Chapter 177 If a person is ruthless, pork is not as good as pork (3)
"Hey! Eric, Boss Xu said that he will build the Great Wall this afternoon, and he will win back all the capital he lost to you last year!" He kept banging on the door.

Gu Nuoxian's dream was completely interrupted today.With a long sigh, he pulled off the quilt to cover Ji Ruo tightly, then got out of bed barefoot, put on his trousers and a button-down shirt.

"Eric, aren't you in there? Why don't you talk?" After knocking for a long time without any movement, Andre turned around and was going to go downstairs to look for it.At this moment, the door of the room, which had been closed all along, opened from the inside, and a man with a gloomy face came out.

When Andre saw Gu Nuoxian who was about to kill someone with dissatisfaction, his eyes widened immediately. "I...Eric..." Andre pointed to Gu Nuoxian's well-shaped chest muscles, and looked at his buttonless shirt, and suddenly realized that he had caused a disaster.

"Damn it! Eric, I'm not really interrupting your good business, am I?" Andre felt guilty when he understood the situation.He picked at his conspicuous red hair, wishing he could slap himself a few times.

Gu Nuoxian glanced at Andre coldly with murderous eyes, snorted coldly, and cursed: "You wait for me, I won't let you lose everything this afternoon, so I won't call anyone!" Gu Nuoxian Xian glared at him again, then retreated to the house and slammed the door behind him.

The ear-splitting sound of closing the door made Andre understand that he had really offended Gu Nuoxian.

Andre ran downstairs with a contorted face. In the hall, Xu Mo'an and the others set up the mahjong table and started playing.Seeing Andre running downstairs in panic, everyone had a playful look on their faces.

Xu Mo'an and Pei Renrong looked at each other, and smiled slyly like an old fox.They knew that if they went up at this time, they would definitely disturb other people's good deeds.Only Andre, a careless fool, would do such a thing.

"Boss Xu, I interrupted Eric's good deed just now, he put down his harsh words, saying that he wanted to make me lose everything!" Andre shook the arm of boss Xu Mo'an miserably, that was pitiful.

Xu Mo'an squinted at him with sympathy. "A child with no eyesight." He clicked his tongue, shook his head, and instructed Song Yu, who was sitting upright beside him, to play his cards.Boss Xu ignored him, so Andre had to turn to Pei Renrong, "Ren Rong, tell me, what should I do?"

Pei Renrong played his cards slowly, and then turned his gaze to Andre. He touched Andre's head sympathetically, and said, "Hey, Andre, go and stay aside. If you don't go to the table, you won't be there." will lose."

Andre pursed his mouth, feeling aggrieved.He was about to go to Giselle to complain, but Pei Renrong killed him with his eyes. The desperate Andre finally chose to join Song Yu, "Xiao Yu, you know Eric's temper best, tell me, what should I do?" What can I do to appease his anger?"

"Out of this?" Song Yu didn't seem to hear what Andre said, he approached Xu Mo'an with a dull face, and asked humbly for advice.Song Yu doesn't know how to play cards. Apart from playing guns and necessary survival skills, he can only play Tetris.This game of mahjong has to be guided by Xu Mo'an.

Xu Mo'an fondled his head, nodded, "Well, that's it."

"Oh." Song Yu played the card, and then he had time to glance at Andre. "You mean, you disturbed Master Nuo and his wife when they were in bed?" Song Yu asked this with a cold face, the whole hall was quiet for two seconds, and then there was a burst of laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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