Chapter 179 If a person is ruthless, pork is not as good as pork (5)
"Jun Ran's mother and Uncle Dennis are here today, sitting next to my mommy." Gu Nuoxian pointed to the handsome middle-aged man with a pair of blue eyes beside Su Xi, "That's Uncle Dennis, The beautiful lady next to him is Jun Ran's mother. Don't underestimate Aunt Wan, Aunt Wan was once a famous female killer, Jun Ran is not only an actor, but also an excellent killer. "

It turned out to be the case.

Ji Ruo nodded, and took another look at Ye Junran's mother, she was a beautiful woman, she was wearing a light blue dress, and she was very warm when she smiled.It is really unexpected that such a beautiful woman used to be a killer.

"By the way, who is that uncle next to Daddy?"

Sitting next to Tan Gu was an imposing middle-aged man, and beside that man was a beautiful woman in a long black dress.Gu Nuoxian glanced casually, and replied, "It's my Uncle An, my father's best friend."

Ji Ruo hesitated and asked, "The Uncle An you are talking about is another head of Yanmen, Mr. An Xiyao?"

"How do you know this?" Gu Nuoxian asked casually.

Ji Ruo became vigilant in her heart, she almost revealed her secrets.Her current identity is just an actress, not the thief Ji Ruo, how could she know these things as a star. "Mummy didn't intend to mention it to me today, saying that the Gu family and the An family are family friends and have a good relationship." Ji Ruo explained a few words vaguely, unwilling to say more.

Gu Nuoxian knew that Ji Ruo didn't want to confess the truth to him yet, so he pretended not to know.


At night, the stars are shining.

The grand bonfire burns vigorously, and a group of young men and women sit around the bonfire, chatting and drinking, and the atmosphere is comfortable.

Ji Ruo looked at the group of strangers beside her who were obviously not familiar with her, but they were her relatives and friends, and her heart warmed.She was so lucky to meet such a loving family, so lucky that she wanted to thank God.

"Ah Ruo, happy wedding!" Luo Tong came cross-legged and sat down next to Ji Ruo. She clinked glasses with Ji Ruo and exclaimed, "Just say what you say and marry!" She looked up at the sky , seems to be caught in some not-so-pleasant memories.

Ji Ruo stared at Luo Tong's beautiful side face, and echoed: "Yeah, thinking about it now, I don't think it's real."

"Hey, don't talk about that, come, we sisters have a drink, I wish you and Mr. Gu a happy life and a happy marriage!" Luo Tong clinked glasses with Ji Ruo again, raised his head and drank it in one gulp.Ji Ruo drank a small sip of red wine and always felt that something was wrong with Luo Tong.

Ji Ruo put down her wine glass, she was very worried about Luo Tong. "Sister Tong, are you okay?" Luo Tong wiped his face, shook his head, and pretended to be chic, and said, "It's nothing, I just remembered that there was a person who said that he would accompany me to the end of the day, but he was caught halfway. People abducted."

"Stop talking, I seem to be drunk, I'm going back first." Luo Tong got up, she took two steps, then turned around and turned around.The starry sky was above her head, and the flickering flames illuminated Luo Tong's face, which was sad and lonely. Looking at her thin body, Ji Ruo felt a little sad.

"Ah Ruo, cherish the person in front of you, while you are young and can afford to love, love hard!" Luo Tong was drunk, and went away accompanied by Xingguang.Ji Ruo looked at her wobbly appearance, got up and wanted to help her, but there was a person who moved a step faster than her.

Liu Yuebo put his arms around Luo Tong's waist with one hand, he sighed, and reprimanded: "How can you be a manager with this amount of alcohol?" He hugged the drunken Luo Tong in his arms, and walked steadily towards the outside of the manor. go.

Looking at this scene, Ji Ruo realized that not only her own life had changed in the past few months, but the lives of the people around her had also changed.Some people got separated, some went to heaven, and some princesses who needed stability finally got their prince.

(End of this chapter)

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