chapter 194
Ji Ruo laughed more and more exaggeratedly, Gu Nuoxian was confused and only looked at her with doting eyes.

"You know that the front is the famous red light district, right?"

"What does this have to do with your filming?" Gu Nuoxian knew that there was a bar street in front of him, and it was a high-end, but chaotic one.Reminiscent of Ji Ruo's reaction just now, Gu Nuoxian's eyes suddenly turned cold, "Are you going to film in that kind of place?"

Ji Ruo stopped laughing and nodded. "Well, what I'm going to shoot today is the rape scene." Ji Ruo covered her mouth with her right hand, her smiling face twitching, "The rape scene I'm going to shoot today is really exciting. I'm going to cheat on Lin Feitong first, and then follow Lin Feitong was caught raped by Wu Yue while her clothes were disheveled. Do you know what clothes I should wear when I was caught raped?"

Gu Nuoxian's face turned dark and he didn't answer.

"Bikini!" As soon as Ji Ruo said this, the car was immediately covered with ice.

The face of the person beside him was as black as a lump of carbon, the temperature in the room plummeted, and the car stopped on the side of the road and stopped moving forward.Ji Ruo held her breath and sat on the car seat, Gu Nuoxian was about to explode, she didn't dare to speak anymore.

"Are you sure, you want to wear a bikini?" Gu Nuoxian put his hands on the steering wheel, looked into Ji Ruo's eyes, and the flames jumped violently.

Ji Ruo swallowed her saliva and shook her head spinelessly. "You heard me wrong."

Gu Nuoxian stared at her until he was about to stare a hole in her body, then he breathed a sigh of relief. "It's okay, you can break the agreement." The melancholy on his face dissipated, and his handsome face suddenly cleared up.

Ji Ruo was slightly surprised, "Aren't you angry?" This is different from what she thought, logically speaking, Gu Nuoxian should be angry.

Gu Nuoxian shook his head gracefully. He unbuckled his seat belt and was about to get out of the car. Before getting out of the car, he threw her a sentence: "I'm going home at night, don't forget to wash up and lie on the bed. It's not over!"

Ji Ruo's face was distorted, and then he remembered that there would be punishment for violating the content of the agreement.

The co-pilot's door was opened by Gu Nuoxian, Ji Ruo looked at him, "Why?" He suddenly let her get out of the car here, could it be that he became angry from embarrassment? "Tsk!" Gu Nuoxian bent over, unfastened the seat belt on her chest, and pulled her out of the car.

"The rest of the way, I will walk with you."

Ji Ruo was held by his hand and followed behind him step by step.When they encountered a red light by chance, the two stood on the side of the road and waited.They held hands tightly, no different from ordinary couples.

Several young people stood around the two of them and kept looking at Ji Ruo, but the man next to him was too imposing and did not dare to approach.In addition, Ji Ruo was wearing sunglasses, and they weren't sure if they recognized the right person, so they could only watch from a distance and secretly take pictures behind their backs.

Suddenly, when the green light came on, Gu Nuoxian stepped up and walked towards the zebra crossing, but his ears perked up quietly.

"Ah, let's go across the river!"

Suddenly, the girl next to her said something nonsensical loudly, and walked across the road with Gu Nuoxian.

Hearing the words of the past 20 years again, Gu Nuoxian had a sore nose and almost cried on the spot.He is not someone who sheds tears easily, he even looks down on those who love to cry, but at this moment, he almost collapsed.

He took Ji Ruo's hand with a little more strength, Ji Ruo felt a little pain in her hand, she turned her head to look at Gu Nuoxian.Gu Nuoxian's face was sullen, his eyes were looking forward, and his expression seemed normal.If it weren't for the abnormal strength of holding her hand, Ji Ruo really thought he was fine.

"What's wrong with you?" Ji Ruo moved closer to him and asked with concern.

Gu Nuoxian shook his head and did not speak.He was afraid that once he spoke, his emotions, which had been so hard to stop, would collapse again.He didn't want to talk about it, and Ji Ruo didn't want to delve into it, so she held Gu Nuoxian's fingers back and comforted him silently.

(End of this chapter)

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