and her delicate fingers wiped Ji Ruo's eyes, moist and astringent, they were tears.

(End of this chapter)

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