Chapter 178 If a person is ruthless, pork is not as good as pork (4)
Song Yu looked at his brothers and sisters, and didn't understand what was so funny about it. "Brother, did I say something wrong?" Song Yu asked Xu Mo'an like a curious baby, as if he had no nerve in his head.

Xu Mo'an pushed his glasses, and his shoulders trembled with a smile.

Xu Mo'an violated his conscience to comfort Song Yu's ignorant heart, saying: "That's right, Xiao Yu is right." Pei Renrong surrendered to Xu Mo'an with a half-smile, and Xu Mo'an looked at him helplessly.

Song Yu hummed, feeling very sorry for Andre's situation. "Andre, you're finished."

"Ah?" Andre pulled a bitter face, "Is there no way to make up for it?" He didn't want to be targeted by Gu Nuoxian. Losing Gu Nuoxian is simply courting death.

Song Yu thought for a while, and pointed out a clear way for him: "If you really want to make amends, then you must please Madam." Song Yu got up from the table and handed over the rest of the mess to Xu Mo'an. "It's more important than anything else to have a good relationship with Madam."

"Really?" Andre seemed to see the dawn of life-saving.

Song Yu nodded, in his opinion, there was nothing wrong with doing so.

During lunch, Gu Nuoxian and the new couple didn't sit at the same table with the elders, they sat at the same table with Ye Junran and the group of young people that Ji Ruo didn't know.

At the dinner table, Ye Junran was chatting and laughing with the people around him, while Andre kept serving food to Ji Ruo with a smile on his face, one mouthful of his sister-in-law, and he yelled so smoothly.There was a raging flame in Gu Nuoxian's heart, but it was miraculously calmed down by his sister-in-law.

"Sister-in-law, you have a bowl of soup. I heard that the sweet soup with quail eggs and lilies is good for beauty. Our sister-in-law is worthy of being a star. Look at this face, which is tender enough to squeeze out water." Andre served a bowl of soup himself like a pug. Handed it to Ji Ruo, knowing what Andre's intention was, Ji Ruo didn't expose it, and took a sip to save face.

"That's not bad." Ji Ruo rewarded Andre with a not-so-bright smile. Seeing this, Andre seemed to have received an imperial edict, and his whole person became even more stupid.

A table of brothers looked at Andre's courteousness like a living treasure, and his eyes were crooked.

Under Gu Nuoxian's introduction, Ji Ruo finally knew the identities of these young people on the table, and they turned out to be senior leaders of DS.Xu Mo'an and Pei Renrong are the kind of people who are deep, wise and intelligent. It's not surprising that such a person can become the leader of DS, Ji Ruo.On the other hand, Andre, who has been offering engines by her side, doesn't look like a person who can provoke a leader. Andre has red hair, a hot temper, and a short-sighted mind. I really don't know how he got so far status.

As for the other beauty named Giselle on the table, Ji Ruo couldn't see through her at all. She felt that Giselle was a mystery that no one could see through.But what puzzles Ji Ruo the most is how Ye Junran, who is a movie star, is so familiar with these people.

"What are you thinking about?"

Gu Nuoxian saw that Ji Ruo was sipping the soup served by Andre with his head buried in his head, but he didn't speak all the time, and asked with concern.Ji Ruo told him her question, after Gu Nuoxian listened, she explained to her: "Jun Ran grew up with me, he is Dennis, the son of Norman."

"Dennis, Norman?" Ji Ruo was shocked, "Senior Ye is actually the son of Mr. Dennis, the president of L, K International!" If Ji Ruo was really frightened, L, K International is more famous than G&X International International large enterprises.

"Surprised?" Gu Nuoxian put a piece of fish in her bowl, and continued to tell her patiently, "Uncle Dennis is Junran's stepfather. Junran's biological father died 25 years ago, and his mother died later. Remarried to Uncle Dennis, Junran also has a half-brother named Alan, Norman."

(End of this chapter)

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