S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 176 Wedding Rose Applause Accompanying You

Chapter 176 The Wedding Rose Applause Accompanying You (11)
Tan Gu greeted Min Xiuzhuang with a nod, and replied with a wooden face, "Your uncle."

Gu Yanxi was stunned, his uncle?
If he remembered correctly, his uncle should be 43 years old this year!The man in front of him looks like he is only in his 20s. Could he be his uncle Min Xiuzhuang who has been guarding the mountain all year round? "Daddy, I thought that Uncle Ji Xuan and I were the most beautiful people in the world, but now, compared to Uncle, we are just country bumpkins!"

Gu Yanxi stared at his uncle's serious and pretty face with piercing eyes, almost drooling.

Hearing this, Inspector Gu glanced at him coldly, and corrected him: "Your mommy is the prettiest person."

Gu Yanxi: "..."

When the twelve o'clock struck, the closed car door finally opened.

"Good girl, if you take this step, you will really become my Gu family." Su Xi got out of the car first, and gave a hand to Ji Ruo.Ji Ruo took a deep breath, and was supported by Su Xi to get out of the car.

Ji Pulin left the crowd and walked to Ji Ruo.Today, he was dressed very solemnly. For this wedding, he specially customized a suit. "Come on, my daughter, let daddy walk the last ten meters with you, and life will be considered complete." Ji Pulin stared at his daughter's face with tears in his eyes.

His days are numbered, and it is a blessing to be able to accompany his daughter through the rest of the journey.Ji Ruo looked deeply at her father who had raised her up with one hand, and suddenly smiled. This time, she smiled brilliantly. "Okay! Let's go together!"

The father and daughter held hands, stepped on the soft ground, and walked slowly towards the man who was waiting for them at the end.

When he was a child, he took her by the hand and walked through the streets and alleys. He ate candied haws with her in his arms, checked her homework, cooked for her, and took the trouble to cover her with a quilt every night.In a blink of an eye, the child grew up and the father became old.

Step by step, very heavy and slow.

In the short distance of ten meters, all kinds of things flew in front of Ji Ruo’s eyes, the laughter in the alley deep in his memory, a bowl of warm light porridge when it snowed, the old man sitting under the tree to unlock and match the key... Scenes were staged before his eyes, Ji Ruo followed in Father's footsteps, tears in her eyes.

Father, I must let you live a long life.


Ji Ruo was still wearing the wedding dress designed by Gu Nuoxian herself. She wore a crown and had fair skin. She walked like a noble queen.Everyone looked at the father and daughter with the most sincere and kind blessings in their eyes.

Passing by Lai Changxi, Ji Ruo looked towards her. This time, she saw the man holding Lai Changxi's arms, and also saw Ji Xuanyucheng.Ji Xuanyucheng was wearing a small off-white suit, and kept waving his hands at her. Ji Ruo smiled at Ji Xuanyucheng, and found that the man was looking at her with relief and love in his eyes.Ji Ruo was startled, the way this man looked at her was very similar to the way Father looked at her.

"Be happy, child."

Just as he was about to walk past him, the handsome man suddenly spoke softly to her.

Ji Ruo's footsteps paused slightly, her nose turned sour, and her eyes were dim with tears again.Nodding, Ji Ruo took another step, bravely approaching her destination.

The long veil was swaying on the grass, Ji Pulin and Ji Ruo walked to Gu Nuoxian's side, the former put Ji Ruo's hand in his palm, and entrusted: "I will give my most precious treasure to Gu Nuoxian. You, in the years to come, I hope you will treat her better and be more tolerant."

"I will." Gu Nuoxian nodded with sincerity on his face.

"It's cheap for you kid!" Ji Pulin gave him a hard look, turned around and quickly walked to his chair and sat down, wiping away his tears.At this time, the others followed suit.

Gu Nuoxian held Ji Ruo's hand, teasing himself: "It's really taking advantage of me." He wiped the tears from the corners of Ji Ruo's eyes with his fingertips, his movements were very gentle.

Ji Ruohong rolled his eyes at him, and snorted coldly, "You do have self-knowledge!"

Min Xiuzhuang's indifferent eyes glanced at the hands of the two who were holding each other tightly, and there was still not much expression on his face.

"Marriage is the combination of love and life, sex and emotion. It is unbreakable, like a cage, which gives each other the most reliable world, but also restricts each other's freedom. Marriage binds your future as one, and from then on , you are no longer yourself, but the only precious one of the other party. Marriage is a sacred thing, now, please tell me, are you really ready to live together forever?"

Min Xiuzhuang's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he stared at the two people's faces coldly, not giving them the slightest chance to lie.Gu Nuoxian and Ji Ruo looked at each other, the former's fiery eyes were filled with deep affection and no regrets, while the latter's cold eyes also had ripples.

"Yes, we are ready."

Min Xiuzhuang narrowed his eyes, and opened his tightly pursed lips again: "Before announcing the establishment of your marriage relationship, what do you want to say to each other?"

Gu Nuoxian turned around, looked down at his precious girl, was silent for two seconds, and said in a deep voice: "In the future, there is still a long way to go for you and me. The road you are going to go down may be covered with roses or applause. There may be a lot of accusations. I want to tell you that there are thorns everywhere and don’t be afraid. I will accompany you with flowers, roses and setbacks. I will walk with you through wind and rain. It is meaningless to you and protect your peace of mind.”

He bowed his head and kissed the back of his hand, his eyes devout. "Ruoruo, thank you for being willing to be my bride."

Ji Ruo also lowered her head and kissed the back of his hand, parted her red lips lightly, and said seriously: "I will live with you very carefully, and I will try my best to be a good wife. I promise, when you need to cuddle, even if you are separated In the face of thousands of mountains and rivers, I will definitely run to you in front of you. Gu Nuoxian, whether you are happy or sad, I will always be by your side, never leave, never abandon, never betray."

Maybe I don't love you now, but I swear, in the future, I will not leave you alone.

The sharp eyes gradually returned to indifference, and Min Xiuzhuang spread out the two marriage contracts and said, "Sign on this document, and your marriage relationship will take effect immediately!"

Gu Nuoxian readily put his thumbprint on it, and under his earnest eyes, Ji Ruo also pressed his thumbprint on his own engagement letter.Min Xiuzhuang carefully folded the two documents and locked them in the small cabinet.He looked around the audience, and said loudly: "I announce that Gu Nuoxian and Ji Ruo will officially become husband and wife on April 2036, 4, which is Earth Day. From now on, they will walk together through wind and rain and never leave Don't give up!"

The people lined up stood up and applauded one after another. Luo Tong clapped so hard that his palms turned red.Ji Pulin rubbed his eyes again, thinking, finally married his daughter, even if he died of a sudden illness, there would be no regrets.

A couple of newlyweds left holding hands, and a group of relatives and friends threw white roses with thorns in their hands into the sky.Roses fell from the sky, carrying a group of people's heartfelt instructions, covering their future journey.

(End of this chapter)

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