S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 136 I Love Her To The Bone

Chapter 136 I love her to the bones and ask for the first order (18)
"Has it hurt you?" The woman's tone was cautious, and Ji Ruo just stared at her in a daze, forgetting to speak.

She didn't know what was wrong with her, but she felt that this woman was very special.What's special about it, but I can't say it.

Ji Ruo foolishly kept silent, and Lai Changxi felt even more distressed. She put her arms around Ji Ruo, patted Ji Ruo's back, and comforted Ji Ruo softly, "No pain, no pain, no pain. Cry, I apologize to you." Lai Changxi did this gesture very smoothly and lovingly, as if there had never been a 20-year difference between them.

When Ji Ruo couldn't see the back, Lai Changxi's eyes were already red.This is her daughter, the daughter she has lost for 20 years!

Her Ya Ruo was still so young at that time, when we met again, she was already slim and charming.

She arrived in City C yesterday, and has been quietly following behind Ji Ruo, watching her silently.Watching her daughter filming until late at night, watching her running alone, watching her go out with that girl named Luo Tong, she wanted to rush up and call her Ya Ruo several times, and tell her, I am your mother...

She really couldn't bear it just now, thinking about it, she went in and took a look at her. It would be great if she could say a word...Holding her daughter in her arms, Lai Changxi was satisfied and sad, her daughter is doing well , she was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

Not being able to recognize her daughter made her extremely painful.

Ji Ruo leaned against this strange woman's arms, her heart was sore and warm.Her hands are so warm and very nostalgic.

Silently wiping away tears, Ji Ruo felt the strength of the woman holding her, she struggled, and Lai Changxi let go of her embrace. "It's okay, I don't feel any pain anymore." Ji Ruo had returned to normal, but she found that this strange beautiful lady was crying.

"Miss, why are you crying?" A strange lady cried in front of her, Ji Ruo was at a loss.

Lai Changxi was taken aback when she heard her address, Miss? "It's okay, miss, you're quite young, you should call me auntie, I'm already 47." Lai Changxi touched her face, and she couldn't laugh or cry when her daughter called her miss.

Ji Ruo opened her mouth slightly, and sighed, "What a young and beautiful auntie!" I really can't tell that she is 47, and with her appearance, no one would suspect that she is [-].

Lai Changxi asked her to have breakfast, Ji Ruo checked the time, it was getting late, if she didn't go to the set, she would be late. "Auntie, don't worry about it. It's just a breakfast. If it's gone, it's gone. I still have something to do. I'll go first. Goodbye." Ji Ruo left by mistake, Lai Changxi opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she gave up .

Staring intently at her daughter's back, Lai Changxi's eyes turned red again.

Checking the time, it was estimated that it was about the same time. Stanwen came out of the study and went upstairs along the stairs.

The studio door was not closed, standing in the corridor, he could clearly see everything that happened in the studio.

Gu Nuoxian had already finished the painting, and the brushes and paints were put aside. He quietly stared at the girl on the drawing paper, feeling soft in his heart.

"It seems that you have finished drawing."

Gu Nuoxian looked at the painting without making a sound.

Stanwen glanced at the painting, his eyes flashed with surprise, "If I guess correctly, she is Yaruo."

Raising his eyelids and looking at Si Danwen, Gu Nuoxian was puzzled, "How did you see that?"

"Her facial features and browbones are exactly the same as Yaruo's. I have been painting for decades, and I can tell it at a glance." Back then, he had painted for Lai Yaruo by himself. The little girl had a cold face and a pair of eyes. But very brilliant.At such a young age, she is already full of styles, it is hard to imagine what she will look like when she grows up.

Stanwen looked at the painting and thought to himself, she really didn't disappoint, she was pretty enough.

"You are amazing." Gu Nuoxian was quite resentful, why didn't he recognize her at the first sight?
"Now you can tell me the reason why you want me to do this." Before the painting was finished, Gu Nuoxian didn't touch it, so he just looked at her quietly, his mind was full of Ji Ruo.Stanwen leaned against the table, tapped his fingers in the air, and said, "Look carefully at this painting."

With deep and indifferent eyes, he looked at the painting he made. In the painting, Ji Ruo was wearing a black tube top dress, with long hair slung over his left shoulder, a porcelain white pretty face with a smile on his face, and hanging around his neck was a gift from Gu Nuoxian. Black gemstone necklace for her.

This is Ji Ruo at the Peony Film Festival.

"Is there something wrong with this painting?" Gu Nuoxian was confused, he remembered Ji Ruo that day, dazzling, beautiful and luxurious, he couldn't forget it.Could it be that he didn't draw well?Stanwen's index finger approached the painting a little bit, and under Gu Nuoxian's surprised gaze, it landed on the corner of Ji Ruo's raised mouth on the painting.

"She's laughing."

You're laughing, what's wrong with that?Gu Nuoxian asked Stanwen with his eyes, his light blue eyes were stained with a smile, Stanwen looked at Gu Nuoxian, and said without thinking: "You like the way she smiles the most, look, she smiles How beautiful it looks."

Gu Nuoxian frowned while listening.

"Nuo Nuo, if you break her leg, you will never see her smile again." As soon as Stan Wen said this, Gu Nuoxian froze all over, his handsome face turned pale in an instant.His hands were quietly clenched into fists, and his knuckles were white.

"She without a smile, is she still?"

Gu Nuoxian looked at Ji Ruo's inadvertently sincere smile on the painting, his eyes flickered.

"You see, what you like the most is the way she smiles. If you want to protect her smile, then you can't have the idea of ​​breaking her legs. Believe me, if you do that, she will be very painful. And you, life would be worse than death."

After Stanwen finished speaking, he floated away again.

There is only so much he can do. As for whether the child can figure it out, it all depends on him.

After Stanwen left, Gu Nuoxian fell into deep thought.

The smile on Ji Ruo's face was so gorgeous and captivating. He admitted that he likes to see her jumping up and down when she is happy.Is she still her without a smile?Break her leg and keep her by your side, does she really belong to you?
Even if her legs are broken, and she is imprisoned by his side, he can get her body but not her heart, that's not what he wants!
Standing up suddenly, Gu Nuoxian rushed downstairs in a hurry.

"I'm leaving first, you can't be absent from my wedding!" Gu Nuoxian hurriedly left such a sentence, and ran out of the manor like the wind.

The two who were having dinner saw him disappear like a gust of wind, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Looks like he figured it out."

Mo Xia put down the knife and fork, wiped his lips clean, and came to a conclusion.Stanley took his hand and nodded slightly. "Did he just say that he was getting married?" Mo Xia thought for a while and nodded.

"This kid, enough speed!"

Stanwin clicked his tongue twice, looking forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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