chapter 195
Gu Nuoxian was obviously in a lot of pain. On his forehead, neck, and arms, blue veins twitched suddenly, like an old tree covered with vines, which was shocking.

This sickness...

Gu Nuoxian's appearance was exactly the same as her father's when he had the illness, his body twitched, his face was pale, his veins were exposed, his liver was ruptured and bleeding... Ji Ruo's face turned pale, and many things that he hadn't figured out suddenly became clear.

It turned out that Gu Nuoxian asked for the antidote not to save others, but to save himself!

Suppressing her fear, Ji Ruo hugged the man into her arms with trembling hands.Being hugged by her, Gu Nuoxian was still twitching, but he was still awake. He squinted his eyes to look at Ji Ruo, his eyes were distressed and full of annoyance.

"Finally... or, let you... find out..." Gu Nuoxian was so painful that he could hardly speak, his hands were clasped in the mud, and his knuckles turned white with force.He obviously hid it very well. In the past, the onset of the illness mostly occurred at night, but this time he actually had the onset of the illness in broad daylight.

He doesn't want Ji Ruo to see him in such a mess, he is her man, he wants to be her god, my god, aren't they all tall and powerful?He who is so haggard and embarrassed, is he still qualified to be her god?

Hearing Gu Nuoxian's words, Ji Ruo's heart and nose turned sour.Thanks to her wearing sunglasses, otherwise Gu Nuoxian would definitely see her red eyes. "Does it hurt?" Her trembling fingers wiped away the warm blood from the corner of Gu Nuoxian's mouth.

Gu Nuoxian shook his head, and said weakly: " doesn't hurt..." Even if there are tens of thousands of ants biting and grinding his body at this moment, he doesn't want her to know.

"It's fine if it doesn't hurt, it's fine if it doesn't hurt..." She knew that he must be in pain, but he didn't say it. As his wife, she must leave her husband with the last bit of dignity. "If you feel uncomfortable, just pinch me. The mud is dirty. How can you, who loves cleanliness, bear it?"

She put his hands clutching the dirt tightly into her arms, Gu Nuoxian's hands were tense due to the pain, Ji Ruo almost didn't lift them.

Gu Nuoxian was hugged by her, and he still felt very uncomfortable, as if a razor blade had scratched the bones, the pain spread all over his body, this kind of pain, he had to experience it every two months, this kind of years , he spent a full ten years!
The attack time is half an hour, and each attack is more painful than the last one.

Ji Ruo could imagine the cruelty of the pain that even a person like him could not bear.

There were people around pointing and pointing, and someone finally found his conscience and called for an ambulance. Ji Ruo listened to the noise around him, and looked at the man in his arms who was about to die in pain, and who would almost break if touched, and suddenly said: "Hold on!" , I'll take you home!"

The man who was about to lose consciousness heard this in a daze. He wanted to say that you couldn't hold me, but he didn't have the strength to speak.For the first time, he leaned into Ji Ruo's arms in a low posture, like a fragile child.

Ji Ruo suddenly kicked off her high heels, she put Gu Nuoxian's fisted hands on her neck, and shouted: "Gu Nuoxian, hold me tight!" Her hands wrapped around Gu Nuoxian's waist like a vine Shoulder, Ji Ruo gritted his teeth and exhausted all his strength to stand up with difficulty.

"Damn it, girl!"

Amidst the exclamation of everyone, the tall but thin woman actually picked up a man who was close to 1.9 meters with her bare hands.Ji Ruo desperately ran towards the car, with only one thought shouting in his mind:

save him!

Gu Nuoxian felt that someone was holding him and shaking him. At the last moment of his consciousness, he lifted his eyelids with great effort, and saw the blue sky, the girl with firm jawline and sweaty forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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